
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 21: Gently Knock on the Sleeping Soul




After the two people with ulterior motives parted, Sasuke returned to the team.


He casually said a few words to send the two away and continued moving towards the tower.


Naruto asked, "Sasuke, we haven't collected the two scrolls yet, and it's useless when we get to the tower!"


"Don't worry, we'll wait next to the tower, and the teams that have collected the scrolls will definitely come. When the time comes, we'll randomly select some lucky team and 'borrow' their scrolls."


"Is your 'borrowing' serious?" Naruto understood Sasuke's bandit idea but had no room to resist as Sasuke's strength was far better than his.


Most of the roads in the Death Forest were covered with mud, so Sasuke was naturally not affected. However, to take care of Naruto and Sakura, he deliberately slowed down his pace.


"There is a sound of fighting ahead."


The yellow sand swept through the sky, and countless fallen leaves floated down.


Sasuke had already guessed who it was: the problem child, Gaara.


"How about going down and chopping him?" Sasuke thought. "Forget it, after all, he is Temari's biological brother. If he kills him, it will be difficult to meet in the future."


Gaara, who caused all this, was enjoying the fun of killing at the moment, and the yellow sand was his best weapon.


"Exciting feeling," Sasuke muttered. "Uchiha Sasuke, you are here."


Gaara found Sasuke opposite him and a sick smile appeared on his face, which was even more terrifying compared to his usual indifference.


"I can't wait to kill you. You are definitely the guy who deserves to be killed the most."


"I have given him a lot of face. I didn't make things difficult for him because he is my brother. It's so interesting that he dared to challenge me."


Sasuke stopped and looked at Gaara with interest. Before Sasuke could speak, Temari hurriedly stopped him with a pleading look on her face, "Sasuke, please don't bother with Gaara."


Gaara looked at Temari with a cold look, "You mean I am not as good as Uchiha Sasuke? If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you too."


Sure enough, he is so arrogant. Sasuke smiled at Temari, "Miss Temari, it seems that I need to teach your brother, who doesn't know how to be polite, a lesson. Since Gaara is ignorant, let me gently hit his sleeping heart."


A big stick suddenly appeared in Sasuke's hand, as if it was made of fine steel, and he approached Gaara step by step.


"Who are you looking down on?" Gaara shouted. "Sand Shield!"


Gaara is proficient in the ninjutsu of the Sand Village, especially the ability to control sand effortlessly, and he is also the One-Tail Jinchuriki. Even though he is young, even ordinary jonins can't do anything to him.


But Sasuke is different. He is still very confident in dealing with a fledgling Gaara. After years of accumulation in Konoha, his current strength has reached the level of Kage. If he can't even deal with Gaara, how can he fight against veteran strongmen like Orochimaru?


"Since you are still young, I will give you a little pain."


After continuously avoiding Gaara's sand, Sasuke was only a few steps away from Gaara. Just when Gaara sneered and wanted to control the sand to penetrate Sasuke's body, he found that his body could not move.


"This trick again?"


However, Sasuke did not rush over but quickly left the place. Sure enough, the sand in Gaara's gourd seemed to have its own consciousness, protecting Gaara autonomously.


"Is that the special sand that contains Gaara's mother's will?"


Gaara's sand is divided into two types. One is the sand that he controls and assimilates using his own chakra. The other is the sand in the gourd behind him, which is the sand that his mother turned into after her death, protecting Gaara at all times.


"But it's not feasible to stop me with this little sand." Sasuke had lightning in his mouth, and his eyes flashed like lightning. His body moved as fast as thunder, and he appeared behind Gaara. A Chidori sharp spear condensed in his abdomen and stabbed Gaara's heart.


Those special sands really protected Gaara's vital parts first as Sasuke thought. But this time, the sands had no time to defend against Sasuke's attack, and Gaara was still immersed in the illusion.


He could only watch with fear as the big iron rod in Sasuke's hand fell, gently knocking on his sleeping heart.


"Shatter! Shatter! Shatter!"


"Ah. Blood, this is my blood." Blood gushed from Gaara's head, and he was so frightened that he directly triggered Shukaku in his body, and his face began to twist again.


Kankuro and Temari looked at the situation in a panic. Kankuro ran to the ground in despair and said in a lost voice, "It's over. The monster in Gaara's body has woken up, and he will kill us if we don't run away." Temari kicked Kankuro on the back and said anxiously.


She looked at Sasuke standing next to Gaara and couldn't help shouting, "Uchiha Sasuke, get out of there, Gaara is out of control."


Sasuke hit the stick on his shoulder and turned back to smile confidently at Temari. "Thank you for your concern, Miss Temari, but it's okay. Because..."


Sasuke's face shuddered with excitement, and he held his forehead, finally unable to stop laughing. "Because he is too weak. What Jinchūriki, it's just a big joke. In front of me, Sasuke Uchiha, he is as tiny as a flash of gravel."


Looking at Gaara, who was partially transformed into a tailed beast and looked like a raccoon cat, Sasuke held his hand in the air. If Jiraiya saw this familiar move, he would probably have a heart attack.


"Big Ball Rasengan."


"Isn't it just rolling a ball? Who can't do it?" The blue chakra ball with a radius of nearly one meter attacked Gaara's face head-on.


The sound of explosions continued, and the power of the Rasengan instantly broke the sand shield in front of him, revealing the terrified, bleeding face.


"It is worthy of being the ultimate ninjutsu developed by the Fourth Hokage. Although it is not as strong as Chidori in terms of single-point breakthrough ability, the range damage is awesome."


"Gaara, if you don't use the sand shield technique again, it will be over. If I get excited and accidentally kill you, it will be difficult to deal with."


Sasuke walked in, only half a meter away from Gaara, looking at Gaara's terrified expression in the sand. He actually felt a strange pleasure in his heart. Sasuke thought that he seemed a little abnormal.


"Ahhh. Blood? Damn you, Uchiha Sasuke." Gaara, who was completely crazy, finally lost all his reason. At this moment, he just wanted to kill Sasuke.


Just as Sasuke was about to meet Shukaku, a cold voice appeared in his ears. "Sasuke, don't make a big deal. It will affect my later plans."


After taking a look at the suddenly appeared Orochimaru, Sasuke turned around with boredom. "What a pity. I wanted to see Orochimaru fight Shukaku."


"Haha, there will be a chance." Speaking of this, Orochimaru formed seals with his hands and quickly carved runes on the sand extending from Gaara's body. Gaara's spirit was frustrated when his sand shield technique was interrupted, and he passed out.


After solving the problem, Orochimaru ignored Sasuke and disappeared directly. Sasuke suddenly felt bored, watching Temari come to Gaara worriedly. Her cold and delicate look was particularly contradictory to her usual elegance.


"Don't worry, he just suffered some external injuries." Sasuke came to Temari, his face almost touching hers. "The point is, Miss Temari, you don't want Gaara to get into trouble, right?"


"What do you mean?" Temari thought Sasuke wanted to use this to embarrass her.


"Of course, I'm interested in you. Let's meet in the small forest south of Konoha tonight. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen."


Temari listened to the hot air coming from his ears, and her face suddenly turned red. She kept thinking in her heart that this guy is not a good thing and must be plotting something bad. But he is really a good teacher! No... He hurt Gaara. I must find a chance to retaliate. "Maybe tonight is a good opportunity, yes, that's right."


Temari blushed and found a reason for herself, deciding to keep the appointment tonight. Kankuro carried the confused Gaara on his back, looked at his elder sister's unreliable appearance, and left silently. If it weren't for him, this family would have been broken up long ago.

