
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 45: You are too dangerous, Isobu  

"Hahaha, Sage Arts, they're so desirable."


Kabuto's sudden burst of laughter startled Kimimaro.


*What's wrong with Kabuto today?* Kimimaro thought. *Sasuke said that giving you a chance doesn't mean you can learn it. Sage Arts are not something that everyone can master.*


Although he had a good relationship with Kabuto, Kimimaro didn't think Kabuto could master Sage Arts.


After all, Kabuto was just an ordinary ninja and might never even reach the Kage level in his lifetime. How could he learn something as magical as Sage Arts?


Kimimaro himself was a powerful bloodline ninja, and he knew how much strength a bloodline could bring.


Wasn't Sasuke the best proof? The best bloodline and the most terrible talent had made him what he was now.


"Kimimaro, I know what you are thinking," Kabuto said with a smile.


"I have a feeling that I will become a true immortal, precisely because I am an ordinary ninja. I used to be stuck in the gutter, exploring the truth of the world like a mouse. But Sasuke gave me a new life. I found the meaning of life again. I have been reborn, so I will never fail."


"Kimimaro, you've noticed it too! How free and happy the days with Sasuke are."


"No more talking, let's get rid of this ugly big turtle first!" Kimimaro said reluctantly, not wanting to attack Kabuto, as it was a cruel thing to do.


Kabuto jumped to a flat ground, forming a seal with his hands that was familiar to Sasuke. "Ninjutsu: Darkness Technique."


The Three-Tails, rampaging on the land, lost its vision and hearing, releasing chakra uncontrollably and destroying the forest.




Kimimaro's movements were like dancing, very agile, as he appeared silently on the head of the Three-Tails.


"Full fire of curse seal 2"


"Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru (Dance of the Clematis: Vine)."


This was the most powerful move among Kimimaro's techniques, an upgraded version of the Tessenka no Mai: Hana (Dance of the Clematis: Flower), with more than double the power.


As a formidable physical weapon, Kimimaro's attack burst through the shell of the Three-Tails' head, causing it to explode in one blow.


The blood of the Three-Tails gushed out like a spring, and the beast's angry cry resounded throughout the island.


More than ten kilometers away from the island, hundreds of shadows stopped when they heard the beast's cry. The leader was a man wearing an eye mask, jumping from a high place to look at the source of the sound.


"It's the sound of the Three-Tails. It seems to be angry," said Ao, the Kirigakure ninja who had transplanted the Byakugan, and the right-hand man of the Mizukage, Mei Terumi.


"Speed up," he ordered.


On the island, the Three-Tails, wounded on the head, sprayed energy bombs around frantically. Its attacks became more accurate.


The two people hiding understood that the Three-Tails had adapted to the Darkness Technique. It was not that it had recovered its hearing and vision, but it no longer relied on them.


"It's worthy of being a tailed beast," Kimimaro remarked. "Keep away, Kabuto. Just watch my moves carefully."




"Because this move will be very cool."


Kabuto regretted asking. *It's such a tense moment, and Kimimaro is still in the mood to tease me,* he thought. He quickly fled from the area, not wanting to be affected by Kimimaro's confident move against the tailed beast.


"Be careful, don't kill yourself, Kimimaro!" Kabuto shouted.


Seeing that Kabuto had walked away, Kimimaro's light seal was fully activated. Two huge bone spurs stretched out from his shoulders, breaking through the water bullets spat out by the beast.


He then swung the bone chain whip, dozens of meters long, at the Three-Tails, not taking its water bullets seriously and letting them fall on his body.


Kimimaro, with the power of the world seal activated, made his whole body harder than steel after using his bone veins, allowing him to fight the Three-Tails head-on.


But Kabuto didn't think so. To him, Kimimaro's figure looked like a devil from hell. "Kimimaro, you are indeed a monster like Sasuke-kun"


Kabuto breathed, but excitement filled his face. "But I will soon become a monster too, and even surpass you."


The Three-Tails could not stand the fact that the weak and helpless human could actually fight it physically. It retracted its head into its shell and rolled towards Kimimaro, the barbs on its back crushing everything in its path.


"Come on," Kimimaro's blood boiled, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were red, and his face was distorted with immense killing intent. The pain in his body stimulated the light mark within him to the extreme.


"Hah, I will kill you, beast," he roared.


"Sawarabi no Mai (Dance of the Seedling Ferns)."


Countless bone spurs drilled out from the ground, slowing the Three-Tails' attack significantly. The bones in Kimimaro's right hand continued to condense.


"Kabuto!" Kimimaro shouted.


A massive spiral bone drill, as big as a house, spun crazily. Kimimaro shouted, and Kabuto immediately understood his intention.


A powerful Water Dragon Bullet instantly formed in Kabuto's hand, its power amplified by the lake, and it bombarded Kimimaro's back with great force.


Using the thrust of the Water Dragon Bullet and his own explosive power, Kimimaro hit the Three-Tails fiercely. "Damn beast, watch how I blow you up!"


One was an unstoppable defense, and the other was an unstoppable attack. When the Three-Tails and Kimimaro collided, the powerful shockwave cracked the land around them.


However, Kimimaro underestimated the Three-Tails' defense. He fell first, his arms almost shattered, while the Three-Tails, with cracks on its shell, was still standing.


The enraged beast's first reaction was to kill the culprit who caused its pain. In the Three-Tails' mouth, a round and huge black chakra bullet began to condense rapidly.


Just as Kabuto picked up the unconscious Kimimaro, he panicked upon seeing the scarlet eyes of the Three-Tails and the Tailed Beast Ball accumulating power. If they were hit head-on, both he and Kimimaro would surely perish.


Sasuke could no longer stand by. He inserted the Kusanagi sword at his waist into the rock and used a flash technique to come in front of Kabuto.


The Tailed Beast Ball had just charged and hit the target in the sight of the Three-Tails. Smoke and dust rose up, and the Three-Tails waited for a moment before leaving. Then Sasuke's calm voice came out.




The Kirin shield, which looked like a ghost-faced wolf tooth mask, broke open, revealing the three people hiding inside.


"It's worthy of the Tailed Beast Ball; it almost broke my Kirin," Sasuke remarked. "You are too dangerous, Three-Tails. If left alone, it will lead to great trouble."


"Senpo: Myojinmon."


When Sasuke used Wood Release, the memory sealed deep in the mind of the Three-Tails was unlocked. Just as it was about to escape, three red gate pillars fell from the sky and locked its three tails.


Seeing that the Three-Tails didn't give up struggling even after its tails were bound, Sasuke immediately struck its head.




This time, the beast couldn't move.