
Naruto: A Different Reality

In a Naruto universe veiled by the ominous specter of an alternate past, the legendary rival of Hokage Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha makes a fateful decision. Instead of using izanagi to hide in the shadows, Uchiha Madara uses it a new lifeline against his battle with Hashirama Senju. Desperate to stop the Madara's madness, Hashirama seals his once-friend within the depths of a Shinigami seal but due to black zetsu's interruption something unimaginable happens. Black Zetsu, the cunning manipulator, who now has the bodies of two of the greatest shinobi of all time with all their secrets, orchestrates a plan that threatens to unravel the very fabric of reality. Even the combined might of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha may not be enough to thwart this impending catastrophe. The world stands on the precipice of ruin, its fate hanging by a fragile thread. Amidst this chaos emerges our protagonist, a figure from another realm, transmigrated into this desperate Naruto world. Possessing knowledge of the original Naruto World, they are tasked with a daunting mission—to rewrite destiny itself. As alliances shift like shadows and ancient evils stir, Ryouma Uchiha embarks on an odyssey through the heart of darkness. With the weight of a doomed world on their shoulders, they must navigate treacherous waters, forge unexpected alliances, and confront the deepest shadows of the shinobi world. Join Uchiha Ryouma on an epic journey where the boundaries between worlds blur and the line between friend and foe fades. Will they be the beacon of hope this fractured world needs, or will darkness claim all in its grasp? Prepare for an adventure where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the echoes of a new legend begin to resound.

DRAGONs_layer · Komik
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21 Chs

Future Depends Upon Decisions

Ryouma's POV:

After eating breakfast at grandma's house, Obito and I went to training ground. As the academy days were closing in our training time was also increased and shifted to morning from 7 am to 2 pm.

Arriving at the training ground we saw Mikoto sensei talking with Kasumi, which she stopped after seeing us arrive. Kasumi looked a bit sad but quickly went back to a stoic 'I have no equal' look when she saw my gaze. Transition was bit fun to watch, to be honest.

"What happened? What were you guys talking about?" Obito asked as loud as always.

"We were talking about how our genius Kasumi also learnt chakra flow yesterday. It is a very impressive feat to learn chakra flow at the age of 4, truly work of a genius."

I don't know how but that 'I have no equal' look on Kasumi's face changed to 'Even Six Path Madara is beneath me' as her lips curved at corners. Only god knows how much that smug smile irritates me.

'God this girl is so gullible, I almost can't believe that this girl's IQ is higher than mine but I guess I have been defeated enough times in shogi to make it a undeniable fact.

And sensei are you choosing favourites now, I didn't hear that when learnt it 3 months ago.'

"Really, amazing, how you two could do that boring thing is totally beyond me." Obito chimed in.

'Eh, Obito that not what you should praise her for but I agree with you, that smugness must not be increased.'

"Ryouma, are you not gonna congratulate Kasumi? That a bad habit, you know?"

'Huh, GOD NO. You are not playing a fair game sensei. You are clearly taking Kasumi's side. Heh, do you think you could outplay me. I can clearly see what's going on that 17 year old mind of yours. You just want to embarrass me. I will show you how a 25 year old will handle that situation.'

"I guess it is an impressive feat for NORMAL geniuses but she needs to work hard if she needs to come in ranks with true prodigies."

I watched smugly as Kasumi's eyebrows began to tighten and smugness left her face.

But then I heard soft chuckling sounds from sensei and I suddenly became very interested in the kunai mark someone have left on the tree on my left as I felt my cheeks become hot. Kasumi too become interested in ants in the ground.

(A/N: I guess Ryouma is playing his part as a child so well, that he has begun to behave like a child.

Just to tell you that mc has no social life in his previous life.)

"Hey Ryouma, that's not a nice thing to say and why are you laughing sensei?" Obito chimed in and dispelled awkwardness.

"Nothing Obito, I just remembered my cute, adorable kittens fighting. Fu fu fu."

'Damn that mark is very strange, it is diagonal with broader upper side, it means it was thrown from a upper angle. However nothing is in that direction other than sky. Very peculiar.'

"Wow, I never saw kittens but I have heard they are very cute and have soft fur. Oh and sensei can you tell me more about them like how many are they and what is their age?" Obito got excited.

