
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 86: The Brother Bee

"Nonsense,"Onoki almost couldn't help but point and curse.


These guys enjoy the highest treatment, but they know how to drop the ball at critical moments.


It's okay to use a beauty trap, but you think taking 500 beauty's to capture Sasuke will work?


"Lord Tsuchikage, I am willing to act as an envoy and go to Konoha to discuss the matter of dealing with the Akatsuki organization. It is said that the Fifth Hokage is working hard to govern, and I believe she will agree to the alliance."


Onoki touched his beard, showing his agreement. Princess Tsunade is the granddaughter of the First Hokage. Whether it is soul power or wisdom, Kurotsuchi's words are not without reason


"Kurotsuchi's idea is not bad. Who agrees and who opposes?" Onoki's eyes were shining.


Several senior executives looked at each other and kept silent. Who would be the first to come forward at this time?


Onoki's purpose was very clear. Discussing how to deal with the Akatsuki organization was one thing, but more importantly, he wanted to establish authority for Kurotsuchi and show his position.


The last person who dared to confront Onoki had turned into dust. They believed that as long as they said no, the old man Onoki would definitely kill them secretly.


The situation of Iwagakure was different from that of Konoha. The power of these high-level people combined was not as great as that of the Tsuchikage. In this territory, the Tsuchikage was the boss.


"Since everyone has no objection, then this matter will be handed over to Kurotsuchi," Onoki said lightly.


Iwagakure knows the power of the Akatsuki organization, or rather, Onoki understands the strength of the Akatsuki organization.


That's why he attaches importance to this potential enemy. Other villages are not necessarily the same, such as Kumogakure.




Kumogakure Village is built on a mountain high in the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist, and thunder often sounds.


Due to the special climate, most people in the village have dark skin, and ninjas mainly study thunder and swordsmanship. Of course, ninjutsu is their indispensable feature.


So, walking on the streets of Kumogakure Village, you can see many strong men, among whom the Fourth Raikage, Ay, is a famous muscular man.


The Raikage has dark skin, short light yellow drifting hair, a white cloak, and green shuriken tattoos on his shoulders.


He always wears a huge belt and heavy armor. Such men are deeply loved by some special people outside.


"Impossible, absolutely impossible." The Raikage, sitting on the sofa with a big horse and a golden sword, is holding a detailed report, looking like he has seen a ghost.


This is the information just delivered by his men. The people of the Akatsuki organization are capturing the tailed beasts, and Killer Bee is also among their targets.


Of course, the Raikage only takes the Akatsuki organization seriously. He knows the existence of this mercenary corps.


Over the years, they have been participating in wars between small villages and earning high fees.


The Jonin next to him said disdainfully, "Nonsense, it's just a bunch of rabble gathered together to ask for it.


Even ordinary Jinchūriki can't be their opponent, let alone Lord Killer Bee. Who is Killer Bee?


He is the most powerful asset for Lord Raikage. Most likely, Akatsuki wants to become famous and make some extra money, so they use this trick."


Although the Raikage knew that his subordinates were flattering him and belittling the enemy, he also felt that this so-called Akatsuki organization would not amount to anything.


However, as the shadow of a village, although Ay didn't believe that Akatsuki had the ability to threaten Killer Bee, he was still cautious.


The Raikage laughed and said, "Tell Killer Bee to stay in the Hidden Cloud Village recently and not go anywhere."


The Jonin who was ready to flatter him again had a headache when he thought of Killer Bee's style. "Lord Raikage, Lord Killer Bee may not listen to me."


He said this was the truth. Killer Bee was different from ordinary Jinchūriki. He has been fighting side by side with Ay since childhood and is deeply loved by the villagers.


No one can control him except Raikage.


Hearing this, Raikage frowned. His subordinates were right. Killer Bee's character is indeed difficult to discipline. He stood up and jumped out of the window. "Forget it. I will go there myself."


The Jonin looked at Raikage's behavior and couldn't help wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead.


He was not used to the daily life of Raikage. These days are also difficult for him.


Raikage's secretary Mabui has a mission that requires her special abilities, so he can only let him take over as Ay's secretary.


Ay's figure kept flashing between the cliff sentry walls, and the lightning flashed, with extraordinary power. He was carefully searching for Killer Bee's traces, and finally saw him on a high peak.


As he expected, Killer Bee was teaching his most proud rap skills to his disciples. However, the content almost made him go berserk.


"Oh, you are all big fools, Bagayalu, Kongfanyalu. Oh, by the way, the Raikage doesn't have rap, and Uncle Killer Bee is very happy, oh, Bagayalu."


Killer Bee pinched his orchid fingers, twisted his burly body with the music, and showed his rap passionately. However, the three people sitting cross-legged on the ground were not paying attention to Killer Bee.


In normal times, they might still support him and make Killer Bee happy, but now the three of them quickly moved away from Killer Bee, fearing that they would be affected.


Killer Bee looked at his three disciples and subordinates in surprise, and sang: "Ah, why are you so far away from me in such a cold day! But—"


" Lightning Release: Lariat!" The Fourth Raikage flicked his wrist and blasted Killer Bee into the rock wall with one blow, but the Raikage had no intention of doing anything behind his back.


It was true that the Raikage was irritable, but he generally wouldn't attack other people because he was afraid of hurting them.


But Killer Bee was different. Killer Bee's physical strength was not much worse than his, and he was also the perfect Eight-Tails Jinchūriki, and his physical recovery ability was unparalleled in the world.


For various reasons, the Raikage would severely beat up Killer Bee as long as he had an excuse and vent his anger at the same time.


He came here to find an excuse to teach Killer Bee a lesson and make him behave himself, but he didn't expect that this kid would actually destroy his majestic image in broad daylight.


"Bee, you're not a little rapper!" The Raikage held Killer Bee's head and rubbed it against the rock wall.


It took about the time of a sigh.


Killer Bee sat on the ground, looking at the Fourth Raikage with a bruised face, and said with a smile, "Brother, your fists seem to be softer than before."


"Killer Bee, do you believe that I will throw you into the thunderstorm?" Raikage threatened. This time Killer Bee finally stopped talking. Raikage sighed.


This brother is good in everything, but he always wants to run out and fool around. Otherwise, he would not have to "talk" with him every now and then and use his iron fist full of love to prevent him from going astray.


"Don't leave Kumogakure recently, Bee. The situation outside is too complicated."


"Tsk," Killer Bee pulled the Raikage's belt, stood up, and said dissatisfiedly, "Brother, this is not like your style! Isn't it just the Akatsuki organization? Timid. Brother, you are so wise and powerful, even if the entire Akatsuki organization moves out, it can't be your opponent. Instead of guarding against them, it's better to take the initiative."


The Raikage felt very pleased with Killer Bee's flattery. In fact, he felt that what he said made some sense.


His father, the Third Raikage, could fight against ten thousand people alone and was known as the strongest man on earth.


The Fourth Raikage rubbed his chin. He was considering whether to adopt Killer Bee's suggestion and wipe out the Akatsuki organization's lair alone.


There was only a baby from the Hidden Rain Village, and Hanzo of the Salamander was already dead.


He didn't believe that anyone could be his opponent. By then, his reputation would resound throughout the ninja world again.