
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

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131 Chs

Chapter 127: Nagato's Trap  

"Why is Orochimaru here?" Pain said coldly. He had been in a bad mood since he was slighted by Sasuke.


"Pain, don't underestimate the enemy. This guy must have something to rely on, otherwise he wouldn't come to us like this," Konan reminded enthusiastically.


"Konan, you are too cautious." Pain didn't take Konan's words seriously. If a random person could fight against him, wouldn't it be a joke? Instead of letting the Rinnegan be humiliated, he might as well find someone to kill him with a kunai.


"There is no point in saying more. I will prove what I said with my strength."


Watching Pain's receding back, Konan sighed. Pain's original calmness had long disappeared. Uchiha Sasuke had a great influence on him.


The defeat at the first meeting cast a shadow over this mysterious man. Until now, Konan couldn't think of any way to defeat Uchiha Sasuke. This guy was simply a combination of the two legendary ninjas.


If it weren't for his powerful strength, how could Nagato and she invade Konoha and compromise so easily? So far, the forces they worked hard to create have been almost hollowed out by Uchiha Sasuke.


First, it was Deidara and Sasori, then the immortal duo, and finally Hoshigaki Kisame betrayed them as a token of his loyalty to Sasuke.


In fact, Hoshigaki Kisame's betrayal not only shocked them but also left Obito smoking in the toilet all night after hearing about it. He couldn't understand why Kisame would change.


Initially, he used his words to fool this stupid big guy clearly. In order to join the Akatsuki organization, Kisame killed his boss.


Drops, drops. The cold rain made Orochimaru stick out his tongue and lick his lips.


"This rain is strange. It seems that the reason why it is difficult to sneak into the Hidden Rain Village is because of this rain. It rains almost non-stop throughout the year. Even in a place like the Land of Rain, it's not normal. A guy who can use this magical ninjutsu," Orochimaru thought.


Recalling the strength of his former boss, Orochimaru put away a trace of contempt and made a seal with one hand.


"Impure World Reincarnation"


He muttered as two ancient coffins emerged from the ground, with two white light symbols on them, preventing the two inside from rushing out directly.


After the transformation, Orochimaru knew very well that the Kage level was not an absolute strength. In front of a true strong man, the power of ninjutsu such as Impure World Reincarnation would be infinitely magnified.


Therefore, even if he had improved the Impure World Reincarnation, he would not summon these two masters under normal circumstances.


It is not an exaggeration to say that the two masters are great, as one of them is Tsunade's grandfather.


"I hope you won't be merciful to me!" Orochimaru said. As for these two trump cards, his ability to restrain them is too poor, and he will not use them unless it is absolutely necessary. Of course, if he meets Sasuke again, he will definitely not hesitate.


"Are you here?" Accompanied by a burst of shouts, the figure of Pain's Six Paths appeared on the building in front, ignoring Orochimaru.


Looking at the arrogant eyes as always, Orochimaru pursed his lips, "Chief, long time no see."


"I am a person who doesn't like nonsense. I believe you know the purpose of my coming to the Hidden Rain Village this time," Pain said indifferently.


"What? Are you stupid enough to live in hell? Uchiha Sasuke is also a member of the Akatsuki organization."


Orochimaru laughed wildly, tears coming out of his eyes. "You actually said that Uchiha Sasuke is your partner. So interesting. Don't think I don't know the relationship between you and Uchiha Sasuke."


"Being forced into this by a young junior, and even blatantly trying to seize your achievements for more than ten years, are you willing?"


Orochimaru flashed in front of Pain. "Pain, come on, join me. I have the most hardcore ninjutsu in the ninja world, and you have the strongest eyes in the world. As long as we work together, we can definitely defeat Uchiha Sasuke."


"Join you?" When it comes to cooperation, Pain's eyes flashed with murderous intent.


"When will Orochimaru be able to fight with me?" Pain's Six Paths surrounded Orochimaru, and Pain opened his hands.


