
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 38: The Eagle Soaring into the Sky  

"Is it over?"


Sasuke, wrapped in countless flesh and blood, struggled slightly, and a powerful wave shattered all the flesh and blood around him.


The black, terrifying energy quickly occupied the entire ritual space, and Orochimaru's home court was completely dominated by Sasuke.


Looking at Orochimaru wrapped in black flesh, Sasuke walked towards him step by step.


He said without any emotion, "Orochimaru, you are indeed a rare genius. But no matter how talented you are, you are still a genius among ordinary people. And I was born at a height that you can only dream of but cannot reach."


Orochimaru felt the unrestrained power emanating from Sasuke, and his emotions were complicated. From the beginning, he was wrong. This guy was not an ordinary pawn. This terrifying power was comparable to the leader of the Akatsuki organization. Damn Sasuke, he actually made him go around in circles.


Sasuke caught Orochimaru's unwillingness and said, "You are just a poor man who wanted the power of Uchiha."


"Mangekyō Sharingan." The six-pointed star-shaped Mangekyō flashed with a strange light, and Orochimaru was stunned, immersed in the illusion of the Mangekyō and unable to extricate himself.


Sasuke rushed to Orochimaru and held down Orochimaru's head with one hand. The ritual space of the magic began to collapse, and pure energy entered Sasuke's body.


Unlike the original story, Orochimaru's light seal had been swallowed by Sasuke a long time ago. The current Orochimaru has disappeared, though there may be a chance of resurrection in the future.


However, it is uncertain whether he will be an enemy or a friend at that time. Orochimaru's strength is not difficult to deal with, but it is not easy to kill him. Who knows how many soul fragments he has dispersed in the ninja world.


Resolving Orochimaru didn't give Sasuke any sense of accomplishment because he was far superior to him in combat power.


Outside the base, Kabuto, who was responsible for blocking Yamato and the others, sensed that Orochimaru's chakra was rapidly dissipating. Unspeakable shock grew in his heart.


He didn't expect that even someone like Orochimaru would be defeated by Sasuke. Naruto saw Kabuto in a daze and thought it was a good opportunity, but he was kicked away by Kabuto before he got close.


"Naruto, you still like to be reckless. You think you can catch up with Sasuke like this? No... catching up with Sasuke is just wishful thinking." Kabuto didn't hide his contempt for Naruto. He thought Naruto was just an incompetent ninja who loved to talk big and liked to say a few words to anyone he met.


The top of the base began to collapse due to the fierce fight between several people. Kabuto realized that something was wrong and ran away immediately. The four looked at each other and followed closely. They kept running out of the base, and the sudden bright light made them feel uncomfortable.


Naruto raised his head and saw the figure he had been thinking about. With his clothes half-draped, his slender figure stood on the cliff. At this time, Sasuke was looking at them with interest.


Kabuto was beside Sasuke, halfway showing his loyalty, and his heart was still immersed in the shock of Sasuke defeating Orochimaru.


"Congratulations, Master Sasuke."


Sasuke did not answer him but looked at Naruto with a smile, "Naruto, long time no see. You are still so useless, and your progress is as slow as a turtle."


Sakura was immediately dissatisfied and said aggrievedly, "Sasuke, Naruto—"


A lightning bolt instantly pierced Yamato's hands, nailing him to the ground, unable to move. Sasuke looked at Sakura and warned, "Sakura, I don't like people who interrupt casually."


Seeing Yamato's state, Sakura dared not say anything, for fear that Sasuke would target her next.


Sasuke glanced at Sakura and nodded secretly. It was time to address her.


Seeing Yamato's condition, Naruto suddenly rushed up, but was stepped on by Sasuke in less than a second.


His face and Sasuke's sole fit closely together. With a little force, Naruto screamed under his foot.


"Naruto, you are too weak. I have no interest in you at all. Remember to become stronger and come to me again. It's better to master the power of the tailed beasts before coming; you may have a chance of winning."


Naruto couldn't bear it and looked over, seeing Sai, who wanted to fly into the air, had been pressed to the ground by Kabuto. Sasuke let go of Naruto and waved to Sakura, who subconsciously came over.


Hugging Sasuke, her tearful look made people feel nervous, which undoubtedly stimulated the fire in Sasuke's heart.


Kabuto knocked Sai unconscious and retreated. There was going to be a sweaty battle here, and if he stayed any longer, he might be killed by Sasuke. Sakura stood in front of Sasuke, afraid for the first time. After waiting for half an hour, Kabuto finally waited for Sasuke to come back.


"Sasuke, where should we go next?" Sasuke said, "It seems that you have made a choice, Kabuto. I am optimistic about you. Have you collected the remaining body of Orochimaru?"


Kabuto heard Sasuke's words, and a cold sweat flowed down his face. At this time, Sasuke's voice sounded again, "You don't have to worry. I don't care about these details. On the contrary, I will give you the opportunity to master the same power as me."


After Sasuke's persuasion, the initial trust between the two was established. As for the immortal Kabuto, if Kabuto performs well, Sasuke doesn't mind letting him come out early.


The most important thing now is to integrate Orochimaru's subordinates and then slowly plan the rest. In the next few days, Sasuke subdued Kimimaro, Jūgo, Suigetsu, Karin, and others. Sasuke looked down on other small fish and let them fend for themselves.


Even Sasuke felt a little funny about Kimimaro's reason for surrendering to him.


He had absorbed Orochimaru's power, so Kimimaro transferred his obsession to Sasuke, believing that Orochimaru would be able to come back one day. Before that, he would protect Sasuke. Sasuke was too lazy to explain to him, as long as he was willing to listen.


Suigetsu turned into a pool of water, with half of his head exposed on the ground. "Sasuke, where are we going now?"


Sasuke had already thought about this question. He would go to the Sand Village to protect Gaara first and see how Temari was doing. After not seeing each other for so long, Temari must have grown a lot. Sasuke still remembered the promise he made to her.


The Land of Wind, a poor country with a lack of resources, is far less rich than Konoha. The Sand Village is located in a barren desert. In recent years, it has changed under the reforms of the new Kazekage Gaara, and the village has begun to develop in a good direction.