
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 44: Sasuke's Promise  

"I will seriously consider it. You may go now," the Mizukage hidden in the dim light revealed her true face.


Her beautiful appearance could make anyone want to retreat, but no one dared to underestimate her, especially in the past two years.


She single-handedly ended the chaos left by the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura, allowing Kirigakure to gradually revive.


With green eyes and long, reddish-brown hair that falls over her right eye, her charm is unaffected. Her figure, fair skin, and blue tube top dress, tied with a white belt, exude an unparalleled sexiness.


This is Mei Terumi, a woman of both strength and beauty.


However, due to her outstanding qualities, she has missed the best time to get married, and Mei hates when others mention marriage in front of her.


Looking at the fog outside the window, Mei sighed, "Kirigakure has suffered so many disasters in recent years. I hope nothing else happens."


Kirigakure has just emerged from the shadow of the Blood Mist Village, and everything is moving in a positive direction. Another blow could be disastrous.


On a remote island, a beautiful woman with her hair tied up high observed the lake's situation with a crystal telescope.


"I will personally capture the Three-Tails later. As for you, Kabuto, you and Kimimaro can just watch from the side," Guren said indifferently.


Kabuto, feeling powerless to complain, thought to himself, *Self-righteous woman. Sasuke doesn't take the tailed beast seriously because his strength is unfathomable. As for you? Simple ignorance. If it weren't for your special bloodline advantage, even I could easily defeat you.*


He decided to use this opportunity to dampen Guren's spirit. She was usually disrespectful and didn't take him, the military advisor, seriously, even scorning Sasuke's words.


Kabuto had willingly regarded Sasuke as the leader and would naturally maintain his majesty everywhere. Sasuke could be approachable, but his subordinates must not be disrespectful.


"Haha, it's rare that Guren is so confident. Kimimaro and I will cheer for you from the side," Kabuto said slyly. "Be careful not to be eaten by the Three-Tails!"


Guren raised her face, not taking Kabuto's words to heart. She needed a traitor to blame. The murder of Lord Orochimaru must have been caused by Kabuto and Sasuke colluding with each other.


And Kimimaro, as Orochimaru's most trusted confidant, was now mixed up with them.


*I will deal with you all slowly after I complete the task assigned by Lord Orochimaru and capture the Three-Tails,* she thought.


Sasuke, standing on a distant mountaintop, saw the three acting separately and watched with amusement.


*Guren is very capable, but if she doesn't listen, it will be a problem for me,* he thought. "What a beautiful flower. I really don't want to break you with my own hands."


The fog on the lake thickened as Guren stood on the shore with Yukimaru.


The biggest reliance on subduing the Three-Tails was this child, who had the same hair and eye color as the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura.


His mother was killed when Orochimaru established the Sound Village years ago.


To get his hands on the Three-Tails, Orochimaru had been sending Guren to protect Yukimaru. But due to the long time together, Yukimaru, Guren, and their group had formed a deep bond.


"Yukimaru, if your body can't handle it, stop," Guren said worriedly. Controlling the Three-Tails required a lot of mental power, and Yukimaru was still a child. Overuse of his abilities could collapse his spirit.


Seeing Yukimaru's sensible appearance, she regretted not accepting Kabuto's proposal so Yukimaru wouldn't have to suffer.


The mysterious chakra rotated in the air like smoke as Yukimaru pulled it, and the sound of the tide gradually came from the lake.


As the waves grew bigger, it seemed a huge monster appeared in the center of the lake.


A giant turtle with a ferocious, wolf-like appearance emerged from the water. Its mountain-like body made people shudder, and a sense of pressure washed over them.


The Three-Tails stirred in the water, forming a massive vortex.


"Is this the Three-Tails? What a strong presence," Kimimaro said with anticipation. At this rate, Guren would be defeated soon, and then he could fight it head-on.


Since breaking through the Kage level, his Kaguya clan's abilities had undergone a qualitative change, and he had no suitable opponent to let loose and fight.


Sasuke looked at Yukimaru, who was controlling the Three-Tails. It was rare to be able to control a tailed beast. It seemed Orochimaru had left him a rich fortune. He didn't have to fool the right thugs slowly.




When the Three-Tails approached the shore, it shook violently, making it hard to stand steadily.


Kabuto looked at the approaching Three-Tails nervously, thinking, *Is this the power of a tailed beast? It's terrifying. No wonder Lord Orochimaru had his eyes on it.*


"If Sasuke-kun mastered the power of all the tailed beasts, conquering the ninja world would be a piece of cake."


At the moment the Three-Tails entered the barrier, the blood-colored ice crystals in the sky quickly froze its shell.


Guren looked at the Three-Tails trapped in the ice and said with satisfaction, "What Three-Tails? It's nothing..."


*Boom... Boom...*


Before Guren could celebrate, cracks began to appear in the ice, and it shattered into white light spots. The furious Three-Tails let out a burst of explosives, causing rocks to collapse.


Fortunately, Guren reacted quickly and took Yukimaru away, but her subordinates weren't so lucky. They were blasted into a bloody mist, not even having time to scream.


Guren's frustrated appearance made Sasuke happy. "Go and capture the Three-Tails! Remember not to hurt the child. He has a rare physique and may be of great use to us in the future."


Kabuto assured Sasuke, knowing the value of Yukimaru from his studies. "Kimimaro, thank you for your direct containment. My fighting power is not as good as yours. It's too difficult to face a monster like the tailed beast directly."


Kabuto made his suggestions to Kimimaro, understanding his own position: disturb the Three-Tails, add negative effects, and wear down its physical strength, giving Kimimaro the chance to deliver the final blow.


What Sasuke admired most about Kabuto was his self-awareness. Despite being weak and ordinary, Kabuto found other shortcuts to catch up with geniuses once out of reach.


With an infinite desire for the unknown and determination to act, perhaps the future immortal Kabuto could be born in advance.


Sasuke's voice reached Kabuto's ears. "After the matter of the Land of Water is over, come with me to Ryuchi Cave."


Kabuto's body trembled subconsciously while gliding in the air, and he looked back at Sasuke standing proudly on the cliff.


"Sasuke-kun wants to..."


Of course, Kabuto understood what Sasuke meant. Sasuke had said he would let him learn Sage arts if there was a chance. He just didn't expect that day to come so soon.


He thought he would have to wait at least two or three more years.


Suppressing his excitement, Kabuto thought, *That is Ryuchi Cave! If I stayed with Lord Orochimaru, I would never come into contact with Sage arts because Lord Orochimaru wouldn't trust anyone. He is a true cold-blooded animal.*


"Sure enough, my decision was right," Kabuto thought. "Sasuke-kun, I will use my actions to prove that your decision is absolutely correct."