"You are the second person who dares to talk to me like this, but only this time. If I can't deal with Uchiha Sasuke, can't I deal with you, Orochimaru? Since you are resurrected, why don't you stay underground? You have to run out to seek a sense of existence. Shinra Tensei!"


Invisible ripples spread out, and Orochimaru had no intention of destroying and avoiding it. He waved his hand lightly, and a simple plant material fell from the sky.


Shinra Tensei's force smashed the plant material to pieces, and a large hand was exposed in the air.


He was wearing red armor and dressed in the style of the Warring States period. The man looked at them woodenly, and finally fixed on Pain, or to be more precise, his eyes.


"Young ninja, did you summon me from the Pure Land?" Hashirama looked around and asked suspiciously.


"This seems to be the Hidden Rain Village, right? I remember that there were not so many buildings here before. If I hadn't been here several times and its environment was very recognizable, I wouldn't have recognized it."


Orochimaru looked at the jumping Hashirama and wanted to control him, but he could vaguely feel the great energy hidden in this Impure World Reincarnation. If this gentleman wanted to, he might be turned against.


It's better to have less trouble than more. For the sake of safety, Orochimaru cleared his throat and said, "Lord Hashirama, I am a ninja of Konoha. I am sorry to see you in this way."


Orochimaru said in a coaxing voice beside Hashirama's ear, "I am the disciple of the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. This time I had to summon you with a forbidden technique. I want you to help Konoha eliminate a great disaster."


Hashirama didn't take it seriously and said in a relaxed tone, "Please, I didn't do anything bad. How do I know if you are lying to me?"


"Okay, okay, is this how we play it?" Orochimaru glanced at Pain, who was already a little impatient.


If he hadn't disdained to attack by surprise, he would have already attacked. Of course, there was also the factor of being afraid of Hashirama Senju. Orochimaru took out a photo from his arms.


It was a photo of him and the Third Hokage, Tsunade, and Jiraiya when they were young. This time Hashirama believed him, and Orochimaru avoided the important point and knew that it was useless to tell lies in front of Hashirama, but it would backfire.


So he recounted his contribution to Konoha before he escaped and Pain's plan to stop the Akatsuki organization from capturing the tailed beasts and even attacking Konoha.


Hashirama is very generous, so generous that he can tolerate enemies, but this does not mean that he is simple. It doesn't matter if you scold him in front of him. But if it threatens the village, he will not easily bypass it, even if it is his own child. The village is everything to him.


"Little friend, have you attacked Konoha?" Hashirama crossed his arms, and his expression became serious.


Orochimaru stood behind Hashirama and sneered, "Pain, you can pretend all you want. What's the use of the Rinnegan? You can't show off in front of this guy."


"Boring." Although he knew that this ninja was not simple, Pain could not lower his head to explain. Konoha was ruined, so who could kill him?


"I just want to make Konoha feel the pain, but the ninjas of Konoha are all a group of stubborn guys. Even if I kill them alive, they will not betray their companions," Pain said disdainfully.


"You're going to die, kid. You really made me angry."


In Hashirama's eyes, Pain was just a naughty child, but now his nature had changed. This was the posture of a peak strong man who had been fighting in the world for many years.


The chakra actually solidified into a water drop shape visible to the naked eye. The child's momentum made Orochimaru's breath hard, and he hurriedly moved away from Hashirama.


What a terrible power. Is this the power that Sasuke has? Although it is completely different from the domineering and evil power in Sasuke, Hashirama's chakra gives people a feeling of vigorous life.


But the endless life contains murderous intent. No wonder Yamato's wood release has made no progress and can only be used for construction.


The chakra of Senju Hashirama can no longer be described as chakra. Even if he has never seen such chakra in the tailed beasts, even the lowest-level ninjutsu is definitely powerful with such a huge amount of chakra.


