
Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered!

During the Chūnin Exam, a live broadcast showcased the contrasting lives of two Uchiha Sasukes to the ninja world. Sasuke from the original world: Tricked by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by successive Hokages, and kept in ignorance. His strength enhanced by the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the Sage of Six Paths. Saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha in solitude. With just one daughter, the Uchiha lineage teeters on the brink of extinction. Sasuke from the Parallel World: Engaged in critical thinking and investigation to uncover the truth, resolving to defeat all adversaries. Independently increased his power, acquiring the Sage Mode, Rinnegan and Tailed Beast Power by himself. United the ninja world through unmatched strength, vanquished the Ōtsutsuki, ushered in true peace.

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144 Chs

Chapter 90

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# Chapter 90: Danzo, You Have Always Been In My Illusion

In the chat room, everyone was shocked by this picture! After learning that Shimura Danzo also possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan, they anticipated a battle between the Mangekyō users! 

In particular, Danzo's only Mangekyō's pupil technique is the Distinguished Heavenly Gods. If Alternate Sasuke is not careful, his will may be altered, making him Danzo's puppet!

But unexpectedly, Shimura Danzo's Mangekyō Sharingan was snatched away!

Namikaze Minato: "That Shadow Clone that rushed out of the dust, Alternate Sasuke must have placed the Flying Thunder God spell on it in advance!"

Senju Tobirama: "That's right! At the moment when the Shadow Clone exploded, Uchiha Sasuke flashed over using the Flying Thunder God Technique, and was concealed by the white smoke from the explosion!"

The two masters who mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique quickly analyzed the situation. That Shadow Clone was a cover for the action of the main body. On one hand, Alternate Sasuke could move through the Flying Thunder God Technique. On the other hand, the white smoke covered Alternate Sasuke's tracks!

Onoki: "With such a strategy, it's no wonder Danzo couldn't guard against it."

Fourth Raikage: "Damn Flying Thunder God Technique... just so unfair!"

Orochimaru: "No, it's more than that... Alternate Sasuke deliberately belittled Danzo, showing arrogance, making Danzo underestimate him and let down his guard!"

Jiraiya: "... Could it be that you're overthinking? Did Alternate Sasuke really plan so much?"

Hatake Kakashi: "I think it makes sense... Distinguished Heavenly Gods' pupil art is too dangerous. With Alternate Sasuke's caution, he probably said those words on purpose!"

Senju Tobirama: "This tactic is quite complex... Using insight to gather information, psychological warfare to make Danzo underestimate him, and then succeeding in the surprise attack with the help of Shadow Clone Flying Thunder God cut!"

Although he is opposed to Uchiha, he must admit that Alternate Sasuke in the parallel world is a genius—a genius in cultivation, intelligence-gathering, analyzing, researching, and improving ninjutsu, as well as in tactics. It's a pity that such a genius has the surname Uchiha.

The golden frame on the screen continues playing.

After Sasuke took Danzo's Sharingan, he pulled back immediately! "I will accept this eye," Sasuke declares, thinking the pupil technique of Distinguished Heavenly Gods would be very useful. 

Danzo covers the bloody hole in his right eye, eyes bleeding, heart also in anguish. That's Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō that he fought hard to obtain! He consumed a Sharingan for Izanagi to sneak attack Uchiha Shisui and asked Orochimaru to create an arm with First Hokage cells to balance the Mangekyō Sharingan's consumption. 

However, the technique of Distinguished Heavenly Gods wasn't used yet, and now the Mangekyō Sharingan has been stolen!

"Uchiha Sasuke!!!" Danzo shakes with anger, only to suddenly realize something feels off. Why did Uchiha Sasuke raid his right eye, wrapped in a bandage and not visibly a Sharingan? Did someone inform him? That doesn't make sense, as only the root ninjas who attacked Uchiha Shisui knew, and they wouldn't betray him!

Orochimaru: "The pupil technique of Alternate Sasuke's left eye is truly impressive... He can gather all the information at a glance."

Originally, he envied Alternate Sasuke's right eye, which can copy the bloodline limit pupil technique. Now it appears that the insight pupil technique of his left eye is equally strong. In ninja battles, information is crucial! If Alternate Sasuke hadn't used the left eye pupil technique to know about Danzo's Mangekyō in advance, he might have been caught by surprise!

