
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 54: The Tragic Hidan  

Watching Hidan enter the yard, Kabuto and Kimimaro came out. Kabuto said, "This guy is immortal. Don't let him get any blood, or it's over."


Kimimaro smiled and said, "Leave him to me alone. You guys watch here, I'll deal with him."


It was the first time Kimimaro encountered such a strange enemy, so he was a little impatient. His Shikotsumyaku is known as the deadliest of physical ninjutsu.


"Then we will deal with the other guy. Kimimaro, I hope you don't die," Kabuto half-jokingly said. He knew Kimimaro's ability, and he couldn't lose knowing Hidan's weakness in advance.


Kimimaro didn't answer and rushed towards Hidan in one step,


"Shikotsumyaku: Dance of the Clematis."


The whip is made of bones, with sharp bone flowers on the top, which can instantly penetrate even high-level earth jutsu.


This is Kimimaro's killing skill. When he uses all his strength, he can even completely penetrate the body of a weaker tailed beast.


With Hidan's strength, facing Kimimaro's sudden attack, the bone whip pierced his pleura, and large mouthfuls of blood were spilled on the ground.


Hidan didn't feel fear or pain, as if this was no different from a daily routine for him. He used his feet to draw a formation using the blood on the ground, his face hardly hiding his excitement.


"What a powerful attack! It penetrated the body in an instant, it's so cool. Come on! A little harder! Let me feel this long-lost pain. Let's kill each other!"


Hidan's body was covered with mysterious black stripes, and his temperament became dark and eerie. He smiled and attacked Kimimaro. "Heh, haha."


Kimimaro released the second state of the curse seal, and his body suddenly changed. The huge tail swayed behind him, and a massive bone sword emerged from his arm.


"This is the first time I've seen such a tough opponent. You have successfully attracted my attention."


Kimimaro's physical skills are extremely high, almost maxed out, and with the curse seal state fully activated, Hidan was toyed with like a monkey.


Swish. Hidan's left hand was cut off by Kimimaro's knife, and blood was dripping. Kimimaro wiped the blood on his face and laughed wildly, "I will cut you into a thousand pieces, hahahaha."


"Shikotsumyaku: Dance of the Seedling Fern."


The entire yard was pierced by bone spurs growing from the ground.


Kimimaro pervertedly pierced Hidan's head with a bone spear. Then he divided his body and fixed it with bone spurs. Looking at Hidan, who was cut into pieces, only a mouth was left there to stink.


Kimimaro stepped on Hidan's head with his big foot, and Hidan's face was severely deformed with a little force.


He was in a very good mood. "Is this the feeling of stepping on people? I finally understand Sasuke's happiness."


"Your immortality seems to be just like this, trash." When he was fighting with Sasuke, the defeated Kimimaro had his head stepped on.


It was very ironic.


Today, he finally experienced this kind of pleasure.


Hidan's eyes were wide with anger. He couldn't open his mouth to curse because his lower jaw bone had been stepped on.


Outside, Kakuzu saw Kabuto and others approaching. After fighting for a while, he found that these people were not easy to deal with. The most important thing now was to save Hidan first.


After thinking, he quickly formed a seal with his hands.


"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet."


Taking advantage of this gap, Kakuzu instantly approached Kimimaro, and the Earth Grudge Fear emerged from behind, with countless black threads rushing towards Kimimaro.


Kakuzu's ninjutsu was powerful, so Kimimaro had to leave. Hidan, who stayed in place, was instantly cut into pieces by the black threads.


"Kakuzu... I'm so stupid."


Hidan was originally quite moved to see Kakuzu come to save him, but he ended up being cut into pieces first.


Hmph, he still wants to talk after becoming like this. Two masked monsters appeared on Kakuzu's shoulders.


"Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work."


"Wind Release: Pressure Damage."


"Combination Ninjutsu: Flame Wind Wave."


Kakuzu used combination ninjutsu to create a large-scale sea of fire, which instantly engulfed the entire block, and took the opportunity to collect pieces of Hidan's flesh and escape.


Sasuke watched the battle between the Immortal Duo and his subordinates. He didn't intervene just to see if Kimimaro and the others could win head-on.


Forget Hidan, it's not difficult to deal with him after knowing his weaknesses, but Kakuzu is indeed a real Kage-level opponent, difficult to handle in terms of combat experience and his own strength.


If it's one-on-one, even if Kimimaro knows his weaknesses, it's challenging to defeat him. If Hidan didn't fall so quickly, Kakuzu might not be in such a hurry to leave.


"It seems that I have to take Kabuto to Ryuchi Cave first. He only has Kimimaro, who is at the Kage level, and the others are more or less not good enough and can't hold up."


When Kabuto saw Sasuke appear, he felt guilty. They had so many people but couldn't take down two enemies, and they failed Sasuke's trust.


"Sasuke-kun, I'm sorry, I didn't complete the task you assigned me."


Sasuke waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, you still have time to grow, and they won't be your opponents soon. I didn't take action just to see what you lack in some aspects, and it's not entirely a matter of strength. Suigetsu and Jūgo, you two are too lazy, you're not concentrating at all, are you sleepwalking?"


Hearing this, Jūgo lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Sasuke-kun, I don't like fighting very much."


Jūgo doesn't like fighting and killing. As long as Kimimaro is not in danger, he doesn't really want to take action. Suigetsu is just being lazy.


"Suigetsu, what about you?" Sasuke knows Jūgo's character well, and it's not easy to force him.


After returning, let Kimimaro enlighten him, and there won't be much problem. Suigetsu really deserves a beating, and he dares to slack off in such an occasion.


"Sasuke, listen to me, this is not laziness, I am helpless too!" Suigetsu hurriedly explained, because Sasuke looked at him unkindly, which made him scared.


"Come with me, I will help you wake up and then fall asleep."


Sasuke grabbed Suigetsu's neck and walked out. Other people's problems need time to solve, but Suigetsu's problem can be solved now.


Like to fool around, disobey orders, and slack off, right? Sasuke is ready to teach him a lesson.


"Help! Sasuke, you can't do this to me. I bled for you!"


Kabuto looked at Sasuke's figure walking away and sighed. He had to get stronger quickly, otherwise today's situation would happen again. Kimimaro could no longer share the pressure for Sasuke alone.