
Chapter 18

The thick and muscularly seductive Kanako didn't say hello or greet anyone when she entered. She was born brazen; plus, everyone in the room was her junior.

With a large, fearsome greatsword strapped to her back, she yawned from obvious tiredness, saying, "Tamatsu, I heard about you dropping your duties…."

"..." Tamatsu had her back facing the door and the woman. A woman with massive breasts, with Tsunade's look, Tsunade's clothing style, and the same hair color as Nawaki's…

…Yes, Kanako had a pretty countenance and a cute atmosphere…But listening to the voice, everyone easily could recognize that Nawaki's younger aunt wasn't fooled. She shivered.

"...Of course you know me. I normally would mind my business…." Kanako remarked lazily, picking her ear and blowing on her finger— Adding, "...But those duties of yours are causing me a problem now... Apparently, they fell on me, you see…."

"About that, Kanako—"

Tamatsu was about to retort something politely when she was interrupted by the intruder,


Nawaki wasn't sure when she moved…But the latter put her nasty finger from earlier over Tamatsu's mouth. Then she proceeded to casually say with a devious, sadistic smile,

"...Tamatsu, you know how we resolve these issues between younger and older cousins in our clan, right?"

"...Seeing how old and confident you are now, you should be aware…Informal practices like those aren't anything new…."

"...Hehe…So… Don't talk too much. Just follow me outside instead, will you?"


After Kanako chuckled and told, Nawaki swore he heard his aunt gulping.



Turning his face toward Tsunade's, he and her instantly understood each other…When Tamatsu left obediently after their oldest aunt, the two stayed quiet. With pale faces, they made silent and tacit prayers.

They didn't even think to follow…


Minutes later,

Nawaki left Tsunade's room when Tamatsu returned…With several bones broken…

Oh yes… Nawaki's oldest aunt wasn't playing…So much so that even Tsunade was also scared of her.

Tsunade was still barely 21, so it was understandable.

The Senju princess was healing her youngest aunt with the [Mystical palm technique] when she told Nawaki:

"Go and train with Yukari. I think aunt Tamatsu and I will be busy today…."

Nawaki nodded thoughtfully. Hoping Tsunade wouldn't have to heal Tamatsu again today…

Older cousins were a dangerous breed…

The boy didn't want to stay here and get involved in the mess, so he excused himself and left.


Back in his room, Nawaki was listening to Yukari giving him genjutsu instructions when he opened something he forgot to check earlier.

Nawaki had discovered that he could save people's window details. And he could do so without opening them either.

Recalling how he carefully needed to determine which advanced functions he should teach to the noob-gamer Tsunade, potentially for his own sexual freedom and sexual blossoming, he read his oldest aunt's details,

[Status: Kanako]

[Jobs: Kunoichi]

[Unique traits: None]

[Strengths: Chakra, Greatswords, Raw strength, Attack, Earth, Lightning, Counters, Kenjutsu, Movement, Recovery]

The Senju clan had lost a Hokage and strong men in the war…The woman was the third most powerful individual in the clan after Tsunade and Mito…

'...No, right now, Tsunade's young. Without her Quack release, maybe she can lose to her…' Nawaki considered quietly…The fight with Tamatsu earlier seemed to be a one-sided correction…His oldest aunt had exhaustive specialties like Tamatsu's [Defense]— which he now knew how to open and read.

[Chakra: People with this strength have a lot of chakra and-or excel in chakra-related disciplines.]

[Greatswords: People with this strength are good with greatswords and-or greatsword-related disciplines.]



Nawaki trained with Yukari until late in the afternoon. In addition to the Genjutsu Reversal, which he learned surprisingly easily yesterday, he now mastered the Hunger and thirst technique,

According to his ideas, the [Lustful ninja trait] he had improved his overall Genjutsu control since it was inherently covert and devious…And maybe even his overall chakra control and Shinobi talents…

The [lustful ninja] was a ninja, to begin with…

*Duh* thoughts in mind, the boy ended the lesson with his maid. Offering her to rest tonight after discussing shifts with one of her cousins in the mansion.

Realizing that he wasn't as much of a scrub as he thought he was, Nawaki considered,

'...Should I start training my wood release already?'

'...Exploring Hashirama's powerful bloodline should be unsafe before I get good at chakra...But the idea's a bit tempting….'

'...It's not easy to resist the thought...'

In something close to the 48 hours he'd already transmigrated, Nawaki found ways to try all his wood-based traits by himself. Secretly and hurriedly.

...The [Wood release], The [Wooden armor], and the [Wooden stabs].

The last two traits were more or less safe. Nevertheless, Nawaki felt the harm the [Wood release] trait itself caused to him with his current chakra reserves, chakra recovery, and chakra control.

The Wood release was a yang bloodline limit that transformed chakra, created vitality and life, and consumed it…

For the moment, he was wasting more chakra than his body and spirit could produce using the bloodline limit…

…Thus far, Nawaki only knew one technique called [Underworld of trees]. It was versatile but too taxing on his body. And not for dumb justifications…

It wasn't something to complain about, but the first bloodline jutsu he awakened was too strong.

'Nevermind…' Nawaki came to a somewhat sage introspection. Though he was helping his grandpa's wife relieve stress, they were just hole-brothers. They didn't need to explore and excavate all the same cloudy areas. More seriously, this wasn't the Sengoku era; the 8-year-old wasn't in a rush.

Something told him that more bloodline jutsus would come to him naturally once he grows stronger.

Though, they could deviate from the canonical ones.

Tsunade was Nawaki's teacher in this life too. She was more talented than normal, and the [deadly acupuncture] enhanced her vision and senses.

He didn't have to fear following a daydreamer like Orochimaru and dying from a shitty booby trap.

Anyway, Tsunade aside, Yukari helped him make an interesting discovery. He had his very own talent and paths to follow. He was too focused on his sister's brokenness to realize he wasn't a pushover.

A pervert with Genjutsu, hypnotic skills...Maybe that was his path...


Hoping his aptitude was as perverted as the teacher he wouldn't worship in this life— Orochimaru— Nawaki left his room and the clan,

Since immediately training the [wood release] trait was still unsafe, he had to find wholesome wood-related pastimes,

The boy could think of one. Especially thinking of a clan of people who knew how to keep secrets...


Being born a princess or a prince came with respective benefits…Especially with a birthday round the corner…

Recalling all the chummy, colloquial aunties, the lucky breaks in 8 years, and a cute small girl that hadn't come to dinner for long, Nawaki quickly arrived somewhere,

He certainly didn't walk by for the wafting, canine smell in the air...But in his view, there was a glorious entrance with splendid, unguarded gates. Those gates belonged to the Inuzuka clan. Nawaki was planning to make a quick stop before heading to the orphanage.

...Yes, the Inuzuka clan...This was where Nawaki was the freest and happiest in Konoha. He was often happier here than in the Senju clan.

They said the grass wasn't greener.

Here, however, it was not just greener; it was wild but comfy. Very very comfy, in fact.

Sometimes too much to feel like leaving despite how dense the old Nawaki could be.