
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 29: Princess Tsunade, Sasuke's Thoughts  

On a rocky mountain, Orochimaru's men gathered.


"Where are we going next, Orochimaru?" Sasuke asked.


Tayuya said angrily, "How dare you talk to Lord Orochimaru like that! I'll kill you."


Sasuke ignored her, but that didn't mean she was safe. Kimimaro, with a cold look in his eyes, moved at a very fast speed, and his bone knife opened a big hole in Tayuya's petite body. Blood spurted wildly, but it didn't move him at all.


"This is the price of offending Lord Sasuke. Remember, there won't be a next time."


Kimimaro's cold voice rang in Tayuya's ears, making her feel uneasy. Kimimaro is Orochimaru's most fanatical follower, and Sasuke's status in his heart is second only to Orochimaru because Sasuke will be the most perfect container for Lord Orochimaru.


Tayuya's slander of Sasuke was a denial of Lord Orochimaru's vision. If it weren't for the lack of manpower now, Kimimaro would have sent her to see the King of Hell.


Tayuya walked on the ground in fear, saying "yes" repeatedly. She was afraid of Kimimaro in her bones, just like a mouse meeting a cat.


"Haha, Kimimaro."


Kimimaro's ability to freely control the bone bud cells and osteoclasts in his body, using bones as weapons, is a natural counter to taijutsu masters. Kimimaro contributed greatly to Orochimaru's success in killing the Kazekage. If it weren't for his illness, he would have also contributed to the assassination of the Third Hokage. Kimimaro being alive was unexpected, which surprised Sasuke. It seems that his contact with Gaara affected the future. Kimimaro won't live long—he's already dying.


Orochimaru is a real human trafficker, kidnapping and brainwashing ignorant children everywhere.


"What are you thinking about, Sasuke?"


Sasuke certainly wouldn't tell Orochimaru that he hated him in his heart.


"I'm thinking that Konoha's pursuers should be here soon."


"Hahaha, after all, Sasuke killed the Third Hokage."


Sasuke spread his hands. "Don't talk nonsense, everyone knows that you killed the Third Hokage. I just couldn't bear to let the old man suffer, so I helped him die."


Orochimaru didn't want to argue with Sasuke about this. "Let's go, let's find someone who can help me heal my hands."




Orochimaru finally did something that Sasuke agreed with. Back in Konoha, the death of the Third Hokage had plunged the village into chaos. In the meeting room, a group of people were discussing.


All the jonins who had not left Konoha gathered there. Of course, there were two more genin, Sakura and Naruto. Considering that they were teammates of the missing-nin Sasuke, they were also called here.


However, Kakashi and others who heard the news couldn't believe their ears. Sasuke had actually betrayed Konoha, and even the death of the Third Hokage had a great connection to him. This came from Jiraiya's mouth, and everyone was silent.


Naruto didn't believe it. He didn't believe that Sasuke would help the bad guys. Comforting Sakura, who was in shock, he said, "Sasuke can't do such a thing. It must be that the pervy sage made a mistake. We are Sasuke's best friends. We have to believe in Sasuke."


"Yeah." Sakura nodded firmly, responding to Naruto's words.


Jiraiya almost laughed to death. Naruto, are you talking nonsense with your eyes closed? Let's not talk about whether Sasuke killed the Third Hokage, but it is a foregone conclusion that he betrayed Konoha.


"It must be that bad guy called Orochimaru who induced him. Sasuke has always been a kind person."


Naruto looked at Jiraiya firmly. "I will definitely bring Sasuke back to the village myself."


Why are you so stubborn, Jiraiya thought. Forget it, he was too lazy to bother with a stubborn guy like Naruto. Even if he promises not to look for Sasuke now, he will definitely run away in two days.


"Why did I find such a stupid apprentice?"


The door was pushed open, and two elderly people, a man and a woman, walked in—Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, members of the Konoha Elders Council, responsible for advising the Hokage.


"Jiraiya, Hiruzen was killed. Konoha cannot be leaderless. We want you to take over the responsibility of Hokage," Koharu said. Their purpose in coming here was clear.


Jiraiya jumped up when he heard it. "Don't joke. I don't want to be Hokage and work like a robot all day long."


It would be better to kill him than to let him be Hokage. Thinking of staying in the office all day to correct documents and not being able to go out to gather materials, Jiraiya decisively refused.


"Now you are the only one in the village who has this qualification, and you are also a ninja of Konoha. Do you want to see your teacher's lifelong efforts go to waste?" Homura advised.


What they didn't say was that Danzo had already come to them. But how could the two people who knew Danzo well let him become Hokage? If Danzo became Hokage, the rights they had accumulated with great difficulty would probably be taken away. Qualifications, character—after thinking about it, they could only think of Jiraiya.


Jiraiya refused anyway, saying he was unwilling to do it. This made Naruto, who was watching the show, very envious. This was the Hokage, and he was indeed a pervy sage who refused to become Hokage.


Jiraiya couldn't stand the two of them anymore, and said helplessly, "Don't force me. I'll find you a suitable candidate, okay?"


"Who else has this ability except you?"


"Hehe, you two old guys, don't pretend to be confused. You have known it for a long time!" Jiraiya said with a smile. He grabbed Naruto casually and jumped out of the window. "Just wait for our good news!"


Kakashi and others were speechless. Lord Jiraiya was really eccentric. I don't know if he is reliable or not.


It had been a few days since they left Konoha, and Sasuke and the others were still on the road. Princess Tsunade, as the granddaughter of the First Hokage, not only has super strength but also has a very high appearance. Devil figure, angel face—no wonder the old bachelor Jiraiya has always been thinking about her. Although she is a little old, Sasuke liked this kind of woman.


Orochimaru noticed that Sasuke's mind seemed to have changed a little and looked at him strangely. What is Sasuke thinking about so intensely? Is it a problem with ninjutsu? Such diligence, worthy of being a genius, Orochimaru thought. Double... One by one, imaginative words swirled in Sasuke's mind, and it was out of control.


"Don't let desire penetrate your heart." Sasuke resisted thinking about these colorful thoughts. He would not be distracted by these things. At most, he would try to feel fresh later. He would try it if he felt like it, but he would not get addicted.


"Ahem." Kimimaro, who was leading the way, coughed a few times and glanced at the blood in his hand. He knew that he would not live long, even if he did not participate in the battle. It was a pity that he could not repay Lord Orochimaru's kindness.


"Lord Orochimaru, according to the news, Princess Tsunade has been active near this busy street recently."


"Well, thank you for your hard work, Kimimaro," Orochimaru said.