
Naruto: Blue eyed Grim Reaper

This is my 1st novel hope you guys enjoy :)

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Unlocking Chakra

I am 3 yrs old now during the past year I have been reading a lot of books and studying fuinjutsu but I can't use it because I haven't unlocked chakra yet, during this time Kakashi has been going to missions regularly as well but whenever he comes back he makes sure to take me for a treat to some restaurants especially Ichiraku.

Ichiraku ramen is delicious not shit Naruto liked it so much even I could probably eat Ichiraku for a long time without complaining.

When Kakashi is out on his missions many of his teammates usually come to visit and take care of me because I am 'cute'. Kurenai and Asuma probably visit the most probably maybe I should set them up on a date.

Now that I am 3 I can start training my body probably gonna start with the half Saitama workout and hopefully raise it till I reach 4 then I can ask Kakashi for a actually training routine because no way is he gonna allow me to train when I am 3 yrs old.

During the year of studying Fuinjutsu I realized its pretty similar to coding but it takes it up a notch, especially the calligraphy I suck at it, in my past life my handwriting was shit as well so it will probably take some years to get used to calligraphy and then to do it with chakra it will take even longer. But at least I understand the seals.

6 months later

I have been worked up to full Saitama training 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and a 10 km run everyday and I started practicing stretches and trying to increase my flexibility as well.

I have been exploring the village as well it's a peaceful place and everyone is enjoying as there have been no wars recently.

There are shops everywhere and the streets filled with civilians and shinobi buisness is probably booming everyone loves money ofcourse.

4 yr Birthday

Today is my 4th birthday, Kakashi threw a small party with some of his friends like Asuma, Kurenai, Anko and Guy.

We had fun everyone pinched my cheek atleast once, and Anko tried teasing me multiple times about how I will become a lady killer in the future blah blah, well I definitely had fun.

Kakashi gave me a chakra sword and the Hatake clan sword techniques. Well this is a big dub, Sakumo was one of the best kenjutsu practitioner

his techniques will obviously be top notch.

As for Anko have me a kiss on the cheek saying that it's a gift well I don't mind I definitely enjoyed it. Guy gave me a set of dumbbells.

The next day I asked Kakashi " Nii San can you help me unlock chakra"

"Once you turn 5 your body won't be able to handle it"

"Nii San but you I exercise daily and my body is pretty strong compared to kids on my age plsss" I said while pouting and with puppy eyes

"Ahh fine" he said as he couldn't resist.

After 5 minutes I start to feel it warm energy near my stomach.

Kakashi explained some basics to me as I started to try the leaf exercise as Kakashi goes to the anbu.

My chakra is surprising high compared to an average person well not that it's a bad thing.

After about an hour I can stick 3 to 4 leafs on me with proper focus.

After that I go back inside and pulled out the basic taijutsu techniques and start practicing them and also the Hatake sword techniques which will be very useful in the future.

After being tired for I went back in the house sweating then I pull out the FTG kunai of Minato which Kakashi probably had as a memory of his sensei.

I have been trying to decode the seal for the last year and have gotten decent progess done it will probably take another 2 yrs for me to completely decode it and then a year or half to use it in actuall combat and master it. Well it's not like I lack time.

After searching for sometime I can't find it ahh the most used Jutsu in the series the shadow clone I guess I will have to ask Kakashi to teach it later once I learn basic chakra control and able to climb trees and walk on water.