

A boy from out universe died and met a God. He was granted four gifts, within reason, to help with his new life prosper. How will his life go in this long, dark world of Naruto?

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5 Chs


Chapter 3 - TEST I.

Group by group each Jonin came for their respective Genin and overtime the room was left with two squads. Team 7, and Team 0. The two teams didn't even bother to converse with each other mostly due to the fact that Team 0 was completely silent, though Kain was sleeping.

Akatami gazed at the sleeping Kain with a blank expression, her eyes never leaving his back which inflated and deflated within rhythm. She couldn't help but wonder why she and Kain were grouped together… The thought that maybe it's because the teams were uneven crossed her mind, but even if that was the case, they would have an extra Genin available.

There were quite a lot of Genins, be they old or young. It got to the point where she ended up nibbling on the nail of her thumb in frustration, but she was soon snapped out of her head as Kain sat up, the door to the academy room opening simultaneously. The five students' eyes instantly landed on the figure of a woman.

Long black hair flowed flawlessly down her back, ending at her butt. Her skin tone was tanned, more so a copper brown. She was dressed in a skin tight one piece that revealed her shoulders, a deep red gown hooked around her waist, split into three different groups, all ending at her knees.

The leaf emblem was embroidered onto a metal plate that was wrapped around her waist, using the mini-robe as a middle man for the headband. She wore a blank headband wrapped around her head that was the same color as the robe. Her eyes were pitch black, and she had a blank, heavy stare.

"Yes! Our jonin instructor is finally here! Hehe!" Naruto cheered, jumping out of his seat as his smile beamed. His eyes were shut so tight it looked as if it hurt. Sakura looked hopeful as this woman looked capable and strong. A Kunoichi that she would be able to follow.

Sasuke looked indifferent, his eyes scanning her like he's trying to gauge her strength.

However, each one of their hopes were crushed as her eyes landed on Kain and Akatami. Her eyebrow raised in amusement seeing the lazy, nonchalant boy who gazed directly into her eyes, and the white-haired Hyūga who looked too proper to be anything less than a princess.

"Kain and Akatami? Come with me." She spoke, her voice failing to hide her amusement and interest in the duo. Kain sighed and stood up dully, Akatami following close behind. Naruto and Sakura let out a groan of annoyance at being the last squad to be picked up, leaving some thoughts that maybe they didn't even have a Jonin and they were pranked.

What if they didn't pass at all?

Even Sasuke couldn't hide his irritation as his eyebrow twitched watching the three of them leave. He audibly sighed, resting his chin in his palm as he looked out the window. Naruto's head slammed onto the desk and Sakura leaned back in her chair, resigned to her fate.

The three walked in silence as they made their way to Training Ground 0. A previously unregistered and unusable training ground that was cleared for use just for this group. Kain walked with his hands in his pockets, his eyes settling on the back of the mysterious Jonin Kunoichi. It wasn't wrong to say he was interested in her identity, for someone as… ostentatious as her, he would've thought he'd heard about her within the village.

Or at least seen her a couple of times.

"Alright, now that we're here. Have a seat." The woman suggested, motioning towards the tree stumps in front of them. Akatami looked at the woman and then at Kain but didn't say anything. Just kind of going with the flow. She had a lot of questions and she hoped she'd be able to ask some.

Sitting down, the duo looked up at the woman expectantly.

Staring back nonchalantly, she spoke-

"You've probably already got an idea, but I'm your team leader. My name is Reitomi Kiriza, and I was assigned to you… Any questions?" She started swiftly. Kain nodded in understanding but otherwise didn't speak. Akatami took that role and raised her hand.

"Um, Reitomi? I know you probably know my question already, but why are we a two-man squad?" Reitomi nodded knowingly. Crossing her arms under her chest.

"Well, it was an order from the Hokage. Something about you two being exceptionally gifted and being with the others would only hold you two back. It's a shitty reason in my opinion, but I can't fight his orders." She started, sighing.

"We are also more so… A back-up squad for the other Genin. If a group is in trouble, we will be sent to help and retrieve them. We'll also get our own missions and do our own things, so it's not like we are completely back-up only." Akatami nodded in understanding, finally having her curiosity satiated, she was perfectly content.

