
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 15: Your Father, Infinitely Angry


Passing through the long corridor, Sasuke easily dismantled Gato's treasure protection mechanism and approached a large iron door.


"So big!"


The iron door was round in shape, with a radius of two meters. It seemed he was about to hit the jackpot this time.


Sasuke used his Chidori to cut through the iron door. Once he saw it was almost done, he kicked it open, revealing Gato's treasure vault.




In front of him were mountains of gold and silver, neatly arranged on ten large shelves, layer by layer, dazzling to the eyes.


Even Sasuke, who came from a wealthy family, couldn't help but be shocked. "This is an enormous amount of money."


How could Gato have accumulated so much wealth? Even if he had drained the entire Land of Waves, he wouldn't have amassed even a tenth of this!


What Sasuke didn't know was that Gato had discovered a super mineral vein a few years ago. After spending two and a half years mining it, he killed everyone who knew about it to prevent being attacked. He went to the Land of Waves to hide and was planning to use his wealth to climb the social ladder. Unfortunately for him, he had now become a stepping stone for Sasuke.


"System, store everything."


The system's mechanical voice appeared, but there was a noticeable tremor in it.


"Okay, Sasuke..."


No wonder the system was being humble. Although these treasures couldn't be exchanged directly, if converted into items, they were worth more than one or two hundred thousand exchange points.


The system suddenly realized that the normally stingy Sasuke appeared tall and mighty, like a god descending to earth.




"Sasuke... no, Master Sasuke, may I ask, what are your plans for the future?"


Didn't the system just want him to consume more? Although Sasuke didn't fully understand the system, the more he used it, the greater its benefits would be.


Otherwise, why would it be so eager to induce him to consume more?




"Open the mall and let me find some inspiration."


Sasuke said dominantly, not taking the system seriously at all.


"Rinnegan: 100,000 exchange points."

"Tenseigan: 50,000 exchange points."

"Complete Susanoo Experience: 50,000 exchange points (Unlocks the full Susanoo upon use)."

"Resurrection Scroll: 100,000 exchange points."

"Charm: 10,000 exchange points (Upon use, girls will fully favor you)."

"Golden Kidney Warrior: 10,000 exchange points (Upon use, grants god-level kidney function)."

"Left Arm of the Sage of Six Paths: 100,000 exchange points."

"Right Arm of the Sage of Six Paths: 100,000 exchange points."



It would take time to convert this wealth into items, but Sasuke knew it could be completely done within a few years at most, so he didn't mind planning ahead.


These items were excellent, but their prices were too high. Even after converting all the wealth, he could only afford a few of the top items with his exchange points.


First of all, he needed the charm. After all, he liked being admired.


The tales of the Huangquan God's words could be exaggerated until he had over twenty women.


"Can I have the Rinnegan and the Tenseigan at the same time, System?"


"It's certainly possible, Master Sasuke. As long as you have enough exchange points, I can find you whatever you desire."


Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle. Judging by how eagerly the system was catering to him, if it had a backside, it would have probably offered it to him.


"We'll talk about it later. You can disappear now."


"And don't call me Master Sasuke. I like to keep a low profile."


"Understood, Master Sasuke. This system is logging off."


Alas, money is indeed a wonderful thing, even changing the system's attitude towards him. Sasuke laughed to himself.


He needed to head back. They should have been waiting for too long, and he couldn't let Kakashi find out about his newfound wealth.


Concerned, Sasuke set Gato's mansion ablaze and left nonchalantly.


Everyone who heard the news reacted immediately, and Kakashi was in a state of distress.


Sasuke killed without informing anyone, causing a major headache.


"Sasuke, do you know that you're being unorganized and undisciplined?"




"I'm speaking to you properly, Sasuke. Please be more serious." Seeing Sasuke's nonchalant look, Kakashi couldn't help but remind him.




Just as Kakashi was about to get angry, Sasuke said, "Kakashi-sensei, you worry too much. The Hokage has many matters to attend to every day and can't be bothered with such trivial issues."


"As long as you don't tell, and I don't tell, this will just be an ordinary escort mission."


How could Kakashi hide his true identity? He was a successor of the Will of Fire.


"How about a full set of limited edition Icha Icha Paradise? It's quite rare. Even with your salary, Kakashi-sensei, it's a considerable sum!"


"Me." Kakashi turned and walked away, but Sasuke understood that his silence signified agreement.


He had just bought a few questionable books. Alas, the ninja world was becoming increasingly bizarre.


Haku and Zabuza had already left. Sakura and Naruto were unaware of why, and Kakashi had turned a blind eye, saving Sasuke some trouble.


It was lightly raining outside, and Tsunami watched Sasuke's retreating figure with sadness. All of this didn't escape Tazuna's eyes.


Tazuna took a puff of his cigarette and felt mixed emotions.


"Sasuke, I hope you don't let her down. Otherwise, I will... be extremely angry." Tazuna suddenly remembered that he was just an ordinary man and could not pose a threat to Sasuke.


"I'm so angry."




"Ah, Grandpa, why did you hit me?"


Inari stared at Tazuna, aggrieved. He didn't understand why his grandpa suddenly got violent and hurt him.


"Sorry, Inari. Forgive Grandpa. This is the last time."

