
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 124: Omen  

"You can't say that, old Tsuchikage," said Ay, who was wrapped in a thin belt. He was thrown out after being beaten by Nagato.


He only had half his life left and went through a lot of hardships to return to the Hidden Cloud Village.


Ay probably knew what the enemy was thinking. They didn't care about him at all. They let him go just to add some fun.


"Hahaha, I will double the damage that the Akatsuki organization has done to me sooner or later," Ay said.


"Although these ordinary troops don't have much ability, they are more than enough to stop the enemy. They are also good meat shields."


Gaara left on his own. These guys have already set their sights on ordinary people. As a strong man, they don't have the consciousness of a strong man.


Ay glanced at Gaara and said indifferently, "The Kazekage has no intention to join the war. Don't worry about him. He will only wake up when Uchiha Sasuke's knife is on his neck."


Speaking of not being dedicated, the two thought of the Mizukage. "Although you, Kirigakure, have a lot of work to do, you won't send only a thousand people, although these people are quite strong."


"It's not easy to defeat Uchiha Sasuke and the Akatsuki organization with such a mentality," Ay said.


"Raikage, don't worry. We have nearly 40,000 ninjas in total. We have the advantage in this battle, and we have the right time and place," Ohnoki pointed to a canyon on the border of the Cloud Country on the map.


"This is the fastest shortcut from the Land of Hot Water to the Cloud Country. The other way takes two months. With Uchiha Sasuke's temperament, he will definitely not take this road, so I want to set up an ambush here."


Even if Uchiha Sasuke cannot be hurt, it is still possible to cause the ninjas of Konoha to suffer heavy losses.


If you want to defeat Uchiha Sasuke, you must leave him alone, and only with a group of strong men can you succeed.


"This is our only chance to inflict heavy damage on them. If we let them reach the Cloud Country smoothly, we can only face them head-on in the desert," Ohnoki said.


Ay knew that what Ohnoki said was true. "Yes, since we are going to ambush, let's ambush more people. If you and I lead the team personally, the chance of success will be greater."


Killer Bee said, "Brother, let me go. Your injury is not healed yet."


Before Ay could speak, Ohnoki retorted, "Killer Bee, you should know that this battle is not just for Uchiha Sasuke to become famous, but also for the ownership of the tailed beasts.


"Although I don't know why they want to collect all the tailed beasts, I know that there is definitely a huge secret in it.


"In order to prevent the enemy's plan from going astray, please protect yourself."


"Well, Lord Tsuchikage is right." For the first time, Ay felt that the words of this annoying old man were quite pleasant to hear.


If anything happened to Killer Bee, he would never forgive himself in his life. He was not only the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, but he was also his most reliable brother.


Ohnoki actually had another meaning, that is, he wanted Killer Bee to stay and take Gaara and Mizukage with him. To be honest, Ohnoki was a little suspicious of the positions of these two guys, especially the Kazekage.


"Then I'll leave this place to you, Killer Bee. Remember to chat more with Kazekage and Mizukage, and don't let them get bored."


Killer Bee naturally understood what Ohnoki meant and told him not to worry. He would also keep an eye on Kazekage and Mizukage without Ohnoki telling him.


If they didn't really need a lot of combat power, and Uchiha Sasuke was really difficult to deal with, they wouldn't ask these two guys to cooperate.


Cloud Valley, the famous natural barrier of the Cloud Country, during the Warring States Period, the ninja leaders of the Cloud Country ambushed and killed many troops here, and robbed their supplies.


There is no other way, the Cloud Country is short of supplies, and if you want to survive, you can only rob the few resources.


"Is this the famous natural barrier of the Cloud Country?" Ay looked at the cliffs and smooth rock walls, which were simply daunting.


If some special oil was sprinkled on them, even the senior ninjas would not be able to rush up from the bottom of the valley and would be trapped to death at the bottom of the valley.


A large number of stone carts were transported up, and Ohnoki showed a cruel smile. "Uchiha Sasuke, what you did to me in the past, and the hatred of the Hidden Stone Village, I will get it back bit by bit."


The Raikage nodded in agreement. The Akatsuki organization made him feel very regretful. He and the Tsuchikage had the same hatred in this regard.


Moreover, if the Hidden Cloud Village wanted to develop stronger and expand its territory, then Konoha could not be strong enough to fight against all the villages. He did not want to experience the same days as his ancestors, being suppressed by Konoha for a lifetime.


"Ohnoki, what should we do after defeating Konoha?" Ay asked.


"At that time, we must invade the Land of Fire and seize most of their land. My Hidden Stone Village will suffer the greatest loss, so all the land in the east will belong to us."


"What?" The Raikage was so angry that he jumped up immediately. Even though his wounds had not healed yet, he wanted to fight with Ohnoki. This old man was so shameless.


You should know that the easiest and richest place for the Land of Fire to get land is the east. How could this old man be allowed to take it all by himself?


"Don't look at me, Raikage. The price paid by Iwagakure in this battle is the highest. If you are not satisfied, you can play your role. If Sunagakure's performance is indeed better than ours, what's the point of giving the east to you?" Ohnoki said.


This is almost right. The Raikage has already thought about the beauty of taking over the territory and did not notice Ohnoki's strange smile at all.