Kain on the other hand…

"So basically, we're leagues above the others and instead of just giving us the option to go up in rank, we're being stuck as potential babysitters." Kain surmised. Staring lazily at Reitomi. The woman smirked while Akatami looked at Kain curiously.

"...Yeah, basically. Should've just led with that huh?" Reitomi questioned, scratching the back of her head while Kain nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, I've heard some things about you both. Akatami, you're a prodigy. Through and through. Even the Hyūga haven't had a genius like you in centuries. Which means… I have quite the burden training you..." Reitomi said seriously, to which Akatami stayed silent.

She knew her status within her own clan and saying she's the best talent to ever come out of the main branch of the family would be an overstatement. At best, she found herself to be mediocre with room to grow. She doesn't dislike being labeled as the, "Pride of The Hyuga," but she is kind of irked that her new sensei knows nothing but that.

She has goals too.

Reitomi didn't entertain Akatami's inner turmoil and moved on to Kain.

"And you… Just like her, a genius born into a rather… Traumatizing clan, and has the potential to surpass even the strongest of your ancestors. Though, I guess you have a lot now huh?" She jabbed purposely. Trying to get a reaction from the boy. She was rather surprised when all she got was a squint from him, his gaze hardening and holding a bit of…


She couldn't tell. But she knew it was there.

"I also know that you don't want to carry that clan's name, which is why you run from it. Oh! I also know that you've never fully put your effort into anything you did during the academy- Not to mention the shadow clone." Kain snorted and turned away, feeling a little vulnerable hearing that she quite literally read him like a book and even exposed something he thought he kept a secret.

'I get her… But how did she know?' Now that he thought about it, it didn't really make sense that Akatami knew he was a shadow clone the whole time unless she used her byakugan. If that's the case, a lot of his secrets would've been revealed. Though only one would've been critical.

This just goes to show that no matter how perfect his chakra control was, he still couldn't get past the eyes of an experienced Jonin and a byakugan user.

Mentally noting to train those things personally with the help of Shadow Clones, he continued to listen to his sensei, even if it was infuriating.

Reitomi sighed disapprovingly seeing the lack of energy within Kain and the rather cold stoned Akatami. The two were perfect for each other! They both rarely talked and were both hailed as geniuses from their clans. The only thing that differentiates them is the fact that the two are quite literally opposites when it comes to manners and people skills.

Kain seemed more reserved, more lazy and uncaring- Eternally nonchalant.

While Akatami seemed more energetic, proper, but still reserved. She could see why the two got along so well even if they barely talked over the whole six years they spent in the academy.

Rubbing the bridge of her nose, her irritation spiked.

"Seeing as to how you two are too relaxed… We're going to have a little test!" Her frown immediately shifted to a wide smile with closed eyes, bringing out a pair of bells, she hung them out and in front of the two.

Kains eyes widened a bit seeing the bells. His mind instantly made the assumption she was familiar with Kakashi. It's been a while since he's fought someone, and so he was secretly excited. He's never fought someone who'd actually give him a challenge. He didn't doubt his strength, he knew that he could most likely overwhelm her.

And with Akatami's help…

He had no doubt that the two of them would be able to get the bells.

"Oh? Did that finally get your attention?" Reitomi said playfully, seeing the change within Kain's eyes. In response to her words, Kain rolled his eyes but didn't deny her. Akatami, however, had her questions.

"What's the test for? Didn't we already graduate?" She questioned, her head tilting to the side.

"This test is different… Get these bells, and I'll pass you officially. I still have the power to send you both back to the academy. So, take this seriously as this will decide whether your career as a Shinobi begins or not." She explained, adding stakes to her initial test.

It was a lie of course; she wouldn't send them back to the Academy. These two are way too bright in her opinion for their careers to be held back. Sure, they have issues but who doesn't? As far as she knew, they had shells to crack out of.

Mostly Kain.

"Anyway, let's begin, shall we?"

Standing fifteen meters apart, Kain and Akatami faced their new sensei, who in response stood completely still and relaxed. Two bells hanging from her waist. She eyed the two curiously, she doubted they had what it took to get the bells but she still had a sliver of hope.

She wouldn't go all out, but she would definitely try… Somewhat.