"Fu fu fu, there are three kittens and as you said they are very cute and have very soft fur. And all of them are three years old. One of them is a female while other two are male. Hmm, oh and one of the male kitten always fight with female kitten while the third one, the cutest tries to stop them to no avail."

Narrator POV:

'Please stop already.'

For the first time, thoughts of Kasumi and Ryouma were in sync as their faces were bright red and they both were trying their best to hide it.

Thankfully Mikoto finally shows mercy on the kittens and starts today's training.


After completing mandatory exercises Today's lesson was about chakra natures. Mikoto explained everything about natures in detail like their properties, effects, uses, advantages, disadvantages as well as the nature cycle.

"Every single person has some affinities in every chakra nature but they differ in amount. Like my highest affinity is in fire chakra nature followed by lightning, earth, air and water. The less affinity you have for a nature, more difficult it is to learn the jutsus of that nature.

With the help of a special paper called chakra paper, we can determine which chakra nature we have highest affinity in. As for the order of other affinities you can determine them by how difficult it is for you to learn the change in chakra nature.

Chakra nature is also affected by lineage like Uchiha clan and Sarutobi clan has usually have affinity for fire, Senju clan usually have affinity for water and Hatake clan have affinity for lightning.

So today I have brought some chakra paper for you to see which chakra nature is dominant in you."

Mikoto sensei after saying that brought out four chakra paper from her pocket and held out one to each one of us, with last one in between her fingers and continued.

"See this, it is a chakra paper. It is made out of special wood. It is highly reactive and generates a reaction when exposed to slightest hint of chakra.

Based on the reaction we can tell which chakra nature you have.

If you have affinity to fire, paper will burn to ash. Wind, it will split in two. Water, it will be become damp. Earth, it will crumble to dirt. While if you have lightning, it will wrinkle.

Now put a silver of your chakra in the paper like this."

The paper held between her finger suddenly caught fire and burnt away. Obito as usual wowed while Kasumi watched in admiration.

Ryouma took his paper and as he had expected the paper went up in flames and burnt away. This instantly took the attention of two other kids, who then began trying with their own papers.

Obito paper too like Ryouma went up in flames but Kasumi's paper actually crumbled to dirt.

By this event Kasumi herself looked very shocked and a bit disappointed too that she didn't have same nature as her sensei, while Ryouma thought.

'Obito's nature is as expected Kasumi getting an earth release is a suprise actually.'

"Two fire chakra nature and a earth chakra nature, good enough and no need to feel disappointed Kasumi, I consider earth nature most awesome because it is perfect for both defence and offence and it has the most utility and it actually have lowest consumption of all natures."

Mikoto sensei said standing up. Kasumi's face instantly brightened up and she said.

"Of course, only most awesome shinobi is worthy of most awesome chakra nature."

Then as if remembering she is supposed to be a serious and composed person, she cleared her throat and silently began packing her bag.

"Well with that, let's end today's lesson. And remember tomorrow we have a simulation practice and it is a bit special and different from what we have done till now. Now, pack up your bags and head straight to your home."

"Yes, sensei." We all chorused

"Ah, sensei."

But just as Mikoto was about to leave, Ryouma called out.


Ryouma came over to her, creating a bit of distance from his training mates and said in low voice.

"Actually sensei, yesterday I completed my leaf concentration exercise. So according to rules, I should be given the scroll for the Great Fireball Jutsu. I was just asking you to arrange a scroll for me."

Mikoto's eyes widdened as she was very shocked to hear that. Learning both chakra flow and leaf concentration before the age of 4 is a unprecedented thing to her. There has been no one till now from the creation of village that has achieved that feat.

She narrowed her eyes at the smiling and a bit embarrassed face of her student and said.

"Alright meet me here at 6 pm. Show me that you have learnt both of them perfectly and I will give it to you."

"Alright sensei."

Nodding at her, Ryouma went back to pack his bags as Obito and Kasumi were curious about what he talked about, while Mikoto's thoughts were unknown.

(A/N: A serious title there because the decision made by Ryouma to tell the clan that has learnt both chakra flow and leaf concentration exercise can possibly lead him to very bad future.

So was this decision good or bad?

Read ahead to find out.)