"Wood Release: Deep Forest Emergence."


The thick and huge trees instantly changed the surrounding environment. Familiar ninjutsu, familiar scene, the same venue.


How could this guy have the same Wood Release as Sasuke? Isn't this the First Hokage... In connection with this terrible sense of pressure, Pain probably knows the identity of the other party.


He is the man who fought a shocking battle with Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End, the legendary God of Shinobi, the pinnacle of all ninjas that are out of reach, Hashirama Senju.


"I really didn't expect it, Orochimaru, I underestimated you." Pain, who has seen the Wood Release, knows that this battle is inevitable, and he can't lose again.


Nagato in the distance spat out a mouthful of blood. If his body didn't allow it, he would have recalled the Six Paths long ago, because the Six Paths is only a part of his strength and can't fully exert his own strength.


Impure World Reincarnation? It's indeed a forbidden technique, but I don't necessarily lose. I am a man with the Rinnegan, destined to change the pattern of this world.


Both the teacher and the companion believe that he is the child of destiny. What reason do I have not to believe it?


"You are very strong, Hashirama Senju, but the Hidden Rain Village will not allow itself to be trampled on for the second time."


Nagato forced the Rinnegan to activate regardless of the burden on his body, but no matter how strong the Six Paths were, they could not shake Hashirama Senju, and he could not even make him take it seriously.


"Great junior, but there is only one person who wants to fight me so far." Hashirama Senju smiled slightly and slapped his hands on the ground.


"Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees."


Countless Wood Release hands fell from the sky, with extremely dense attacks and constantly differentiating vines, and three of the Six Paths were quickly destroyed.


Only Deva Path Pain and Hell Path were left.


A huge wooden dragon rushed out of the abandoned city, and Hashirama stood proudly and looked down at Pain.


"Although I don't know why, your eyes give me a very familiar feeling, but I will not forgive the harm you have brought to Konoha."


Pain was hit head-on by the wooden dragon, and his body almost collapsed, but as long as Nagato's will remained, he would not give up.


Pain seized the opportunity to throw out a black bead, put his hands together, and said with a radiant face: "Chibaku Tensei."


Chibaku Tensei, which was infused with vitality, was a ninjutsu that Hashirama had never seen before. He followed the suction and looked at the stone that was taking shape in the sky, whispering, "Is this the power of the Rinnegan? So strong."




The moment Hashirama was pressed down by the stone, Nagato took a deep breath, tore open the black tube of the Gedo Statue, and used all his strength to activate the ninjutsu.


The stone, which was comparable to a small mountain range, had been formed. Nagato had heard of the notoriety of the Impure World Reincarnation and quickly changed the seals in his hands.


"Demon Seal." This is his improvement based on the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.


As a pure Uzumaki clan member, Nagato's talent in sealing is stronger than his talent in ninjutsu.


Countless black light seals surrounded the stone. This time, Nagato really reached his limit. Even the shameless body of Deva Path Pain reached the limit of collapse.


"The wind whistled coldly." Pain stood up with difficulty and looked at Orochimaru, who was watching the show from a distance.


This bastard was afraid of being affected by the Chibaku Tensei and ran away early in the morning.


"Orochimaru, you are really a genius. It seems that we need to talk. Who knows if Orochimaru can still summon such a strong man? Even if he is not as good as Senju Hashirama, he can't stand it."


Orochimaru laughed, "You think you are like this now... hahaha, more or less overestimating yourself!"


The sound of breaking echoed in the air. "Damn it. Even though I used all my strength in Chibaku Tensei and the sealing technique, it still couldn't take you down." Nagato was already in despair.


He said, "Konan, leave the Hidden Rain Village as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, go find Sasuke Uchiha."


He had no other options. Without his own power, not only Orochimaru but even Madara in the dark were unstable factors. Konan was in a very dangerous situation.


"I won't leave" How could Konan abandon a partner who has been with her for decades.