
Naruto: An Uchiha With A Superpower Roulette

After Uchiha Yōichi traversed, the normality of the ninja world went awry. 【Sleight of Hand】: When in contact with others, randomly take an item from the other party. Tsunade: Where are my clothes? Why did they disappear after you touched my shoulder? 【Two-Way Perspective】: Nothing can obstruct your line of sight, but when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. Uchiha Mikoto: Have I awakened the Byakugan? Why can I see Yōichi -kun's...? 【Dance Invitation】: After the BGM music starts playing, you have one chance to initiate a dance, which the other party cannot refuse. The winner can randomly obtain an skill from the other party. Uchiha Madara: Bastard, when I said dance, I meant fight! And where's my Rinnegan?! www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · Komik
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233 Chs

Chapter 203

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"What do you mean by reviving the dead?"

Interrupting his spell had the intended effect; Tsunade, despite her flushed face, focused her attention away from Yoichi's hands kneading her delicate feet.

"I mean literally bringing the dead back to life!"

Hearing Yoichi's words, Tsunade's mind flashed to two figures, though the second one was faint. Yet her heart burned for a moment, her breathing quickening slightly.

Thinking about the difficulty of such a feat, Tsunade maintained a stern face, "Kid, you're too young to make wild claims just because you're powerful. Do you know how hard it is to bring the dead back to life? My great-uncle researched it but soon gave up..."

"Reviving the dead isn't something ninjas can achieve easily, and researching such techniques requires extensive human experimentation. It changes one's very nature. That's why my great-uncle abandoned his research into forbidden jutsu that could revive the dead..."

Tsunade's lecture was cut short as she suddenly felt Yoichi's hot hand press down on her bare foot, eliciting a humiliating moan.

"Perverted brat!"

Tsunade's initial good intentions to guide Yoichi turned into anger, feeling embarrassed by his antics. Just as she was about to pull her foot away and express her anger, Yoichi spoke again, "It's not forbidden jutsu. In fact, it involves Second Hokage's Impure World Reincarnation technique combined with my Mangekyo Sharingan abilities!"

As he spoke, Yoichi's eyes transformed into the eternal Mangekyo Sharingan pattern.

Seeing his serious expression and the appearance of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Tsunade found herself unsure whether to believe him or not.

"Your Mangekyo ability..."

"One of the abilities is to eliminate death, ensuring that those in my sight do not die."

"And this with the Impure World Reincarnation..."

"The Impure World Reincarnation essentially uses a living person as a sacrifice to summon and control a dead soul. When the reincarnated body is shattered or sealed, the soul returns to the afterlife. But with sufficient vitality, the reincarnated body can be brought back to life as flesh and blood."

Seeing Tsunade's shock, Yoichi didn't stop his actions.

"This method will definitely work. I've already revived someone using it, Tsunade!"

His final statement made Tsunade's heart race.

If it truly worked, she could see her brother and possibly someone else again. The thought of it made her breath catch, her emotions swirling into a chaotic mess. Realizing the implications, Tsunade couldn't focus on Yoichi's hand anymore.

Furrowing her brows and biting her lip, Tsunade asked, "Why are you telling me this? What do you want?"

"To help you resolve your regrets. I heard from Orochimaru about your brother Nawaki's story. He had an accident just when he was about to fulfill his dream."

Yoichi's words made Tsunade's face show signs of shock. He took out a scroll from his ninja tool bag. "Now, there's a chance to bring your brother back. Do you want to see him again?"

After he spoke, the room fell silent.

A moment later, with tears in her eyes, Tsunade whispered, "Really, can I really see Nawaki again?"

Despite the years, Tsunade had never forgotten her brother, and her longing to see him had only grown. The thought of seeing him again made her heart ache with anticipation.

Yoichi assured her, "Yes, you can even teach him ninjutsu and watch him become Hokage!"

"I want to see him," Tsunade said softly, her voice barely audible.

"Of course."

Yoichi tilted her chin up, looking at her tear-streaked face. She was no longer the legendary Sannin, but a woman overwhelmed by her emotions.

In her surprise, Yoichi leaned in and kissed her soft lips, his hands wrapping around her waist, preventing her from pulling back.

Outside, Shizune, who had just arrived, covered her mouth in shock at the scene. She had heard the conversation about reviving the dead and thought they were discussing forbidden techniques. Peeking through the crack in the door, she saw Yoichi kissing Tsunade.

After a few moments, Tsunade pushed Yoichi away in anger, "You jerk!"

Yoichi grabbed her fist, stopping her weak punch. He checked the strategy guide, noting that her favorability had reached ninety, indicating success.

Yoichi held up the scroll, "I took the liberty of bringing Nawaki's remains. Tomorrow, we can prepare a sacrifice to revive him. Don't worry, the sacrifices are death row criminals."

