
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 30: Fate is Here



He is very confident in Kimimaro's work because he has never let him down, including the assassination of the Kazekage. 


Kimimaro can definitely be regarded as the biggest contributor. 


If it weren't for his difficult-to-defend Kekkai Genkai, it would not be an easy task to deal with the Kazekage. 


The downside is that Kimimaro has a hereditary disease and will not live long. 


Otherwise, he would be the most perfect container for himself besides Sasuke.


"The rest of you stand by. Sasuke, Kabuto, Kimimaro, and I will go," Orochimaru said eagerly. 


Orochimaru knew that it is not the number of soldiers that matters, but the quality, so he only took the strongest few people with him. 


Although his hands could not be used, Orochimaru was confident that he could control Tsunade because he knew Tsunade's biggest weakness.


"Let's go."


Happy Street was bustling, with many casinos lining the street. 


Today, gamblers from all over flocked to the largest casino in the middle of the street like wolves smelling sheep. 


There was indeed a big fat sheep coming.


"Tsunade-sama, we have no money anymore and can't gamble anymore," the pretty Shizune followed Tsunade, holding a pink piglet and begging.


"What's wrong with a gamble? What if I get lucky? Can't I pay off all my debts?" Tsunade responded.


"You don't even believe what you said!" Shizune looked sad.


The two began to walk through the major casinos again, but this time Tsunade did not lose; she won a lot. 


In the big attic, the casino owner was sweating. 


How is this different from the legend? 


Isn't it said that the fat sheep will lose every time they gamble? 


Isn't it said that the noblewoman who is known as the gambler of millions always loses? 


Every time she wins, even the old man dare not play like this. 


If the casino owner didn't know Tsunade's identity and her usual style, he would definitely suspect that Tsunade had done something.


"I won again, yeah!"


Shizune, behind Tsunade, took a look at the cards, her mood beyond words. 


Tsunade, with a broad grin, was breathing deeply, and the gamblers at the table blushed, but no one dared to offend her. 


Anyone participating in this level of gambling was not an ordinary person. 


It's not that no one had a bad heart towards Tsunade before, but these people, without exception, all had a bad ending. 

Top beauty is rare, but compared with life, they can still distinguish between the light and the heavy.


"Damn, I won again."


Tsunade threw the cards away carelessly, and Shizune took all the chips on the table. 


"No matter what, you don't have to sleep on the street now. I will definitely go to the most expensive hot spring later." 


Tsunade knows her luck in gambling, and the title of fat sheep is not for nothing. 


She always loses every time she gambles and may not win once in a thousand bets. 


But as long as she wins, bad things will happen, without exception.


The night grew dark, and the chips on the gambling table had almost all been swept away by Tsunade. 


The casino owner could only watch them leave, depressed. 


"Hey, I was slaughtered by a fat sheep. If I tell others, I will laugh to death." 


Tsunade and Shizune came to a hot spring hotel, ate something, and began to enjoy a good time. 


The water splashed, and two snow-white and tender lines were looming in the mist, which made people fascinated.


"Tsunade-sama," Shizune looked at Tsunade, who was drunk, her eyes wandering over her body, comparing herself to Tsunade, and sighed.


Tsunade chuckled, swam over, and hugged Shizune, grinning, "I was born with this, but there is also a way to cultivate it."


Shizune's eyes lit up, and she came over and asked, "What?"




"Tsunade-sama, what are you talking about?"


"Hahaha, Shizune is shy. If you don't find a man, you will become an old woman."


Shizune said, unconvinced, "You are talking about me; then why don't you find one?"


Tsunade blushed and leaned against the pool, saying, "Kiss, you want me to find one."


"Do you want to..."


Shizune couldn't stand Tsunade's jokes, dove into the water, and swam to the other side.


"Little girls are little girls; they can't help being teased." 


Tsunade sipped her wine. 


When Shizune said that, her body actually felt a little hot. 


She immediately shut her mouth. 


How could she have such a strange idea? 


However, this idea did not dissipate. 


She suppressed it deep in her heart.


Sasuke and the other three entered Happy Street and followed the road to find Tsunade's trace. 

Kimimaro raised his eyebrows and said, "The latest news shows that Tsunade is in a hot spring hotel."


Orochimaru seemed to know what Kimimaro was worried about and decided, "In this case, we will wait for them to come out of the hot spring hotel before taking action."


"Well, why is Sasuke missing?"


Orochimaru was about to symbolically ask Sasuke's opinion, but he disappeared while they were talking. 


Kabuto explained helplessly, "Sasuke-kun was a little excited after hearing about the hot spring hotel and then disappeared." 


He saw Sasuke disappear with his own eyes, and the moment he heard that Tsunade and others were in the hot spring hotel, Kabuto seemed to see a hint of heat in Sasuke's eyes.


The three of them sighed tacitly. 


Sasuke is good in everything except that he has a bad temper.


"Sasuke-kun, you are really an unusual man!"


Sasuke's figure flashed quickly in the house.