
Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

A young boy transmigrated into the Naruto Universe, and to his surprise, he was rather happy about it. On Earth, he was suffering from a terminal disease, so this new life was a significant improvement. However, he quickly realized that the Naruto Universe is a deadly place for someone without powers. Initially, he thought he had no special abilities like the ones he read about in many novels. But he was wrong. He possesses both Senju and Uchiha blood, and he has a powerful brother in the Uchiha clan. Now he faces a dilemma: should he save the Uchiha clan from the impending massacre, potentially altering the entire story? Or should he let events unfold as they did in the original tale, knowing his family will also perish? What will he decide? Hey guys, this is the author. This is the same story I previously wrote, but the original had some issues, like bad grammar and punctuation in the early chapters. I couldn’t correct them without losing valuable comments (I love interacting with you guys ^~^). Someone suggested that I publish this novel in the fanfic section too, so here it is! This novel has a 4.13-star rating, with lower ratings mainly due to grammatical and punctuation errors, which I will try to reduce as much as I can for this version. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section, and I’ll reply as soon as I can. (Please give it a try, just once is enough ^~^)

FirstHokage · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
145 Chs

Chapter 129: Deal

"So smart! You're truly my brother, not some adopted brute," Kaida said, nodding his head.


"Ow, ow, ow!"


"I'm sorry," Kaida apologized after getting another ear twist from Shisui.


"So, what do you want to ask?" Shisui inquired.


"Brother, I got the list of resources we can access using Contribution points. It includes kenjutsu, genjutsu, and ninjutsu we can learn through Contribution points," Kaida explained.


Shisui nodded in approval, and Kaida continued.


"Then why isn't Fuinjutsu on the list? Can't we learn Fuinjutsu using Contribution points?" Kaida asked.


"Hahaha, you think Fuinjutsu should be that accessible? Tell me, Kaida, how many Fuinjutsu experts do we have in our village?" Shisui asked.


Knowing the population of ninjas in Konoha was over 100,000, Kaida guessed, "Fifty?"


"Only five. Now do you understand how tricky it is to learn Fuinjutsu? You can only learn it from an expert. But it's not like you can't learn it using Contribution points," Shisui said.


"So there is a way?" Kaida asked.


"Yes, but you can't just go and learn it like other jutsu. First, you have to ask the clan head for permission. Only he can instruct Fuinjutsu masters to teach it. And let me tell you, it won't be cheap," Shisui replied.


Kaida nodded before asking, "Brother, could you ask the clan head for a favor? I want to learn Fuinjutsu, but I don't think he'll allow me to learn something so important."


"Why would you think that?" Shisui asked, intrigued.


"I've only been part of the clan for a little over a month. I don't think he'll trust me that much," Kaida said, sounding disappointed.


"You're overthinking. Once you're part of the clan, you're part of the clan—no 'ifs' or 'buts.' Also, I forgot to tell you: since you wanted to improve the clan's image all on your own and have done so much work, the clan head asked me to inform you that you'll be given five acres of land in the Uchiha compound as a reward," Shisui revealed.


"Really?" Kaida asked, surprised.


"Yup. He also told me it was your idea to offer land as a reward in exchange for Contribution points. Can you tell me how you came up with that idea? Do you have any plans for the land?" Shisui asked.


"Nothing special, brother. When I found out the Uchiha clan had a lot of unused land, I thought it was a waste. Why not use it for something useful?" Kaida said, shrugging.


"Good thinking," Shisui said, patting Kaida on the head.


"But brother, I don't want the land. I just want to learn Fuinjutsu. Do you think I could ask Fugaku-sama to let me learn it in exchange for the land?" Kaida asked.


"You can ask him yourself," Shisui replied.


"Then I'll go ask him right away," Kaida said, rushing toward the Uchiha clan's headquarters.




Upon entering the headquarters, Kaida approached the receptionist and asked, "Can I meet the clan head? I have something important to discuss with him."


"I'm sorry, Kaida, but you're out of luck. Fugaku-sama just left for a meeting," the receptionist replied. Due to Kaida completing an impressive number of missions, he and the receptionist had become quite friendly.


"Any idea when he'll be back?" Kaida asked, debating whether to wait or return tomorrow.


"He should be back in about half an hour," the receptionist replied.


"Then I'll wait. Please let me know when he returns," Kaida said, heading to the waiting area. Since this was the Uchiha headquarters, it naturally had a room for ninjas to rest while waiting.


Kaida sat in the resting area, thinking, 'Looks like all the higher-ups are busy with something. This morning I heard that Hiruzen was busy, and now Fugaku-sama is in a meeting. It could be a coincidence, but since it's almost time for Hiruzen to find out about Orochimaru's experiments, it must be related to that. Too bad I'm still too weak to get involved in this. I'll have to sit on the sidelines for now.'


While Kaida was lost in thought, the receptionist came over and said, "Kaida, the clan head is back. You can meet him now."


"Thanks, bro," Kaida said, heading to Fugaku's office.


*Knock, knock.*


"Come in," Fugaku's authoritative voice called out.


"Good evening, Fugaku-sama," Kaida greeted, bowing slightly.


"Good evening, Kaida. Why are you here? I don't think you've completed another 2,000 missions," Fugaku said.


"No, sir. I wanted to ask you about something important," Kaida replied.


"Go ahead."


"Brother told me you've given me five acres of land as a reward," Kaida said.


Fugaku nodded.


"Can I exchange that for something else?" Kaida asked.


"That depends on what you want," Fugaku replied.


"I want to learn Fuinjutsu and need your permission to do so," Kaida said.


Fugaku raised an eyebrow at Kaida's request.


"Why do you want to learn Fuinjutsu?" Fugaku asked, growing more serious.


"Sir, I want to learn a medical jutsu, but the requirement is that I must be at least a seal master in Fuinjutsu, as well as a specialist in medical ninjutsu," Kaida explained.


"What's the name of the jutsu you want to learn?" Fugaku asked, although he had a good idea.


"Mitotic Regeneration Jutsu," Kaida said.


Fugaku was surprised. He knew the power of that jutsu well—it was Tsunade's signature technique, making her not only the greatest medical ninja in the world but also one of the most powerful kunoichi.


If the Uchiha clan could acquire this jutsu, their power would skyrocket. However, Fugaku knew Hiruzen wouldn't allow Kaida to learn such a powerful technique easily. Still, even just having a ninja who knew that jutsu would significantly boost the Uchiha clan's influence.


Despite this, Fugaku couldn't let Kaida learn Fuinjutsu for free—it was too important. He looked at Kaida and said...