Namikaze Minato: "Alternate Sasuke catching the eye through surprise attack is crucial, but obtaining information in advance is also very important."

Onoki: "Especially since Danzo didn't know Sasuke was aware of his right eye, so he wasn't prepared at all."

These factors combined led to Danzo losing his right eye's Mangekyō Sharingan from the start!

In the root base, Sasuke puts away the Mangekyō Sharingan he obtained from Danzo. "I wanted to ask where this Mangekyō came from, but forget it. After I capture you, I can slowly torture you," Sasuke says, taking out the Kusanagi sword, which he captured from Orochimaru during the Chūnin exam.

"Catch me, tie me up?" Danzo almost laughs in anger. He is the assistant of Konoha Hokage, the leader of Roots! No one has ever dared to act this way toward him!

Sasuke takes out several shurikens from his ninja bag, throwing them toward Danzo. After a crisp collision sound in the air, the shurikens split into various directions, attacking Danzo in the middle. 

"Uchiha shuriken technique? I haven't seen this in a long time," Danzo remarks, not panicking, holding a kunai to shoot down the shurikens.

Suddenly, Danzo notices a black spell with three hooks on a shuriken. "This is?!" he realizes.

"Damn it! I forgot that Uchiha Sasuke has mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique!" It's too late now, as Sasuke adjusted his state when throwing the shuriken!

Curse Seal Immortal Art Status is ON! Lightning Stimulus, activate! With Chakra focused on his legs, showing strange power, Sasuke suddenly steps forward, using the Flying Thunder God Technique, arriving near Danzo through the seal on the shuriken!

The Kusanagi sword in his hand cuts toward Danzo's shoulder, and Danzo only manages three seals hurriedly. His right arm is cut off directly. Without trying to retrieve the dropped arm, Danzo jumps back immediately, breathing roughly, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. The Flying Thunder God Technique is really too dangerous!

Uchiha Sasuke's speed is already very fast, and with the space-time ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God, there is hardly any time to defend! However, it's fine. Izanagi is successfully used. 

Danzo looks at Uchiha Sasuke opposite him, picks up his right arm, and doesn't care. Now is the effective time of Izanagi. After the time has passed, all unfavorable things that happened during this period will be nullified! His right arm will be as if it was never cut off, with just the loss of a Three Tomoe Sharingan.


Danzo stared at Uchiha Sasuke, his eyes full of fear.

Sasuke's strength rivaled that of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi from back then.

In fact, Sasuke might be even stronger while being much younger.

He was only twelve years old.

This would be a hidden danger for Konoha, and he must be eliminated.

Suddenly, Danzo saw Sasuke looking at him with strange eyes.

"I'm curious, why aren't you flustered even though I cut off your arm?"

Danzo heard Sasuke say this.

"Heh!" Danzo sneered. "Actually, I should thank you. The Forbidden Technique of the Uchiha clan, Izanagi."

Danzo briefly explained the effect of Izanagi to Sasuke.

By sacrificing a Three Tomoe Sharingan, it could reverse unfavorable factors.

Danzo intended to provoke Sasuke and make him show a flaw in his anger.

After talking about Izanagi, Danzo noticed Sasuke's face darken.

"Did you collect the Sharingan of my people for this purpose?"

Sasuke's anger surged, and he gathered Lightning Style Chakra, forming a lightning spear through the Kusanagi sword, piercing Danzo's abdomen.

"Pfft... cough cough!"

Danzo spat out blood.

Although he activated Izanagi, the pain was still real.

Struggling to endure the pain, he retreated, suffering from the sharp pain in his abdomen.

Then, Danzo stopped confronting Sasuke head-on and started dodging around.

"You seem to be waiting for something. Well, let me guess, Izanagi should have a time limit and can only reverse the unfavorable factors for a certain period. How long? One minute? Or two minutes?"

Sasuke chased Danzo, talking while attacking.

Sometimes he would punch Danzo with strange force.

Occasionally, the Kusanagi sword would pierce Danzo's limbs.

Danzo was extremely weak and couldn't fight head-on.

He silently counted down in his heart.

"...Fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty!"

Danzo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

One minute had passed, and the injuries should disappear.