"Kain, once we start, let's break away with clones and dash into the trees. We need a plan before we can actually start to attack her." Akatami suggested, gesturing with her head to the forest of trees to her right. Kain nodded, slowly. He was already planning on sending clones to see how she would fight.

He wanted to test her skills first before dashing in.

"...Don't worry. I was already planning on testing her skills." He replied, his gaze lazily settling on Reitomi.

"Ready?" Reitomi questioned, seeing their expressions she assumed the two had already made a team decision. 'Good.' She thought. Teamwork from the start is a good sign that the two trust each other and know they can depend on one another.

Smirking, she grabbed a rock off the ground and threw it in the air. Kain and Akatami knew what that meant. The rock would be their starting signal and whenever it hits the ground, it's no holds barred.

It was like the rock was moving in slow motion. The anticipation was driving the two Genin crazy. Kain couldn't stop himself from getting antsy and neither could Akatami. She was nervous. She desperately needed to become a ninja; her ambition wouldn't allow failure.

Taking a kunai from her hip, Akatami prepared herself, and so did Kain.


The rock had finally hit the ground, initiating a small puddle of dust. Seeing that the rock was no longer air born, Akatami took a smoke bomb from her back pouch and went to throw it down, simultaneously Kain prepared the needed hand signs for a shadow clone.

However, contrary to what they thought.

Their plan went up in smoke.

Reitomi decided to see what they would do when their plan failed. A shinobi always needed backup plans, be it desperate or not. If they didn't plan at least five steps ahead, their chances of success were greatly reduced.

In a blink of an eye, Reitomi appeared before Kain, closing the distance with seemingly a single step. Kain's eyes widened seeing her speed, he quickly raised his hands to guard himself but it was all for naught. Reitomi broke his guard with sheer speed.

Kicking Kains knee, his balance buckled, causing him to involuntarily drop his guard. Taking this chance, Reitomi mercilessly delivered a punch to his abdomen, holding back just enough for his ribs to withstand the weight of her fist.

Kain's nonchalance instantly shattered as his eyes squinted in pain, a groan escaping his mouth.

His body was sent flying back at mediocre speeds. Tumbling and rolling on the ground, his head being protected by his arms.

As his rolling slowed down, he pushed himself off the ground with his right arm, sending him to his feet with a flip. His eyes were serious, but even with the mood change, the power gap still remained.

Reitomi didn't let up on her student, seeing that he managed to recover almost instantly, her face contorted in a proud smile. She once again instantly disappeared from her position, appearing in front of Kain once again, this time delivering more than just a single blow.

Kain attempted to dodge or deflect her blows only for him to fall into another. Her attacks were moving too fast, his eyes could barely keep up.

A blow to the abdomen, a quick but fierce strike to the chest, a strike to the left side of his body, a deflected blow to the face. A sweeping kick that Kain hopped over with ease. Kain's eyes lit up with excitement, he's never felt this rush before.

It was amazing.



Reitomi didn't ignore this. The fact that he was adapting to her attacks and even managing to deliver some minor one's back was more than enough proof that the boy in front of her was an absolute beast. One that she couldn't afford to take lightly and waste his potential.

But… Kain still had flaws. And she utilized them against him.

Having both feet off the ground, Kain instantly realized his mistake when Reitomi's smile widened as she delivered a fierce kick to his chest. Kain squinted as his arms barely made it in time to shield himself from a direct hit.

Once again, he was sent flying back.

Tumbling, Kain found himself with less room to recover than before. Reitomi appeared before him again, with a palm aiming for his sternum. Kain cringed, trying to lessen the blow.

But, unexpectedly. He didn't need to.


A kunai aiming for Reitomi's shoulder was dodged, but in exchange, the woman had to retreat. Sparing Kain from more beatings.

Reitomi turned to her right and saw that Akatami was dashing towards her with her byakugan activated, and her palms ready to deliver fierce blows to any part of her body. The woman smiled seeing that Akatami was actually going to be taking her seriously, coming at her with her full might.

She didn't forget about Kain, but she wanted to see what the Genius from the Hyūga's had to offer.

The two exchanged blows at high speeds, Akatami aimed for the multitude of available chakra points within Reitomi's body. She was looking to render her immobile completely. That would then give her and Kain a chance to snatch the bells away.

