
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

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131 Chs

Chapter 105: This is Kakashi After the Blackening  

"Senior Yamato," Sai said, and Yamato understood what he meant. But the vine had already sucked his chakra dry, leaving him unable to use any jutsu.


His hands were also bound, so even if his chakra had not been drained, he couldn't make a seal.


"Ah-Ha ha! What a wolf fox, Kakashi-sensei." Sasuke walked out of the darkness and stood in front of Kakashi.


"Sasuke, I didn't expect it to be you," Kakashi's face was pale. The terrible aura just now had come from Sasuke.


"As a ninja, you have no vigilance at all. What a bad guy." Sasuke had already released his aura so they could be prepared in advance, but only Kakashi reacted among the four people.


Sasuke also had his own little plan. The red chakra ball was specially prepared by him. Once it hit, it would trap the enemy like the Water Prison Technique.


However, this was not a weak jutsu like the Water Prison Technique. This chakra ball was linked to his own chakra.


Unless Guy's energy exceeded his own, he couldn't break through the restraints. Guy had already mastered the ultimate secret of the Eight Gates Armor. If Sasuke wanted to be alone with Kakashi, he had to deal with him first. After all, the Eight Gates Armor even frustrated the Six Paths Madara.


"Sasuke, let them go. I know your target is me," Kakashi looked at Sai and Yamato, who were looking away and said.


"If you have anything, come to me. Don't hurt others without cause."


"Hahaha, Kakashi-sensei is still as kind as ever." Sasuke took out a bottle of black medicine and threw it to Kakashi, saying.


"I think you also know you can't be my opponent. Drink it, and I guarantee the three of them can return to Konoha safely."


Kakashi didn't hesitate too much, because he knew Sasuke's record so far. It was incredible that he had defeated the remaining Rock Village alone.


"Okay, I hope you'll keep your promise for our past relationship, Sasuke." Kakashi drank the evil potion in one gulp.


Amazing changes began to happen to him. Black light enveloped his body, and soon Kakashi was wrapped into a black silkworm, emitting red light from time to time.


"Kakashi, when you wake up, you will find how boring your previous life was."


Sasuke sat cross-legged around the dark silkworm, he wanted to personally witness Kakashi's entry into the darkness.


In Kakashi's illusion, he saw his long-lost father, who was so gentle and kind beside the fire, and the two stayed together to enjoy a moment of peace.


The scene changed, and Kakashi found himself in his own home.


"Where is this?"


Along the corridor, Kakashi came to his father's room. In the dark room, a sense of déjà vu appeared. He was here to spend his life.


"Ah ... "


"Hahaha, here it comes, here it comes," Sasuke fanatically looked at the dark silkworm fly, this familiar evil energy.


The silkworm fly, which was full of energy, exploded, and Kakashi walked out of the smoke naked, with a mysterious rune carved on his forehead and a cruel and cold smile on his face.


"Uchiha Sasuke, my good disciple, I really thank you for finding my true self."


Kakashi's body turned into a shadow, flashed behind Sasuke, and the black Raikiri condensed in his palm and stabbed towards Sasuke's heart.


Sasuke let Kakashi's attack penetrate his body, and the endless life energy instantly restored the damaged body.


He didn't know how strong he was now, but he was the first person under the Six Paths.


Kakashi was indeed very strong after the transformation, but Sasuke found it funny to think about wanting to defeat him.


"Teacher Kakashi, your attack is still so weak after so long." Sasuke faced Kakashi with one hand and pressed Kakashi with one Shinra Tensei after another.


He showed a trick that never failed. No matter how many times he tried, Sasuke liked this simple and rough ninjutsu very much.


"The technique of inserting wood into the wood." The wooden spikes as thick as fingers pinned Kakashi's body to the ground, continuously devouring Kakashi's chakra.


Looking into Kakashi's bloodthirsty eyes, Sasuke smiled, "It is this look, Kakashi-sensei, that can make you indestructible. How about it? Come with me and rebuild a peaceful and beautiful world."


Kakashi struggled, but he still chose to acquiesce because Sasuke's words touched his heart, and his heart was filled with loneliness and darkness.


Guy, who was sealed in the chakra ball, burst into tears and kept kicking. Although he couldn't hear any sound inside, he could see the scene outside.


Kakashi's lonely and desperate eyes made him heartbroken, "As the best partner, you can only watch your best friend suffer. Guy, you are really too weak."


"Ah, The Morning Peacock." Guy used the remaining chakra and physical strength to open the seven gates, and the red chakra ball that bound him began to twist. But in a flash, another chakra filled the broken part.


Sasuke glanced at Guy, whose eyes suddenly turned round, and said to Kakashi, "Are you really going to leave with me? Guy doesn't seem to be happy about it!"


A trace of guilt flashed across Kakashi's eyes, but it was immediately replaced by viciousness, and his tone was cold, "Boring tyrant wants it."


Kakashi, whose temperament had changed drastically, no longer cared about these things.


What he wanted to do now was to obey his inner thoughts, and at this moment, his inner thoughts were to make the whole world feel pain.


Only by understanding what pain is, the world will not impose pain on others at will.


"Teacher Kakashi, congratulations on joining us. I have prepared a very good enemy for you, maybe your eyes can be completely perfected," Sasuke said meaningfully.


Using Kakashi to deal with Obito is the most suitable.


"Although I don't know what you are up to, as long as I can become stronger, I am willing to pay any price," Kakashi replied.