
Naruto: A Different Reality

In a Naruto universe veiled by the ominous specter of an alternate past, the legendary rival of Hokage Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha makes a fateful decision. Instead of using izanagi to hide in the shadows, Uchiha Madara uses it a new lifeline against his battle with Hashirama Senju. Desperate to stop the Madara's madness, Hashirama seals his once-friend within the depths of a Shinigami seal but due to black zetsu's interruption something unimaginable happens. Black Zetsu, the cunning manipulator, who now has the bodies of two of the greatest shinobi of all time with all their secrets, orchestrates a plan that threatens to unravel the very fabric of reality. Even the combined might of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha may not be enough to thwart this impending catastrophe. The world stands on the precipice of ruin, its fate hanging by a fragile thread. Amidst this chaos emerges our protagonist, a figure from another realm, transmigrated into this desperate Naruto world. Possessing knowledge of the original Naruto World, they are tasked with a daunting mission—to rewrite destiny itself. As alliances shift like shadows and ancient evils stir, Ryouma Uchiha embarks on an odyssey through the heart of darkness. With the weight of a doomed world on their shoulders, they must navigate treacherous waters, forge unexpected alliances, and confront the deepest shadows of the shinobi world. Join Uchiha Ryouma on an epic journey where the boundaries between worlds blur and the line between friend and foe fades. Will they be the beacon of hope this fractured world needs, or will darkness claim all in its grasp? Prepare for an adventure where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the echoes of a new legend begin to resound.

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21 Chs

Great Fireball Jutsu And A New Simulation

Tatsuma's POV:

'As expected the meeting with elders was hectic, but I was able somehow able to manage the situation. Still I didn't know Ryouma had interest in fuinjutsu, I had thought it was some basic experiments with explosion tags.

But his interest in fuinjutsu is massively advantageous for me. Looks like even destiny is favouring me. If I just play my cards right, I could easily complete my original plan and maybe gain even more profits. Looks like I have to keep Ryouma close to me, both in safety and in check.'

Raising his head he looked towards his right where his daughter, Mikoto was sitting. He remembered the genuine smile she had given when she had congratulated Ryouma and felt that he could use it.

Any guilt for using his daughter for his own plans was absent from his heart. At the same time another image popped up in his mind, image of a bright boy with orange goggles and a infectious smile and he grinned.


Meanwhile in Ryouma's house:

After having dinner at Obito's house, he had returned home.

They had offered to live with them when his mother had left for battlefield but he has refused become of privacy. His father was out for about 2 years now and there was absolutely no information on him except he was alive.

He took out the scroll he had received. It was a standard scroll with a Uchiha clan symbol on top of it.

'The news of the me getting the scroll and breaking the record should be spread throughout the clan till tomorrow's evening. I wonder how Kasumi will react. I have told Obito and his reaction was just as expected.

He was in awe and then resolved to complete the chakra flow and leaf concentration exercise. It was like he just didn't know how to feel pessimistic, which is a bit different from Naruto but I bet Naruto would have been same if he didn't have to bear the hatred of being a jinchuriki.

Oh well, let's see if this scroll has what I need.'

Opening the scroll, Ryouma read it fully and twice again to understand the jutsu better.

'Wow, this jutsu is a genius invention.

The user converts his chakra into a fire chakra in the base of his mouth and then with the help of his breath, he enhances it and spews it out of his mouth. It is like enhancing fire with air but instead of using jutsu to create air flow we use our own breath.

Due to this user has to change less chakra into fire one and use rest of his focus in chakra form.

Moreover we can easily adjust the fireball by changing the amount of air exhaled and it's flow.

This jutsu is C rank sure, but it has much greater potential, no wonder it was used throughout the series and we have seen it being used in different forms too.

Actually the process of enhancing the fire with our own breath is a genius and we have seen it being used in all the fire release jutsus.'

But this thing is not much use for me. Why? Because changing your chakra into elements which are not already present is hard. These elements include fire and water, which is harder than normal.

Like earth users generally use to manipulate and shape earth and wind users too manipulate the natural air present in the atmosphere.

Lightning comes in between both groups as users enhance the natural static charges present in atmosphere but it is harder than previous two.

Whereas converting into fire and water and bringing them into existence is hard. That's why even Uchihas, who have highest affinity in fire use these tricks and Kiri favors hidden must jutsu and their special assassination technique so much and had developed in other ninja crafts like kenjutsu and focused on inheritale powers like bloodlines.

'I am not sure about last part but considering the high number of bloodline there and the presence of boil release and lava release which is a Iwa based bloodline in Kiri, it is possible that they are experimenting and stuff.

Well they have to do that to survive as a Great Ninja Village or they will be devoured by others.'

Tobirama's immense talent in water release had helped him in creating floods out of nowhere but that is literally one in billion stuff.

