
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 32: Playing Naruto  

"Why hasn't he come back in such a long time?"


"Could it be that Sasuke was detained by Tsunade?" Orochimaru said worriedly. 


It's no wonder he had this idea; Tsunade is a ninja as famous as him. 


If he didn't know Tsunade's weakness of fainting at the sight of blood, Orochimaru would have no confidence in dealing with her. 


With strange strength and powerful medical ninjutsu, she is not a delicate medical ninja. 


"Who of you is willing to go and find Sasuke?" Orochimaru thought about it and decided not to take the risk himself, instead letting others explore the way first. 


"I'll go." 

"I'll go." 

"Hey, I'll go." 


Kabuto and Kimimaro started fighting over the chance. Who wouldn't want to go find Sasuke? The impression of Sasuke's wealth has been deeply imprinted in their minds these days.Going out with him must be a feast, with singing and dancing. 


Even the usually calm Kabuto and Kimimaro were moved, mainly because it was hard to live with Lord Orochimaru. 


With Sasuke joining them these days, their meals have changed dramatically. Luxury residences, top-notch food, and a large group of beautiful women drinking with them from time to time. 


Kabuto noticed a detail: Lord Orochimaru seemed to have picked up more food recently, and he was no longer high-handed and talking about life philosophy. 


Although they are men with ideals and ambitions, they are also human beings, and enjoyment is an innate nature. 


"You seem very excited," Orochimaru said dissatisfiedly. 


"I asked you to find Sasuke, and you all look so excited. You are not this active when you are with me. Do you take me seriously? Forget it, you go together! If you can't find Sasuke, don't come back." 


Hearing this, Kabuto and Kimimaro looked at each other, joy in their eyes, and quickly disappeared from Orochimaru's sight. 


Standing alone on the roof of the old building, Orochimaru couldn't help but complain, "This place is annoying to look at. Let it hang. Wait for Sasuke to come back and make him change it to a luxurious villa." 


As for why he waited for Sasuke to come back before changing, don't ask; the answer is that he doesn't have a penny of spare money. 


Orochimaru, who has been immersed in various researches for many years, has used all the money he can for scientific research. 


They don't care much about food and daily life. 


The reason why he became picky is that he has lived a good life with Sasuke for a few days, and his mentality has changed a little. 


Once people experience a very comfortable lifestyle, it is like opening a bottleneck, and their thinking will change more or less. 


Orochimaru is not a moron. 


He has a good life but has to find a shabby place to suffer. 


Dawn arrives, and the two people facing the glory bathe in the morning sun. 


Kabuto rolled his eyes and smiled, "I don't know how drunk Sasuke is now, I guess he is already intoxicated by the gentleness of the country."


"Don't joke around. I have no interest in this matter., I am just worried about Sasuke's safety," Kimimaro said.


"Hehe, I know what you are thinking, Didn't Sasuke tell you two days ago that there might be a way to cure your illness? Do you really think I didn't hear it?" 


Kimimaro said calmly, "So what, I really want to cure my illness so that I can repay the kindness of Lord Orochimaru." 


Kabuto knew what Kimimaro was thinking and didn't quarrel with him meaninglessly. 


If we really talk about loyalty, Kimimaro's persistence in Lord Orochimaru is even stronger than his own. 


Downstairs in the hot spring hotel, Naruto and Jiraiya are eating breakfast leisurely. 


"Perverted sage, why don't we go find Tsunade?" Naruto said dissatisfiedly. 


"We have been waiting for a whole night. If it is not convenient at night, is it not convenient during the day?" 


Jiraiya drank a cup of tea calmly and said, "What do you know? We are polite people., If we go up and knock on the door now, what if Tsunade and Shizune are not wearing clothes yet?" 


If it were any other time or any other woman, Jiraiya would definitely not be able to resist the temptation of collecting materials. 


But this is Tsunade. 


After touching the scarred bone, Jiraiya still remembers it in his heart. 


It was Orochimaru who said that a beautiful woman was taking a bath. 


Jiraiya went to see out of curiosity but didn't see anything and ran into Tsunade who had just walked out. 


As a result, he was punished by the law, and his bones were almost completely broken. 


"You seem to be very afraid of this Tsunade, Grandma? Perverted sage," Naruto teased. 


Jiraiya, who was hit in the sore spot, was so ashamed that he taught Naruto a lesson and snatched his wallet to pay the store. 


"You are so young and don't learn well, You learn to gossip like others, Since my debut, I have been invincible in the world. Who am I afraid of?" 


Naruto looked at Jiraiya unwillingly. 


He couldn't remember how many times this unscrupulous teacher had snatched his wallet to pay the bill. 


"Asshole, do you have the nerve to use a child's money?" 


Jiraiya put one hand on Naruto, who had short hands and feet, and said disdainfully, "What do you need so much money for as a child?, Master is afraid that you will lose yourself in money and become a shameful ghost, I will help you solve this problem, Do I have it easy?" 


Seeing Jiraiya, who was the first to complain and distort the facts, Naruto jumped up and wanted to grab Jiraiya's face. 


However, with the absolute size advantage, Jiraiya held Naruto down like a chicken. 


He grinned and said, "Naruto, you should eat more; otherwise, no girl will like you if you are so short." 

