
Naruto: Aizen`s Ascension

Juha Bach faced defeat while trying to create a new world order. Some time passed, Soul society`s tranquility didn’t last for long - it evaporated as soon as the notorious mastermind, Aizen Sosuke, decided to enter the stage again! Surprisingly, this very man, when Juha Bach`s power was paralyzed by Ishida Uryu`s silver arrow, managed to acquire certain esoteric knowledge about how some hidden aspects of reality truly operated. This was not just a mere coincidence, as one might expect it at first glance, but the indirect influence of the otherworldly being, who with zest was ready to accept Aizen Sosuke as his fellow conspirator. Being reincarnated in the Naruto world during the warring states period, Aizen Sosuke together with his partner in crime are ready to make their grand plan come into being, which is not as trivial as - become the strongest, achieve immortality or simply conquer the world to prove self-existences right and worth. “Grasping power of destiny in one’s own hands … forging unique path by making first steps on the road of uncertainty … eating wings of inevitability, granting oneself the power to vaporize the blinding arrogance… ready to be emptied, only unknown creativity to be granted, shall journey of consciousness be experienced to the deepest joy intensity.”-Dante to Aizen before reincarnation. **Disclaimers** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Zero8master · Komik
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17 Chs

How some things came to be.

A being must go to knowledge just as it goes to war - fully awakened, full of fear, awe, and unconditional determination. Any deviation from this rule is a fatal mistake, and those who commit it will certainly live to see the day when they bitterly regret it.

The only one who fulfills these four conditions - to be fully awakened, full of fear, awe, and unconditional determination - is immune to the power of regret; only under these conditions will it not act at random. Only such a being can come to a true realization of just how frightening the nature of knowledge can be. It also comes to recognize that death is an irreplaceable partner ready to help. Death is the main power of every piece of knowledge that becomes power. Death grants its decisive touch and everything it touches becomes power

-- Ancient wisdom of Heavenly honey badger race.

(Naughty heavenly honey badger-Dante (pic))

So here is a brief story on how Dante came to be in soul society.

The void quaked and line upon line of black cracks began to form in an accelerated manner.

A part of the ultra- dimensional wall shattered, horrific space storm erupted, void distorted, black lightning flashed.

'Holy sh$t! I thought I was really done for, I must act fast or else I am going to vanish' Dante took the only low-tier Destiney manifestation essence crystal that he had on hand and wrote on it with mystical language - the most suitable world that is closest in the vicinity for my soul recovery and opportunity that will be helpful for my quest to greatness -.

Destiny manifestation essence crystal lit up in purple -golden color, mystical characters came alive and started a rhythmical dance around heavenly honey badger.


The crystal shattered and purple-golden light enveloped Dante.

'i am relieved a little now! I managed to at least pull this off. alright! time to enter meditative slumber to at bare minimum be able to preserve my existence' with that thought in mind, Dante closed his eyes and used heavenly essence crystal in his inner soul shell as a base for protection, while leaving the outer shell of his soul fragment in the least protected state, ' I guess with this amount of heavenly essence crystal this is the best countermeasure I can come up with in case someone tries to pry into my mental subconsciousness`s knowledge library and laboratory, even though my outer shell of soul fragment will be vulnerable to some external restrains as long as the core survives, that`s all that matters. As the saying goes- desperate times, desperate measures.'

Dante, enveloped in spherical light, drifted in the vast space through the ebb and flow of destiny.

After some time, the world, which had four realms structure as its base, came into view…

Dante, incapable of using the reincarnation method in his weakened and slumbering state, was, of course, exposed to heavenly will as a foreign entity.

Needless to say, the world`s will started slowly arranging opportunities for its beings to discover Dante, the alien creature. Of all existing life forms, Yhwach happened to be the winner of this invisible and unofficial competition.

"out of all the methods I have tried non really managed to infiltrate this creature`s core …definitely a tough nut to crack…" muttered a little bit exasperated Juha bach to himself, inside the prison cell.

'Crux of the matter is, some weird and dangerous power is protecting this foreign entity`s inner soul level. it is like the very laws of nature are being distorted in front of this power…to think I accidentally managed to discover a creature that came, I reckon, from out of this world …the maximum I managed to accomplish is to imprison its outer soul layer with soul voiding chains that were specifically designed to somehow trap and hinder it`s recovery…'

What Juha didn't know was that unbeknownst to him, the world`s will give him some inspiration to redesign soul voiding chains specifically to counter Dante`s recovery and to some extent restrain power and mobility.

Suddenly a light flashed and the slumbering Heavenly honey badger woke up.

Shua! shua!

a little reiatsu vortex formed.

"huu…. Hmm… I really have slept for quite some time "yawned Dante in a carefree manner while performing some warm-up body exercises in chains.

"I see so you finally woke up and can speak our language, truly marvelous! As you might expect, I have tons of questions …" smiled Juha." Wait! can you give me a second before you start shooting your questions? "Dante interjected. 'hmm good! my inner core was protected even though these chains do really hinder my recovery rate but do not eliminate it entirely either…heavenly will! Well, it was to be anticipated!'

"I can overlook the fact that you literary tried to penetrate my inner soul core because in your place I would have done the same to the creature with unknown origins that has some strange pulsating force residing within."-fascinatingly grinned Dante" how about you hear my offer first and then I would maybe try answering some questions of yours?"

