
Naruto Blood sucker

Seras Victoria died. And so did Naruko Uzumaki. But the soul of Seras took the body of Naruko

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5 Chs


"Uzushiokagure, was the home of Uzumaki clan, till the second great shinobi war. In that war, three out of five great villages attacked Uzumaki clan out of fear. From what I gained from my previous two hosts, the island itself contains many secrets. Many sealing methods. And after their destruction, the island sealed itself away from the outside world to protect their secrets. Atleast that's what the Hokage told to your mother. Even in Mito's memories, Uzushiokagure was a place full of secret knowledges." Kurama explained

"So you are asking me to go there ?" Naruko asked.

"Yes, I can see that you are not comfortable here. And besides, you won't trick them for long. Sooner or later they will found out about you." Kurama reasoned.

"You are not wrong. But it won't be easy. I am barely managing my hunt. And leaving the village will be hard without any distractions."

"That's true. But it is on you."

"I know. Should I take the chance of conflict between Uchiha and the village ?"

"Oh ! Yes. That cursed clan. It should be possible. And I have no problem with it."

Last week, her pray was a shinobi from Uchiha clan. The blood was tasty. But the memories are even more intriguing. A coup d'etat against the upper echelons of the village. She should definitely use this opportunity to escape.

When she was Seras Victoria, she was a Vampire. And now she is not a human either. Although, she can't call herself a vampire anymore. So the villagers don't affect her. She is the most mature student in the academy. Looking almost 14. And with her whishkers gone, most doesn't even recognise her anymore. So that's a plus.

"Let's get going." It was almost time for academy to start. Ofcourse, she doesn't go herself. The hellhole whose name is shinobi academy. She doesn't like the place. Especially the brainwashing classes of the first year. It was similar to her officer's training in her previous life with just added hypocrisy. She went out of her appartment and headed to the dark alleyway. It was a shortcut from her house to the eastern main road. And a perfect place to swap places with a shadow clone. After sending the shadow clone to academy, she transformed to a black cat. A perfect disguise if you are not facing an inuzuka. Then she headed to her usual place. Library. It was surprising but there is less security arrangements on library than the village gate. And the good thing is they doesn't guard fuinjutsu study materials. It's apparently too complex of an shinobi art that they don't bother guarding it like other shinobi arts. So it could be found in the public library. Ofcourse, only basic and intermediate levels. But that was enough for Naruko. The art of sealing is more like computer programming language. Atleast that's how she sees it. She was not a professional programmer. But when you live for three hundred years, then you ought to pick up a thing or two. Some times even out of seer boredom. She has already mastered the academy three jutsu

After spending her day in library she went back to her appartment. By then her clone also came back after receiving her memories,she went to clean herself. After coming out of shower, she dressed herself in her pajams, then took out a bloodbag from the storage scroll inside the fridge. After her meals, she went to bed and promptly fell asleep. Only after 12 she wakes up. That's her regular routine.

"If I want to successfully escape, then I have to plan thoroughly. But first, let's get some more information."

She changed to her hunter outfit. It was a dark yellow outfit similar to the uniform in her last life. There is a full face mask to hide her identity. With a quick transformation, she changed her hair colour. Then lifting the matress. She looked at the storage seal. It was her first storage seal. And then she took out her rifle. It was a sniper rifle that she made. Mostly focused on accuracy. The trigger seal is meant for silence explosion to force out the bullet. Then she took out some blood bullets. After transforming herself, she went towards the Uchiha district. She needed more information. She stayed outside the clan compound. She settled on a tall building outside the clan compound. She won't get a second chance. So she settled for one of the guys who was night patrolling. After aiming her shot, she fired. She felt her blood mixing with her victim's. Then she manipulated him to come to the nearest woods. But then she sensed someone appearing in her sensory range. She stopped for a while. The new arrival has found her position. She was being watched by a man with a lone Sharingan and a spiral mask. The man was simply watching her.

She heard the growling of Kurama.

"So he is the one ?"

"Yes !"

She quickly transformed to a bat and suppressed her chakra. Then she went to have her pray. The man was left behind. Reaching the woods, she simply went to the man and sank her fangs into his neck. Within a few minutes she finished her meal. The man fell down on the forest floor. She maintained her transformation while returning to her home.

"I have a week left." That can be done. But little did she know that the fate has other plans.


AN: This story will be updated on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. But you can read advance chapters on my p@treon.https://www.patreon.com/AnimefanfictionInd?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
