
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 62: Samui's Submission  

There was a big commotion outside, but Sasuke was still immersed in his happiness.


Samui, who had failed to escape, now had a swollen mouth and a dry throat.


She was unwilling to continue gambling, sure that Sasuke must have used some unknown method to make a move.


"Giving up is equivalent to losing, Samui. Don't you plan to fight for it? Maybe there is still a chance." Sasuke liked Samui's enthusiasm; otherwise, he would lose a lot of fun.


Samui withdrew her mouth in annoyance. She could probably guess what Sasuke was thinking.


Anyway, she didn't care what Sasuke did to her. Scanning Sasuke's handsome face, Samui was not really resistant.


Anyway, Sasuke didn't pose a threat to Kumogakure, and maybe he could bring back the Uchiha bloodline.


After thinking it through, Samui became generous, sitting on the ground, crossing her snow-white thighs, looking at Sasuke with a shy face.


"Since I lost, I will be Sasuke's woman from now on. Sasuke can implement any ideas he has."


Samui's sudden change made Sasuke a little uncomfortable. He was not a casual person, and they had only known each other for a day.


As for going deeper, it was not the time yet. Samui had too many little thoughts now.


For a long time, Samui followed Sasuke with her plump figure. Sasuke had planted Akebia seeds in her body.


If she dared to do something out of line, her body would be immediately blown up by the giant tree. Samui's eyes were sad. She had tried so hard, but Sasuke was still on guard against her.


Turning her face and not recognizing people, she is really a piece of work. "Don't look at me like that; I will be proud," Sasuke hugged Samui's thin waist and glided in the air.


"Besides, I just brushed against it."


One thing at a time, Samui's performance did satisfy him, but the necessary procedures must be followed.


He didn't trust Samui for the time being. Since Sasuke came here, the tranquility of this town had gradually been broken.


"Uchiha Sasuke, the last spark of the Uchiha family of Konoha, and the frequent appearance of Konoha two years ago. The ninjutsu he is good at is the Fire Style, and he is suspected to have the strength of a Kage level. His former mentor was the Copy Ninja Kakashi."


Kisame Hoshigaki read the information in his hand, and his eyes kept looking at Itachi, wanting to see the changes on his face. Unfortunately, he was still cold, as if he didn't know Sasuke.


"Itachi, your brother killed Orochimaru. Aren't you afraid that he will surpass you? After all, you are as incompatible as fire and water."


Itachi glanced at Kisame coldly, his tone no different from usual.


"No matter how strong Sasuke becomes, I am always above him. The gap between the Mangekyō and the ordinary Sharingan is like the distance between the sky and the earth. You can't look me in the face without the same eyes."


Kisame wiped the sweat from the corners of his eyes and asked curiously, "Itachi, you didn't use illusions on me, did you?"


He asked this because he found himself alone after completing the mission several times, and he didn't see the shadow at all.


It's hard not to rule out that Itachi used illusions on himself just to be lazy. The more Kisame thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. After all, Itachi's illusion skills were truly terrible.


"It's better not to know some things." Hearing Itachi's answer, Kisame sighed. Itachi was too lazy to even talk. But Kisame didn't mind. As long as Itachi was happy, it was fine.


Itachi's heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface. Sasuke's growth disrupted his plan, or Sasuke's personality was different from what he expected.


He had heard a little about what Sasuke had done during this period. He was cruel and cold-blooded. He killed people when he disagreed with them.


It was said that he also— It's right to strengthen the Uchiha, but it can't be eaten as a meal.


And Sasuke didn't seem to care about him very much, as if he had forgotten the hatred of genocide.


If you want to, let yourself correct Sasuke's path! Let him really hate himself and gain more powerful power. When he has his own eyes, Sasuke's future will be unstoppable.


Itachi was still immersed in his own calculations, thinking that Sasuke was still the spoiled second pillar, but seriously ignored his strength.


Little did he know that Sasuke could hold him down with one hand.


The two came to the place where they agreed to meet with Kakuzu.


Kisame said loudly, "Kakuzu, why are you here instead of killing Sasuke? The boss asked me to remind you not to neglect your duties."


Hidan subconsciously wanted to say "kill Sasuke," but was kicked away by Kakuzu who had expected it.


As the first elder to join Akatsuki, Kakuzu has lived for so many years and knows that Uchiha is not easy to turn over.


Although he killed the whole clan to join Akatsuki, he left a younger brother. Hidan, this idiot, didn't even think about stepping on Akatsuki.


If he told his purpose in front of him, this operation would probably go wrong.


"We are not ready yet, and we need to wait to kill Sasuke." Kakuzu seriously fooled Kisame.


"So we want to come to Kumogakure to take a look and find out the news of Jinchūriki in advance. By the way, I heard that Itachi's younger brother is also in this town," Kakuzu said in a pretended surprise.


Seemingly careless, but actually trying to test Itachi's tone.


Seeing that Kakuzu was still provoking, Kisame threw Minji to the ground in dissatisfaction, "Stop it, just focus on your own work. I will report everything that happened here truthfully."


It was not until the two of them were far away that Kakuzu took the time to teach Hidan a lesson.


The bastard almost let the 1 billion bounty go down the drain. "Hidan, don't talk when you have nothing to do in the future. I'm doing this for your own good."


Hidan hesitated. His mouth had been sewn shut by Kakuzu with black thread. Forcibly breaking free would only make the whole mouth break into pieces of meat.


"Kakuzu... Big Brother..." Kisame and Itachi would definitely not leave easily. In order to prevent Hidan from talking nonsense, Kakuzu would not untie him before leaving here.


If Kisame and the others knew that they had given up the task assigned by the superiors and did not go to kill Sasuke or catch the tailed beast, with Kisame's personality, he would definitely report it, and then Pein would be 100% angry.


If Pein did not let him manage the financial power in the future, he would cry to death.


Kakuzu couldn't stop feeling sad when he thought about the money going from his pocket to someone else's. He would never let this happen.


Hidan, I've wronged you recently, and I won't treat you unfairly after this is over. If he can successfully take down Sasuke, Kakuzu plans to give Hidan 10,000. 100 as his hard work fee.


Kisame smiled strangely after walking out of the forest, "Itachi, don't you think Kakuzu is hiding something? He's not usually so easy to talk to.


Everyone in the Akatsuki organization knows that Kakuzu is obsessed with money, but this time he is out of character.


You know, in his mission, the head of Sasuke is worth 30 million. Killing Sasuke can not only cause a small-scale riot, but also earn a lot of money.


When this mission was issued, Kakuzu was asked to inspect it. Add a buckle, isn't it? If there is no point in this, it's electric muscle."


"Itachi, do you think Kakuzu's target will be Sasuke?" Kisame suddenly thought.


"I remember someone recently offered a bounty of 1 billion on the black market..."


Kisame suddenly realized that the problem was Sasuke's bounty, and Kakuzu was coming for him.


The people walking side by side showed different expressions. "Is this Kisame? He can actually keep up with his logic. Did he grow a brain?"