
Naruto: Cool Shinobi

Cool Shinobi doing cool shit. This is the story of a shinobi who stays true to himself and no matter the peril becomes a cool shinobi. Its a medium paced story and if you like a smart and strong, but not socially awkward MC, then this if your fic.

lbj_169 · Komik
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14 Chs


Our main character's name is Blank. Yea it doesn't really matter what his real name is so lets just call him Blank for now.

He was an above average dude, working hard, and trying his best to enjoy life. He was in his early twenties and worked a job in Silicon Valley, and had his own business. Some might even consider him a successful independent young man. He supported his family, had a decent number of friends and even had fun on the weekends, whether it be going to sports events or to the bar occasionally.

On top of that he was fit and decent looking, as he took care of himself physically. On the outside, he seemed perfectly fine with his life and the way it was going. I mean why wouldn't people think that? He was earning a six figure salary and would be a millionaire within 2-3 years time.

However, only he knew how he really felt. No matter the money he was earning or the respect he gained from his peers, he knew he was caught in the rat race of life. It wasn't that he wasn't motivated to work hard, however, he knew that his life had taken a very normal path. In the future, he would probably be very wealthy, have a wife, and a couple of kids. Then eventually he'd be unhappy with his situation and there would be a divorce and he'd be on his way to either other women and stagnate. He felt that life had become monotone and his competitive desire had almost gone out.

Did I mention how he was a star athlete in his school days, but due to injuries and family issues, he had to stop playing. For him, his single most powerful attribute was his competitive desire and how we wished to be the best. However, somewhere along his path, this desire was lost and instead he became a shell of himself.

One fateful morning on the way to work, while driving, there was a red light stop, and so he stopped or so he thought. His car continued forward, and in came a heavy truck hitting him and his car with a deadly force.


Blank woke up in what seemed like a ethereal setting, probably heaven he thought.

God: "Hello my son. Would you like to reincarnate? I felt like you have a lot of wasted potential and that you have a lot more life to look forward to."

Blank: "Sir will my family be fine? I know I left a few hundred thousand dollars before I died, but will they be fine?"

God: "Don't worry my son, I assure you they will be healthy and though a tragedy, they should be able recover in time."

Blank: "Thank you. And yes I would like to reincarnate but would it be possible to do so in another world, such as world of Naruto?"

God: "It is. Since you have the memories of how things turn out, that will be your advantage. I will also give you a system, but it will not have a store. And you will have to work hard by yourself. The system will be able to record your stats and may have some additional functions down the road. Do you understand?"

Blank: "Yes I do. I think I'm ready to go."

God: "Good, also, one more thing, do realize that this is the only reincarnation that I can provide you with, so live your life to the best of your ability and don't squander this opportunity."

Blank was then transported into another world.

He woke up in a decently sized independent home and had a huge influx of memories into his head. He was the older of two brothers, and his parents had passed away from the Kyubi attack many years ago. Him name was Junpei Nobita.

He was now 12 years old and was enrolled in the Genin corps, as he wasn't too outstanding.

"Lets open the system and see my stats" thought Nobita.

[Name: Junpei Nobita]

[Age: 12]

Base Stats:

[Chakra capacity: 200/1200 (Genin)]

[HP: 300]

[Strength: 54/1000]

[Endurance: 37/1000]

[Agility: 45/1000]

[Taijutsu: 34/1000]

[Ninjutsu: 10/1000]

[Genjustu: 5/1000]

[Bukijutsu: 10/1000]

[Chakra Control: 35/1000]

Chakra Affinities:


Special Buff/s (Will boost combat power) :


[Calm when facing death]

"Looks like some of my stats and buffs from my previous life have transferred over. Competitiveness, and since I already died once, calm in the face of death, kinda makes sense. Thats pretty cool." He was pretty pleased with his starting stats, despite being in the Genin corps.

"Also I have a younger brother, looks like his name is Jiro. Looks like my family life won't be too lonely, thankfully. From my memories I'm a pretty loving brother who takes care of his younger bro. He just turned 7 and has started to go to the academy, I should probably cook breakfast soon."