
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 103: Madman Orochimaru  

It took a lot of effort to make up for the Terumi Mei. Sasuke was wearing a black bathrobe and standing on the balcony outside.


With a smile on his face, if the people from Kirigakure knew that he was with their Mizukage in this conspicuous place, their expressions would be very interesting.


A village near the Land of Fire.


"Five Kage Summit! Uchiha Sasuke destroyed Iwagakure, and Ōnoki escaped death."


"Raikage fell into the hands of Akatsuki."


Orochimaru was eating beef noodles at a street stall, thinking about where to go next. The rough beef noodles made him grit his teeth. It turned out that cheap food isn't good.


Despite not needing to eat to maintain his body's mobility, Orochimaru's palate had been spoiled by Sasuke, and he didn't want to take nauseating nutritional potions at all.


"Looks like I need to get some money." Orochimaru noticed a bank nearby.


"Hehe, the Bank of the Land of Fire has opened here. God is really helping me."


Orochimaru threw a few coins on the table and swaggered into the nearest restaurant.


As soon as he entered, a sweet-looking waitress came over, with excellent manners.


"This way, guest. What would you like to eat? We have here—"


"Two bowls of beef noodles, the most expensive one. I'll go to the bank to withdraw some money and come back soon," Orochimaru motioned her to shut up, estimated the time, and said.


Orochimaru didn't look like he was short of money, so the waitress didn't doubt his words.


Orochimaru disguised himself and perfectly replicated Jiraiya in both body shape and appearance. There was no way others might make mistakes, but Jiraiya was his best disguise before.


After using the transformation technique, Orochimaru walked out of the alley and walked towards the bank.


As for why he changed his appearance? Of course, it was for face.


Although he had been classified as a rogue ninja, the name of the Three Sannin was known throughout the ninja world.


If people knew that he had fallen to the point of robbing a bank, he could not afford to lose face.


There were four guards guarding the door of the bank. They were well-trained and were mobilized from the army. Of course, there were more than just these few people.


As long as there was a big commotion, the defense forces not far away would come quickly.


Orochimaru walked in with a swagger, looking harmless, and the guards did not stop him because he was there to take the banknotes.


"You little guys are not cautious at all!" Orochimaru smiled sinisterly, and purple poisonous mist spread from his cuffs. The guards fell to the ground.


There were still many people in the bank hall, but Orochimaru could not wait any longer. He found a well-dressed middle-aged man behind the counter and put his finger on his throat. The slight force made the man suffer.


"Can you give me some money to spend?"


The manager dared not object and nodded quickly, barely making a little sound. The people around started to panic, but they were all beaten to the ground by Orochimaru.


Orochimaru smiled evilly, "Don't move, or I will kill you."


"Okay, listen to my command now. Men stand on the left, women stand on the right."


The blood on the ground was still warm, and everyone could only serve him under the power of Orochimaru.


Orochimaru shouted, stuffed gold and silver notes into the bag, and packed more than a dozen into the sealing scroll.


About ten minutes later, Orochimaru let the white snake swallow the last sealing scroll.


"It is the honor of your life to be patronized by me. Remember my name: Master Jiraiya, the hero of Shumen."


The manager was full of hatred, staring at Orochimaru's back. "Master Jiraiya, the hero of Shumen?"


"You will regret it."


Back at the restaurant, Orochimaru had returned to his original appearance, and the beef noodles were just ready. He slurped the noodles in big mouthfuls and sighed, it's good to have money.


In the early years, he devoted himself to scientific research, but there was no change at all. He missed so many good things in vain. However, Orochimaru did not indulge too much.


The secret of immortality was no longer a mysterious field in his eyes. This time, he came back from the dead and reached a new realm.


The strange thing was that Orochimaru ordered two bowls of beef noodles but only ate one bowl, and the other bowl was still on the table. What is sentiment? This is sentiment.


Eat one bowl and throw one bowl away. After eating and drinking, Orochimaru walked on the country road, "The clear sky is really pleasant."


Ahead is the territory of Konoha. In order to report to Sasuke, Orochimaru decided to start a new research.


He wanted to defeat the enemy with the power of science. This time he would not make mistakes again.


Konoha has abundant resources and population. It is more suitable to build a laboratory here. He is sure that no one will find out.


"Throat, everything starts from the beginning."


The pattern of the ninja world is about to change. Not only the five major countries, but also all kinds of monsters and demons that were originally hidden in the dark have emerged.


The Hidden Rain Village.


"No one can always win, and Uchiha Sasuke is no exception," Obito said on the stone tower of the Hidden Rain Village.


"Madara, with your strength, you should not be afraid of Uchiha Sasuke. Why don't you take action to deal with this confidant threat?" Pain asked.


"It's not the time yet. I will appear at the best time," Obito said without blushing or missing a beat.


Pain's face was normal, but he had verified a certain guess in his heart. It seems that what Uchiha Sasuke told him may not be false.


"Pain, the process of collecting tailed beasts must be accelerated." Obito didn't seem to want to talk about these issues.


He said a few words, and his body turned into a vortex and disappeared. The matter of collecting the tailed beasts must be accelerated, but as for who will be the leader of the plan, that is not certain.


There is also the matter of the Four-Tails Son Goku. Sasuke did not seal the tailed beasts into the Outer Path Demon Statue as agreed.


"Konan, I will go to Konoha to capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki during the Five Kage Summit. You let Kakuzu, Deidara, and the others gather. Tell them that the team fight is coming."


Konan didn't know how to tell Pain about this. Kakuzu and Hidan went to work in the Sound Village. They heard that there was a one million ryo a day salary there.


As for Deidara and Sasori, they have been mixed with others for a long time. For now, the only one who can be mobilized is Kisame Hoshigaki.


"Sasuke, you are too radical to bully me." Pain smashed the stone table beside him with a palm, and said coldly, "Akatsuki does not need disloyal people. You go and ask Kisame to come over."