
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 87: Konan is Here 

"Okay, let's do it. It's just right that I haven't exercised for a long time, so I'll take it as exercise," the Raikage said, even thinking of the title he would earn after destroying the Akatsuki organization: God Invincible and Brave, the Most Powerful Raikage in the Universe.


"Big brother is so courageous!" Killer Bee gave a thumbs up and praised him openly.


The reason why he was appointed as the Raikage was that no one could stop him when he decided to act, and leaving the village was a piece of cake.


He didn't consider the possibility of failure. The shadows of the five major villages represent the pinnacle of ninjas, and the Raikage is the leader among them.


The Akatsuki organization, a group of rabble, couldn't possibly be a match for his big brother. Even if an accident happened, with his brother's strength, he would surely turn the danger into safety.


He couldn't wait to go out and find old friends to practice singing and dancing rap.


After Samui and the others watched Killer Bee and the Raikage leave thoughtfully, Samui looked worried but didn't remind the Raikage. In the face of the interests of Sasuke and the village, she still chose Sasuke.


She had fallen in love with that man and didn't know how he was doing now, whether he had thought of her. Samui looked at the clouds in the distance and sighed.




Since Sasuke came back, Guren had no opinion on Miroku and her daughter, but Karin was dissatisfied.


It was okay for Guren to be ahead of her, but why should these two women be ahead of her? Sasuke was really too much.


Did she have no attraction at all? Since Sasuke was so ignorant, it seemed that she had to take some tough measures.


Karin looked at Sasuke, who was napping on the seat, with a smirk. Her eyes were fixed on Sasuke's exposed chest, and she swallowed.


Suigetsu, who was standing next to her, was shocked by Karin's condition. "Oh my god, what happened to Karin? So scary, has she turned evil?"


Karin turned and left, her small leather boots clattering. Suigetsu didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the crisp footsteps faded away. "Why is Karin looking at Sasuke with such lustful eyes? Could it be that she wants to..."


Suigetsu quickly dismissed this idea and hurried out of the cave. "No, I didn't see anything. If it was really what I thought, I don't want to stay here any longer and hate Karin. Anyway, Sasuke was extremely brave, so it was just right for him to deal with Karin so that she couldn't walk the next day."


Sasuke had a dream in his sleep, a very strange dream, but he didn't feel uncomfortable, rather refreshed. The next morning, Sasuke woke up feeling extremely comfortable.


"It was such a comfortable sleep."


Karin came in from outside the cave with breakfast, looking at Sasuke with affection. Her voice was soft and sticky, a stark contrast to when she beat up Suigetsu. "Sasuke-kun, have some breakfast!" Karin put her delicate hand on Sasuke's waist and guided him to sit on the chair.


She leaned in front of him and waited for him to eat breakfast. After breakfast, Sasuke found that Karin was very different today. She wore a white uniform with knee-length shorts and black stockings that made her legs look long.


It is worth mentioning that Karin's state today seemed to be refreshed and very attractive. "Karin, you look so beautiful today."


Sasuke's praise only made Karin roll her eyes. "Sasuke-kun just realized it now?"


Karin hugged Sasuke and whispered in his ear, "Sasuke-kun, can you help me maintain my beauty?"


Maintaining beauty? Sasuke put his arm around Karin's waist. He was not a medical ninja and had no research in this area.


But when it came to maintaining beauty, he did have some experience, and those who had used his methods said they were effective.


The two of them were studying the secret recipe for beauty and skin care in the cave. Guren was waiting outside helplessly. Listening to Karin's voice, she actually had the idea of joining in.


"No, no, that would be a disgrace," Guren suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart and waited patiently outside.


After a long time, Karin came out and looked at Guren with a smile. Guren saw Karin limping in pain and said helplessly, "Karin, you didn't know what to say for a while. When I first met her, I was more obsessed with Sasuke than her, and I pulled him to study every day."


Karin put her finger into Guren's mouth as if she was doing something mischievous. This unexpected move made Guren blush. She was a little annoyed. What the hell was Karin doing?


Karin held Guren's plump waist with her backhand and teased, "Sister Guren, who do you think is more comfortable to hug, me or Sasuke?"


"Stop it. Pain is here to see Sasuke, and he's waiting outside." Guren pushed Karin away and said.


If Pain hadn't come, she really wanted to go in and take part.


"Tsk, let him wait outside. I don't believe he dares to turn against Sasuke," Karin said nonchalantly, with a fox-like attitude.


But she still decided to inform Sasuke. Inside the cave, Sasuke was lying on a chair and naturally felt Pain's chakra.


Sasuke originally planned to wait for Pain for a while before going out, but the voice in his ear immediately made him give up the idea.


"Sasuke, I have something important to discuss. Come out quickly. Konan is here too."


Konan is here? Sasuke couldn't leave a bad impression on her because he would have to rely on Konan to assist him in the future. If he offended Konan, he would lose a lot if she didn't cooperate in the future.


This Pain is too inconsiderate. Why didn't he tell me earlier that Konan is here?


Pain waited expressionlessly, and there was a beautiful woman with a cold face beside him. Her temperament was extremely cold, and it was not an exaggeration to describe her as an iceberg.


"Pain, do you think Sasuke will come out? He obviously wants to give us a snub," Konan said.


"No." Pain rarely spoke outside, but he knew that Sasuke would come soon because this guy couldn't resist Konan's charm.


It was well known that Konan was beautiful, and it would be great if he could use her beauty to control Uchiha Sasuke.


But Pain was just thinking about it. Konan was his important partner; how could he let her stay with Sasuke?