Akatami was completely stunned when the test first started. She didn't expect Reitomi to just target Kain like that. Their plan went up in smoke and she had no idea what to do, but she couldn't let Kain get beat on like that, even if he seemed to enjoy it.

"Come on Hyūga! Try harder!" Reitomi taunted. Looking to encourage the girl through irritation to step up her game. Reitomi was having an easy time handling the Hyūga on her own, though her movement was fast and precise, Reitomi had fought many like her. Sparring or not, she's completely analyzed the Gentle Fist technique.

Akatami grunted but didn't say anything. Her attacks began to get more violent, and fierce. Her speed picked up as well, but she was still just a twelve-year-old adolescent. She had a limit.

Reitomi frowned, seeing that Akatami's movement began to become sluggish within just minutes after speeding up. Her stamina was running out and Reitomi could tell, even if the girl was pushing herself.

'Great fortitude regardless. Fighting at high speeds isn't for the weak.' Reitomi noted. Deciding that it was enough play time with the girl and the test was over. She got what she needed from the two, and it was very profitable.

Deflecting a blow to her neck, Reitomi slid Akatami's arm away from her body, only to grip her wrist and spin her around. The two Kunoichi's were back-to-back now, though Akatami was grimacing in pain. Reitomi didn't let up though, and threw the girl over her shoulder.

At least, that's what she planned to do.

Before her eyes, Kain appeared in front of her, a kunai in his hand aiming for her jugular. Reitomi's eyes met his and hers widened. Crooking her neck to the right, the Kunai barely missed.

But Kain quickly readjusted and flipped the Kunai in a reverse grip before Reitomi kicked him away. The Kunai barely skimmed her neck, drawing blood as Kain flew back, coming to a stop after rolling a few times.

Going through with her original plan, Reitomi dropped her weight and flipped Akatami over her shoulder, throwing her towards Kain who caught her in his arms, but the force behind the throw caused him to slide back a little.

Kain had a noticeable excited smile on his face while his eyes were still locked on Reitomi.

"You alright?" He questioned his partner to which he got a groan in response. Akatami rolled out of his arms and rolled her left shoulder, trying to ease the pain.

"We need a ne-" Akatami's words got caught in her throat when she finally saw Kains eyes. His gaze was strong, held with intent to win. But that wasn't what caught her off guard.

It was the three Tomoe blood red Sharingan that studied their teachers every move.

'He's an Uchiha?!' She internally exclaimed. Though she was surprised, she had to quickly snap herself out of it as Reitomi began to make their way to them. Blood dripping down her neck.

"Wow. I didn't expect that one… Were you trying to kill me?" Reitomi questioned playfully, to which Kain just shrugged. His nonchalance shining more than ever.

"Yeah, kind of. I knew you would dodge though." He responded, eliciting a chuckle out of Reitomi.

"I see… In that case. This test is over. So, you can put the Kunai away and stop staring at me like that." Reitomi stated, surprising the two. Akatami flopped on her back as she gulped for air, her body was exhausted and so was she.

There were way too many things on her mind at the time and she was mentally gone as well.

Kain visibly slumped at her words. He finally felt something that gave him a rush and it came to an end faster than he thought, not to mention the fact the two failed to get the bells from her… He doubts she'll send them back but even then… She's an anomaly and she might actually go through with it.

The Sharingan in his eyes faded as he fell back too, catching himself with his hands. Reitomi squatted in front of the two sweaty and fatigued kids. Smiling to herself for choosing amazing catches like these.

"Sharingan… Did I really push you that hard?" Reitomi asked, genuinely curious. She was also curious about how they had already matured but she restrained from digging too much for now. Kain chuckled lightly, surprising her and Akatami who was intently listening even though she pretended not to.

"...I said I didn't want the name. Not the blood." He responded. Leaving the two in silence. Reitomi stared at Kain with complication. She felt bad for misunderstanding the kid but she couldn't help but be curious about his reasoning for not wanting to take the name. It's not any of her business, which is why she withheld from asking, but she would like to know one day.

"So? ~ Did we pass?" Akatami couldn't take the suspense anymore, with all that's going on, she really really needed to know! Reitomi let out a mirthful snort and rubbed the girl's head. In response, she closed her eyes with a, 'Hn.'

Reitomi sat in silence, letting the two children bathe in their anxiousness.

"Yeah. You pass!"

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