However, time continued to pass.

The pain was still all over his body.


Danzo was bewildered.

His right arm was still in Sasuke's hand, and his injuries remained.

How could this be?

Didn't he activate Izanagi?

Suddenly, Danzo guessed a possibility, and his face darkened instantly.


Could he be under an illusion?

"Congratulations, you guessed right," Sasuke said, looking at Danzo. "You have been under my illusion."

In the real world, a group of people were stunned.

Onoki: "Hey! Is Mangekyō Sharingan's illusion that powerful? It trapped Danzo without him noticing!"

Danzo, although weaker than the real Five Kages, was still a Kage-level powerhouse.

To have fallen into an illusion like this and be teased so miserably!

Orochimaru: "Maybe it's because Danzo's state was affected... just lost the Mangekyō Sharingan, and his resistance to illusions dropped significantly."

Orochimaru looked very uncomfortable.

The scene of Danzo under the illusion reminded him of a very bad memory.

Terumi Mei: "When did Shimura Danzo fall under an illusion? Why didn't I notice it?"

Fourth Raikage: "Danzo didn't look directly at Sasuke's Mangekyō. How did he get caught in an illusion?"

Senju Tobirama: "Hmph! Fighting against the illusion masters of the Uchiha clan, you can't think you can absolutely avoid illusions without looking at their Sharingan!"

Uchiha Madara: "I guess Sasuke used illusion Chakra passed through the shuriken."

Hatake Kakashi: "By shuriken... you mean Yin Style Chakra with an illusion attached to the shuriken, and Danzo got caught when he saw it?"

Hearing this, everyone in the ninja world was dumbfounded.

Can illusions work like this?

No, the Uchiha clan is too outrageous!

This is totally unavoidable!

At the root base, Sasuke briefly explained his illusion to Danzo.

"When you saw my shuriken, you were already under the illusion."

"Then, you thought you performed Izanagi with seals, but you did nothing."

"Maybe it's because I took your right eye and cut off your right arm, which caused you to be in such a bad condition that you didn't realize you were under an illusion for one minute of Izanagi's time."

"Shimura Danzo, although you covet Uchiha's power, you are really small in front of our power."

Sasuke taunted while sealing Danzo's right arm.


Danzo's face was dark.

Damn it!

He had been teased!

Sasuke took his Mangekyō by surprise and chopped off his right arm!

He had already lost most of his original strength!

Hashirama cells and Wood Style were gone, Sharingan and Kotoamatsukami were gone!

The only remaining Wind Style ninjutsu was hard to perform with just one arm!

But Sasuke hadn't consumed much at all.

Even Susanoo hadn't been open for long!

As for him, it was no longer possible...

"Uchiha Sasuke, even if I die, I will seal you away!"

Danzo tore off his clothes, intending to cast the Four Symbols Seal and die with Sasuke.



Sasuke instantly appeared before Danzo and struck his abdomen!

"Unfortunately, I left the Flying Thunder God spell on you just now."

Speaking, Sasuke stabbed Danzo's neck with a knife.


Danzo was full of unwillingness and lost consciousness.

And at this time, Sasuke's Shadow Clone No. 5 couldn't hold on any longer.

"Phew, fortunately you are done with the main body. I have run out of Chakra..."

As soon as the words were finished, the No. 5 Shadow Clone exploded with a bang.

Later, the remaining root ninjas gathered around.

Seeing that Sasuke had already captured Danzo, they started to cast a mouse-tat again.

"Let go of Master Danzo!"

Someone shouted threateningly.

"Heh, I still have things to do. I don't have time to waste with you."

Sasuke chuckled, holding Shimura Danzo, and activated Susanoo.

This time, he directly opened to the second form.

The original skeleton giant was now covered with flesh and blood, and its figure swelled even more.


A group of root ninjas were dumbfounded.

Originally, the purple skeleton giant was strong enough, but now it seemed even stronger!

How could they fight?!

"...This is a parting gift. Goodbye, root organization."

In Susanoo's hand, three purple Magatamas emerged.

The purple giant threw the spinning Magatamas in its hand.

At the same time, Sasuke activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and left the underground base of the root organization.


A terrible explosion erupted in the root base!

The large underground base of the root organization began to collapse.