Situation is similar with me, due to my high fire affinity, I don't exactly need to use that trick. I could create fire out of nowhere in future when my affinity increases, but for now, I will have to with the trick. Well it's cool enough.

Aside from that, there were some specific chakra control exercises, change in chakra nature exercises and some change in shape exercises that will help in learning this jutsu along side precautions.

'This is much more detailed than expected, but considering it's potential and the fact that all children of Uchiha clan learn it, it should be expected.'

As I had said, I didn't have enough proficiency in change in chakra form, so I started with those exercises.


Next Morning After A Simulation Training:

Three children were laying in the ground and panting heavily. Kasumi's face was a mix of shock, frustration, a bit of happiness for the Obito, huge amount of frustration and anger for the Ryouma and bit of envy too for the winner.

Ryouma was panting too but his expression was different from Kasumi's. He was much more happy for Obito and was full of annoyance towards Kasumi and bit unhappy for losing at himself.

Obito on the other hand had a bright smile on his face as he has won the simulation practice.

Mikoto walks into the scene as all of them sit up at her arrival.

Mikoto smiles and says.

"Congratulations Obito for your victory."

Obito just grins and shows a thumbs up sign.

"Now let's start the review session. Let's start with Kasumi."

Kasumi says in tired tone.

"I think my fault would be to not check if someone was following me."

She says looking at Obito to which he says a quiet sorry. She continues.

"Second mistake is not removing the trap effectively and third would be not using my abilities effectively."

She says in a reproachful tone.

Mikoto modded.

"Perfect analysis as always. Now Ryouma."

Ryouma replied sheepishly.

"My mistakes would be falling into Kasumi's plan and underestimating Obito."


"Hah, overthinking, I guess."

"Also the fact that you missed that weren't announced winner. And Obito?"

"I was perfect."

Obito said smugly

"Not quite but you did use your creative thinking to fullest."

Mikoto said with a smile.

The simulation training a mix of treasure hunt and chase. All three of them were given a map of treasure but the forest was covered with a basic genjutsu. They have to utilise their brains to find the hidden scroll and come back.

Obito who was weak in such things chose to follow Kasumi, who was the smartest, leaving her unaware. Ryouma had gone alone

Kasumi was the one who found the scroll but triggered a trap, which released a loud noise and alerted her position to Ryouma. Kasumi immediately set a trap for both Ryouma and Obito and left while Obito overtook her and created his own trap.

Ryouma overthought that Kasumi would wait at the site of treasure and rig it with traps to defeat both Ryouma and Obito there and then leave. While Kasumi had already thought that Ryouma would think so and trapped the path connecting the site to her location.

Meanwhile Kasumi herself had stuck into Obito's trap which was totally unexpected for her and had her scroll stolen. But she forced Obito away from the end point back to the forest.

Kasumi instead of following Obito trapped the area to stall anyone who tries to cross it.

With Ryouma, who was done dealing with Kasumi's trap met Obito who was running back. On stopping and questioning him, his hesitation and inexperience in lying gave away that he has the scroll. A fight ensued, on which Ryouma came out on top. He then ran towards the end point and came face to face with Kasumi whom defeated too.

But Kasumi who knew about the trap ahead followed him from left and excepted Obito suggestion to take Ryouma down first the fight in between.

Ryouma this time however detected the trap and hence made a play of falling into it, was ambushed by both Ryouma and Obito but he was ready.

Ryouma was about to win but Obito's unexpected use of shuriken had lossened his belt where he put the scroll, which was noticed by everyone.

The fight continued but Ryouma lost the possession of scroll because they were set free so he had to pay attention to it too.

Kasumi who had the scroll ran to end followed by two whose speed were greater than hers and they eventually caught up.

After the ensuing fight Ryouma had the scroll and he crossed the finish line followed by Obito, who much to everyone's suprise was announced as winner.

Turned out that the scroll Ryouma had was fake. Obito had exchanged it when it was in his possession. Obito has prepared that scroll beforehand because everytime till now only scroll was chosen as reward or important object in such simulations.

Kasumi claim for not using her abilities effectively was due to the fact that her abilities show their potential when counterattacking rather than taking initiative. She should have created a better plan when she had gotten scroll and she would have if Obito had not trapped her.

"With this, our hundredth simulation exercise is completed with the final score of 59-26-15 wins for Ryouma, Kasumi and Obito respectively.

Alright this is for today but I have to make one more important announcement.

From day after tomorrow effectively, a new teacher would be teaching you as I have been ordered to head towards the battlefield. He will be present with me tomorrow to see over you all and your levels and start from next day.

So behave properly with your next sensei and learn properly, alright?"

The news shocked all three of the students. Obito instantly began asking questions while Ryouma was thinking if it was because of him and he also noticed strangely subdued nature of Kasumi on hearing the news and her biting her lower lip and looking down which she unconsciously does when she was thinking about something depressing or similar. Mikoto also noticed and she knew the reason but she couldn't do anything.