"well, why not? My interest is picked …"-responded Juha with a wide smile of his. (Ancient heavenly honey badger race has an innate ability of 'soul vibrational essence true meaning conversion'- thus language barrier is non-existent)

Heavenly honey badger disclosed some knowledge and made not identical but quite similar offer, just like in Aizen`s case.

But the response was different. well , it was to be expected without some means to back words up!

"very interesting and certainly this stuff needs to be tested out, "noted Juha in a little bit surprised tone" but how to test it? can you show some evidence? thus I refuse!

Maybe I am unable to handle you now with my current power level but that will change soon."-Devilishly smiled Yhwach and calmly made a mental evaluation.

'What a blatant confidence, you are simply blindly underestimating and overestimating certain things. Well after I am done with soul king you will be next. As for the stuff you mentioned it can be tested out slowly'

"well that`s unfortunate, and here I was hoping to get some partner"- uttered Danter in a bored tone, expecting the obvious outcome but....it was not useless as one might expect it at first glance!

'As always things involving destiny aren't so straightforward, I had a faint feeling that this at first glance useless offer would not be in vain. Destiny manifestation crystal! Even if it is of low quality, its subtle influence can not be underestimated! I am looking forward to the chain reaction! '

After that little chat, Yhwach went to his team to discuss the invasion of soul society.

While things processed as in canon - a thousand-year blood war arc, Dante was observing and collecting information via his enhanced spiritual sense.

'heh! Thanks to destiny manifestation essence crystal I am in the soul realm that is quite suitable for my soul fragment recovery, it is not only that! my spiritual sensory is also enhanced in this environment.' Dante closed his eyes and virtual holographical movies of outside events manifested in his consciousness, with just his will alone he could store and extract deeper and hidden details in this holographical video.

Dante had a little bit elated look 'heh! There is another thing that is quite convenient to use since am in the soul realm, as a matter of course, some heavenly essence crystal power still has to be spent but the cost is naturally going to be significantly lower compared to normal situations and not just energy cost but difficulty too. The ability to grab THE Direct knowledge from the informational force field of the world, aka Akashic records. '

Time flew, canon events unfolded step by step, even the moment, when Aizen managed to steal some Juha bach`s power, did not escape honey badgers' attention.

Suddenly in Dante`s mind popped up the memory of the event, where he wrote on destiny manifestation essence crystal -… and opportunity that will be helpful for my quest for greatness -' The chain reaction, I see! I get the premonition that Aizen is going to be the key figure in my journey for greatness.

I can safely assume, that it was not just accidental when Aizen managed to absorb not just any part of Juha bach`s power but the very specific portion where information about me was stored. hmm, let`s gather some more information on Aizen Sosuke via this world`s Akashic records…'

It was apparent, that Aizen will be coming to visit him and that establishment of a partnership was quite feasible. Dante would certainly welcome a qualified partner, a partner that will be capable of making significant contributions to his plan. As they say:' Two heads are better than one'.

Dante could escape Soul voiding chains directly, that were specifically designed by the world`s will and Juha to restrain him, but the cost would be problematic, like sacrificing a fairly large portion of the Heavenly Essence Crystal! So, the most optimal course of action was for him to slowly recover some soul strength (Soul voiding chains just hinder regeneration but not eliminate it completely), adapt to existing power system principles, gather some information and come up with a less costly method that would utilize a much smaller dose of Heavenly essence crystal. Fortunately, while gathering and comprehending information about this world, he discovered the golden opportunity -Aizen Sosuke.

P.S Here is a little verse that Dante had wrote about himself...


Quiet as in a coffin.

You know

Looking at all this infinity

You understand how much

Our existence is meaningless

We're not even ants that move erratically

We are just nothing. That's why we need all this, huh?

- Well, I don't know ... I have to return anyway,

The bird with free will, like a pilgrim,

Moving in time, the jester, the paladin.

I choose my own buttonholes,

I myself determine the place where and by whom to be born.

My freedom is beyond the ozone line

And I am not a slave of kings and pharaohs.

Angels build their garrisons

I walk on the clouds as if on a lawn.

My utopia is you or a copy

Planets where everything is ruled

Money, greed, evil and opium.

Soon the Earth will wash away the structures with water,

The law of the universe is irreversible, destruction.

As if I lived, as if I saw everyone here,

I've been stirring up the hidden secrets of Ancient Atlantis,

My energy lives for centuries

The planet gave me this life for free,

Whom will I take next as an avatar?

I am a traveler, a warrior and a ghost

I am like a microbe of a large organism.

The bird itself is free, like a pilgrim,

Moving in time, the jester, the paladin.

I choose my own buttonholes,

I myself determine the place where and by whom to be born.

You are not dreaming, you are in the game!

But there is no option to save.

There are no boundaries, you are one

In a multisystem of destinies,

Choose what to strive for.

One shepherd, another killer

This is a child, another is a tomb,

The whole table is spinning around me

There are elements, continents, faces.

It's time to come to terms - you are a particle of the game,

I'm not sure intuition, you need to rummage around.

There are many truths hidden in books so as not to stumble,

I collect thoughts bit by bit.

The sun rises, then it sets

And so in a circle everything lasts for centuries.

