
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 68: Village Hidden in the Sound


Sasuke has reached adulthood, and his appearance has reached its peak. Along the way, he has attracted many young ladies and wives to look back. Their base is in the Land of Rice Fields, and Sasuke is traveling while relaxing. After two years of rest, he needs to relax his body.


Sasuke is in a wine house in a prosperous area, and the boss is a beautiful woman in her middle age. Her plump arms and slender waist are mesmerizing. The proprietress quietly watches Sasuke, who is half lying on the floor drinking, and sways towards him.


"Why are the guests only drinking? These servants really don't know how to take care of people; they deserve to be beaten," the proprietress said as she sat on the ground. Because she was wearing a half-exposed kimono, Sasuke could see a large area of her snow-white skin when he raised his head.


"That's not the case." Sasuke held her ample bosom with his big hand. The proprietress gasped with pleasure.


"Come and have a drink with me." Sasuke poured the wine on her as she screamed. "It's really good wine," he chuckled. Drinking a little wine, having a little fun—who would refuse such a free and easy life?


The next morning, Sasuke left before dawn. The proprietress, wearing a bathrobe, watched his departing figure reluctantly, unable to calm the heat in her heart for a long time. "Men should be like this."


Sasuke didn't know that another woman was fascinated by him, and he wouldn't care even if he knew.


"Hey, old man, is there a bridge ahead?" Sasuke asked an old man carrying a package on the road.


The old man raised his head and, looking at Sasuke's attire, said in horror, "Yes, ninja master, there is indeed a bridge leading to the Land of Rice Fields fifty miles ahead."


"Thank you!" Sasuke threw a handful of banknotes, which landed accurately in the old man's hands, and left without looking back.


The old man stood there in a daze, and when he realized what had happened, he immediately put the money in his trouser pocket and looked around nervously. He was relieved when he saw that no one had noticed and ran away quickly. The old man didn't expect that his old lumbar spine would suddenly feel better, and he secretly sighed that money was really a good thing.


The Land of Rice Fields is a small country bordering Konoha. Originally, there was no ninja village here, but after Orochimaru became a ninja, he bought the name of the Land of Rice Fields, then occupied it and established the Sound Village. As the pride of Orochimaru, Sasuke naturally took over the Sound Village, but he didn't care much about it.


Returning to the Sound Village after a long absence, Sasuke found that there seemed to be many new faces. It seems that Kabuto and his team have recruited a lot of new people in the past two years.


"Hey, who are you? Why are you here?" demanded one of the young Sound Ninjas guarding the door. "If you don't want to die, get out of here."


Sasuke was about to use Shinra Tensei after hearing such impulsive words, but after thinking carefully, he decided to let it go since these were new recruits. If there were important experimental materials for Kabuto inside, it would be a waste of effort.


"Go in and inform Kimimaro, and tell him that Sasuke is here."


The freckled boy looked at Sasuke and said excitedly, "Are you Uchiha Sasuke-sama? Please wait a moment. Kimimaro-sama is out. I will ask Guren-sama to come right away. Fool No.2, you stay here to entertain Sasuke-sama."


The freckled boy's meaning was clear. He was not sure about Sasuke's identity, so he had to wait for confirmation from his superiors. This way, he would not offend the legendary leader of the Sound Village, nor would he give outsiders an opportunity to take advantage of them. Even if there was danger, he would escape under the pretext of reporting, and there would be no reason for the superiors to blame him. He was simply a genius.


"Brother Fool No.1, go ahead and rest assured," Fool No.2, whom Fool No.1 called, said cautiously, not knowing that he had been tricked.


Fool No.1? The name is quite elegant, but the person is too shrewd.


Sasuke knew what this kid was thinking, so he simply stood outside and waited. His impetuous personality had changed a lot in the past two years. If it were before, he would have lost his temper.


After a while, Guren appeared, but she was no longer the Guren in Sasuke's memory. Wearing a purple cheongsam with a high slit, her snow-white and slender thighs were exposed to the air, completely different from her previous conservative attire.


Guren threw herself into Sasuke's arms fiercely, which Sasuke didn't expect. "Sasuke-kun, you're finally back."


This girl used to treat him very differently.


Watching Sasuke and Guren enter the village, Fool No.1's mind was active, knowing that his chance had come. As long as he could be favored by Sasuke and enter the core circle, his fate would change.


Don't be deceived by the peaceful atmosphere in the Sound Village now. Only Fool No.1 knows that all this is an illusion. Even if you are lucky enough not to be selected by Lord Kabuto as experimental material, it is not safe to go out on missions. How can ninjas from small places like them compare with ninjas from big villages? Neither their ninjutsu nor their experience is at the same level.


"Brother Fool No.1, what are you thinking about?" the kind-hearted Fool No.2 asked curiously.


Fool No.1 modelled Fool No.2 head, and said: "Of course I am thinking about how to express my heart to lovely Fool No.2"


"Brother Fool No.1, you are a very good person."


"Hahaha, as long as you follow me, you will be successful one day."