"Once Nawaki is revived, I'll help you with your other regret. But for now, get some rest. You don't want to look drunk when you see him."

With that, Yoichi left the room, bumping into Shizune outside. He motioned to her and went to get a room for himself.

After Yoichi left, Shizune rushed to Tsunade, "Tsunade-sama, are you alright?"

"Tsunade-sama, were you under a genjutsu?"

Shizune shook Tsunade, bringing her back to her senses. Tsunade quickly wiped her tears and asked, "What is it, Shizune?"

"Tsunade-sama, you and Yoichi-sama just..."

"Nothing happened. We were discussing ninjutsu!"

Tsunade blushed and interrupted, "If there's nothing else, get some rest. I'm feeling dizzy."

"Alright..." Shizune, still suspicious, left the room.

After she left, Tsunade lay on the bed, her face red as she recalled what had happened. 'That perverted brat took advantage of me when I wasn't paying attention, and Shizune saw it!'

Yet, she didn't feel any real anger. In fact, she realized she didn't mind at all. She even felt a hint of liking towards Yoichi.

"That brat went to such lengths to fulfill my regret..."

Tsunade's fists clenched in embarrassment. As she calmed down, she began to reflect.

She realized she didn't dislike Yoichi. Instead, she felt happy seeing him and wanted to be with him. His stories about Konoha's changes were proof of his commitment. He knew her regrets and was doing everything to help.

Apologizing silently to her late lover Dan, Tsunade smiled, then cut her wrist with the kunai Yoichi had given her. She felt no fear at the sight of her own blood.

Using medical ninjutsu, she healed the small wound and prepared for bed. She didn't want Nawaki to see her drunk the next day.

The next morning, Yoichi woke Tsunade early. To his surprise, she was already up and ready.

"Why are you staring? I sober up quickly after drinking," she said, waving her fist. She didn't even realize her tone had softened towards Yoichi, indicating a subtle dependence.

Shizune, still confused but obedient, followed them to a nearby forest. Yoichi had a death row prisoner tied to a tree.

"From the Land of Fire. A death row prisoner guilty of numerous murders. His last act can be useful," Yoichi explained.

"Did you go to the Land of Fire last night?" Tsunade asked.

"Flying Thunder God Technique. I'm the Hokage's assistant now."

"You mastered my great-uncle's technique? With your talent, it's possible..."

Tsunade recalled the kunai Yoichi had given her but didn't dwell on it. Her focus was on reviving Nawaki.

Yoichi took out Nawaki's remains and a scroll, quickly forming hand seals, "Impure World Reincarnation!"

Paper scraps surrounded the sacrifice, who let out a wretched scream. Shizune shivered at the sight, but Tsunade remained unmoved.

Soon, Nawaki's form appeared on the reincarnated body. As he regained consciousness, he realized he was tied to a tree.

"Who are you... Sis? What's going on?" Nawaki recognized Tsunade immediately, his bonds loosening.

"Sis, wasn't I dead?"

Tsunade's tears flowed as she approached, "Nawaki..."

"Wait, Tsunade, let's finish this," Yoichi interrupted, using Wood Release to bind Nawaki, preventing any waste of chakra.

"Wood Release? Sis, who is he?"

Bound by wood, Nawaki didn't struggle. He remembered dying and now saw his sister, confused by the situation.

Yoichi's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan activated, his powerful chakra bringing Nawaki back to life.

As life returned to Nawaki, Yoichi's right eye bled. But seeing Nawaki fully revived, Yoichi closed his eyes, covering them.

"Are you okay? Let me heal you."

"No need. Chakra exhaustion can only be recovered over time," Yoichi replied, pretending to be more affected than he was.

Seeing Yoichi's state, Tsunade hesitated between him and Nawaki. Assured by Yoichi's words, she turned to her brother, embracing him.


"Sis, what's going on?" Nawaki asked, confused.

Tsunade explained his resurrection, telling him it was now the fiftieth year of Konoha. Thirteen years had passed since his death.

Nawaki felt overwhelmed but grateful to be alive.

Approaching Yoichi, Nawaki bowed, "Thank you, Yoichi-senpai. I owe you my life."

"Thank your sister. It's because of her," Yoichi replied, waving off the gratitude. Nawaki, understanding, smiled at his sister and Yoichi.

"Got it, brother-in-law."

"Idiot, don't make me angry right after coming back!" Tsunade scolded, though she was smiling.

"Let's go back," Yoichi suggested.

"Wait, take this." Tsunade handed Yoichi the precious necklace of the Senju clan, placing it around his neck.

Seeing his smile, she quickly added, "Don't get the wrong idea. It's just a thank you. And don't forget our bet!"

(End of Chapter)