
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 76: Quickly Capture the Brother in law

In the Sand Village, Deidara was looking at the boy with dark circles under his eyes with an embarrassed look on his face.


"What bad luck, I slipped and fell from the sky. And people saw it," Deidara thought, feeling embarrassed. He asked, "Why aren't you sleeping in the middle of the night? Damn Sand Village kid."


Gaara folded his hands, looked at Deidara's handsome appearance and the red cloud windbreaker on his body, and asked, "Are all the people in Akatsuki so funny?"


In the gap between talking, the sand under their feet was quietly flowing, and Deidara noticed this movement. "What wonderful control ability," he thought.


Under the moonlight, Deidara finally saw Gaara's full appearance. He immediately took off into the air, as he didn't want to come into face-to-face contact with the Jinchūriki.


Deidara quickly threw a piece of clay into his mouth and chewed it. Soon, countless tiny clay spiders fell down.


Gaara calmly controlled the sand to catch Deidara flying in the air. The sand in the sky gathered from time to time to form big hands and fists, but all of them were avoided by Deidara.


"Hehe, it's time to perform. C1 clay spider," he declared.


The white clay spider entered the shifting sand silently.


Gaara and Deidara started a duel of ninjutsu: one with absolute defense, the other an explosive maniac.


The scene was extremely spectacular, and the entire Sand Village was in chaos. However, the others had no ability to fight in the air, so they could only watch.


Gaara hid in a huge sandstone sphere and controlled the sand to chase Deidara.


"Sand Binding Coffin!"


The huge hand of sand closed around Deidara, who quickly used an explosion to escape and glanced at the egg-like sandstone sphere suspended in the air.


"According to intelligence, Gaara usually carries some special sand, which can instantly form a defense and also be used for attack. That is the so-called absolute defense. If you want to defeat him, you must first get rid of the sand," Deidara thought.


He touched his pocket and realized, "There is not much clay left. It seems that we have to fight quickly."


"It's time to use this killer move," Deidara took out a weird clay puppet and smiled cruelly. "Gaara, can you block the bomb that is enough to blow up the entire village?"


Deidara dodged Gaara's sand with difficulty. Seeing the sand outside Gaara start to attack him, Deidara shouted, "Now! C3 No. 18!"


The puppet was dropped from the sky by Deidara and expanded rapidly. The bomb was as big as a building. If it fell on the village, it would be the end.


In a hurry, Gaara directly mobilized the special sand containing a lot of chakra around his body to form a circular defense, covering the entire Sand Village.


How could Deidara miss this opportunity? The time when these sands left Gaara was the weakest time for defense.


"C2 Dragon!"


Even if Gaara mobilized the sand defense, it would be useless because the sand was mixed with the spider bombs that Deidara had just scattered.


"Art is an explosion. Fall down! Gaara, it's not shameful to lose to a man like me." Deidara made a seal with one hand to detonate the clay spider mixed in Gaara's sand.


He expected that Gaara, who blocked the dragon bomb, would definitely not be able to block the spider bomb. "Finally solved you, Gaara."


The roar of the explosion resounded through the night. Deidara stood on the clay sculpture with a look of exhaustion and exhaled.


He wanted to approach and take Gaara away, but a familiar voice came from behind him at the moment of approaching.


"Is it Brother Sasori's voice?" Sasori was standing behind Deidara, looking coldly at the falling sand where Gaara was hiding.


"Deidara, you almost died. Did you know that?"


Just when Deidara looked suspicious, Sasori controlled the Hiruko, and the steel scorpion tail in the ghost mask behind him pierced directly into the sand.


The yellow sand exploded, and the figure of Gaara's tanuki form appeared. Although he was exhausted, he still had the ability to resist.


Looking at the Hiruko around Gaara, Deidara's face turned black. If Deidara had rashly entered just now, he would probably have been stabbed into a hedgehog.


Deidara couldn't believe it, "How is it possible? He took my spider bomb head-on and only got this little bit of injury?"


Seeing the look of despair, Deidara said stubbornly, "If my body hadn't recovered yet, I would have taken him down long ago. Gaara, you tough guy, go to hell!"


He then attacked Gaara again. With the cooperation of Sasori, Gaara, who was already at the end of his strength, was quickly defeated. His chakra had been exhausted.


Sasori looked at Gaara, who was exhausted, without any interest. The huge scorpion tail pierced Gaara's calf and then threw him to Deidara.


"Deidara, let's go. You've wasted a lot of time."


"Got it."


In a moment of confusion, Gaara glanced at the village below. Deidara and the others took Gaara away, leaving only the people of the Sand Village below.


Kankurō chased after them and shouted, "Maki Jonin, you take your men to follow me. I will mark the way along the path."


Seeing Gaara being taken away by outsiders, Kankurō was filled with resentment. "If it weren't for protecting the village, how could Gaara's absolute defense be broken so easily? Damn Akatsuki. If Sasuke-kun were here, he would never let Gaara be bullied."


Kankurō, feeling powerless, thought of Sasuke who had once made him fall into despair.


If Kankurō knew that this action against Gaara was led by Sasuke, he would probably be furious.


"Okay, so that's how it goes, right? Bringing outsiders to bully your little man?" Kankurō turned evil right on the spot.


"Oh," Kimimaro looked up and smiled, "Sasuke, look, Gaara has been caught."


Noticing Deidara's messy hair, Sasuke couldn't help laughing. It seemed that he had saved Deidara's life. "Deidara, you are too lame. You can be so bad even when dealing with a junior like Gaara."


Sasuke's comment made Deidara a little embarrassed, but he didn't care. It was really dangerous just now.


If it wasn't for Brother Sasori arriving in time, he would have been killed by Gaara. Thinking of this, Deidara got angry and pinched Gaara's face with his big hand.


"Let's go, Deidara. Let's find a place to extract Gaara's chakra," Sasuke urged.


Kimimaro smiled and pulled a few times, and there was nothing in Gaara's body. Deidara and Kimimaro stood there.


After a few seconds, Kimimaro said hoarsely, "Don't we need to gather ten Kage-level strongmen and activate the seal statue to extract the tailed beast?"


Sasuke turned around and smiled, "Oh, because you are too weak, you need so many people. Pain and I will be able to handle it later."


In fact, Sasuke could handle it alone, but he wanted Pain to participate in person; otherwise, this guy would think it was his trick. Wo Fanfan was unhappy because he knew that Sasuke was probably not bragging. This was the man that made Pain jealous.


Finding a dark cave, Sasuke signaled Deidara to put Gaara down. Then he communicated with Pain's thought body, and he left a little of his chakra for Pain to facilitate the contact between the two.


"You stay outside and don't come in," Pain's thought body drove people away as soon as it appeared.


The conversation between him and Sasuke could not be known to others, as it would damage the image of God.