
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

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131 Chs

Chapter 64: The Defeated Itachi


Nagato has the Rinnegan, Kakuzu has the Earth Grudge Fear, Hidan has an immortal body, Konan wields paper ninjutsu, and Sasori is a master puppeteer.


Although they may not be as strong as himself, their ninjutsu is full of style.


Kisame, who does not have cool style, plans to study some other ninjutsu. On the one hand, he can improve his ability to deal with various situations, and on the other hand, he can also show off. So Why not?


"Kisame, it's decided."




Sasuke and Itachi are fighting more and more vigorously. Not only Sasuke, but Itachi, who just wanted to test his strength at the beginning, can't hold back the excitement in his heart.


"Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Jutsu."


Following the surging flames, a huge Fuma Shuriken appeared in Sasuke's hand.


Although it is not a superb ninjutsu, it is still powerful in the hands of ninjas of their level.


"Fuma Shuriken: Multi-Shadow Windmill."


Hundreds of Fuma Shurikens attacked Itachi from different directions, with extremely strange trajectories.


If it was just a normal shuriken flip, it would not be a headache. The key is that Sasuke's real body is hidden inside.


Not knowing Sasuke's purpose, Itachi would not let him get close to him.




Since Sasuke is so powerful, Itachi will not let him go easily. He wants to see where Sasuke's limit is.


The black flames burned all the Fuma Shurikens and could not get close to Itachi's body. Huh? No. All the Fuma Shurikens disappeared, but Sasuke still did not show up.


"Earth Style: Earth Grudge Fear."


Under his feet, a pair of big hands broke out of the ground, grabbed him fiercely, and dragged him down.


Bang—but just as he sank into the mud, Itachi's body turned into a wooden stake.


Itachi had expected it and directly opened Susanoo. The flaming sword in his hand detonated the surrounding obstacles.


He could only use Susanoo when he was pressed, because he knew the horror of this technique, and his other abilities could not break Sasuke's defense at all.


Also Tsukuyomi had no effect at all, and Sasuke was like an immune body to illusions. This gave Itachi a headache, after all, 80% of his skills were in illusions.


The two giants were fighting in the air, with great momentum.


Kisame retreated, fearing that he would be affected.


Looking at Itachi driving the red cool giant and fighting against Sasuke, Kisame felt mixed emotions. Is this the Mangekyō? Sure enough, they are all monsters.


"Sasuke, let me see if you are big enough to bear everything in the future." Blood was flowing from the corners of his eyes, and he kept coughing in his throat.


Although the two were evenly matched, others could see at a glance that Uchiha Sasuke had the absolute upper hand.


Itachi's body was too burdened, he was completely inferior to Sasuke. Sasuke crossed his arms and directed his Susanoo without any pressure.


"Opening the Mangekyō too early and using it frequently in the later period have overwhelmed you."


"Give up! Suffering from this strain," Sasuke said.


"Hehe," Itachi showed a happy smile,


"You haven't used all your trump cards yet, Sasuke."


"Perhaps I should have waited for you to grow up, and maybe the Uchiha clan would not have declined."


The red Susanoo changed again, and its size suddenly increased. A giant sword wrapped in sealing flames was slowly pulled out, and there was a gourd on the waist.


"Ten-Fisted Sword? You want to subdue me with a seal, naive."


A large number of black chains suddenly burst out from the back of Sasuke's Susanoo, tightly binding Itachi's Susanoo.


"Ten-Fisted Sword and Yata Mirror are indeed artifacts, but they are not unsolvable. For example, the ultimate explosion."


Sasuke flashed away from Susanoo, and under his deliberate guidance, Susanoo almost exploded completely.


But Sasuke still let it go, otherwise he would be seriously injured by this blow. He was panting heavily, but there was no negative emotion in his heart but Joy, yes, joy.


With such terrible power, Sasuke has the ability to protect himself no matter what happens in the future.


Itachi had no strength left, lying on the ground and looking at the sky quietly. "I lost, Sasuke. As a reward for victory, you can take my eyes."


Itachi also deliberately explained to Sasuke the hidden dangers of the Mangekyō.


"Excessive use of pupil power will hurt the eyes, and when the pupil power is exhausted, only despair awaits us. But it's not difficult to solve this problem," looking at Sasuke


"That is the Mangekyō of the fusion of the loved ones."


"What do you think, Sasuke? You who pursue power, don't you want to have the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?"


Sasuke walked to Itachi's side, looking at this wounded man, still not relaxing his vigilance.


He was on guard, or rather, the eyes left by Shisui.


If Kotoamatsukami was used to forcibly change his will, to protect Konoha, to protect the ninja world, etc., he would be finished. It's true that he is immune to most illusions, but he really doesn't dare to bet on Kotoamatsukami.


So, what he is walking over now is the Wood Clone, and it is a special Wood Clone.


Itachi never thought that Sasuke would still be on guard against him at this time.


Sure enough, as soon as Sasuke approached, a black crow emerged from Itachi's body, and the Mangekyō in his eyes went straight to him.


Slowly, Itachi said, "Sasuke, go back to Konoha and protect all the beauty there." Itachi's voice was like the devil's ink feeling.


Sasuke in the dark sneered. He should not show mercy; for those who are stubborn, they should be taken down with all their strength.


The Kotoamatsukami failed to perform, and Sasuke received feedback immediately. He smiled bitterly, "Really cautious enough."


Sasuke wore the wolf tooth gloves, and this time he came to the side of the real body. He was ready to fight, and his smile was not very friendly.


Itachi gave an ugly smile, "Sasuke, what do you want to do?"


"What? Of course, I want to finish you."


Itachi's desperate cry fell into the ears of Kisame, but he couldn't move.


It's not that he was timid, but he really couldn't move.


The mini Shinigami Gate, much smaller, locked his head, legs, and hands respectively. This is the exclusive treatment for the tailed beasts, or Kisame is lucky and knows how to enjoy it.