
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

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280 Chs

CH - 194 Danzo: I will not betray Konoha!

Danzo Shimura, known by various titles such as Konoha's Darkness, Hokage's Assistant, Leader of the ROOT, and Konoha's second-in-command, found himself captured for the second time by a seemingly insignificant ninja village.

In the current moment, Danzo's countenance betrayed a trace of discomfort. Especially as he observed the two individuals who had assisted him to his feet, eagerly dusting him off.

Danzo's mind raced with questions. Why were they treating him with such enthusiasm? What were their intentions? Despite the unease settling in his heart, his body involuntarily stiffened. Considering his circumstances, he couldn't help but let out a resigned sigh. He hadn't anticipated another failure.

During this crisis, Hiruzen Sarutobi was entangled with the Cloud Village, diverting the village's attention away from other matters. Faced with threats from the Cloud Village, claiming they would go to war if no explanation was provided, the weak Hiruzen Sarutobi played along, allowing them to dictate the terms.

In the chaos, Danzo, as the Hokage's assistant and the one who could command the ANBU, was the only one capable of handling the situation. He knew that the mission to retrieve the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was on his shoulders.

In the interest of Konoha, Danzo swiftly made a decisive choice, ordering the ANBU to mobilize without a moment's hesitation. He dismissed concerns about the Grass Ninjas covertly taking away the Jinchuriki, as they were, in his assessment, merely a group of Grass Ninjas.

Over the course of these three years, their consistent visits to Konoha had prompted an exhaustive investigation into their identities. With the exception of Uzumaki Yoshinori, who possessed some measure of strength, and the audacious and shameless Grass Ninja, Mubuki, the rest were deemed inconsequential in terms of strength.

Danzo couldn't fathom how this group, with their meager abilities, harbored ambitions of kidnapping someone in Konoha. Konoha, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages and recognized as the most powerful, wouldn't be swayed by such a feeble attempt. The audacity to think they could elude Konoha's pursuit within half an hour was nothing short of delusional.

This time, Danzo resolved to make the old and indecisive Sarutobi understand a crucial truth. The safest hands for the Jinchuriki were his. Sarutobi's hesitancy and sentimental nature had nearly plunged Konoha into disaster. Entrusting the Jinchuriki to Danzo for guidance was, undoubtedly, the most prudent course of action.

The Jinchuriki was a weapon of Konoha, and that eye, too, belonged under his control. This incident presented an opportunity—a chance to force Sarutobi into compromise. Even the Jinchuriki, if following someone else, would not be so naive as to trust Sarutobi again just because of emotional ties. In the end, weapons were merely tools.

Additionally, Danzo saw this as an opening to tarnish Sarutobi's reputation. He could inform the Daimyō that Sarutobi's indecision had almost led to a significant loss for Konoha and the Land of Fire. It was time for a leader who could guide Konoha effectively, and Danzo Shimura was the one fit for the role, portraying himself as the true shadow of Konoha.

Now was the time to make that aged and indecisive Sarutobi comprehend the undeniable truth. The safest custodian for the Jinchuriki was none other than himself. If it weren't for his decisive intervention, Sarutobi's wavering and sentimental nature might have led Konoha to the brink of disaster. Entrusting the Jinchuriki to him, Danzo, for proper guidance was undeniably the most prudent course of action.

The Jinchuriki was a weapon of Konoha which he should handle, and that… formidable eye also rightfully belonged in his hands. This presented an opportune moment - a chance to force Sarutobi into a compromise.

Danzo firmly believed that Sarutobi wouldn't be so naïve as to place trust in the Jinchuriki again solely due to emotional attachments. Eventually, Sarutobi would recognize the fundamental truth that weapons were just tools.

Furthermore, this situation offered Danzo an opening to tarnish Sarutobi's reputation. He could inform the Daimyō that Sarutobi's indecision had almost led to a catastrophic loss for Konoha and the Land of Fire. Presenting Sarutobi as aged and confused, Danzo would subtly position himself as the rightful leader capable of guiding Konoha to unprecedented greatness.

And True to his expectations, the Grass Ninjas hadn't managed to cover much ground in that brief, less-than-half-an-hour time span. Soon, Danzo closed in, his excitement building as he eyed the Grass Ninjas before him. The prospect of harnessing the Nine-Tails' power, seizing the Hokage position, and wiping away the stain on his reputation lay right in front of him.

Taking immediate command of the situation, Danzo ordered the ANBU ninjas to withdraw, asserting his dominance. He would handle things from here. Before the ANBU, he directed a scornful snort at Sarutobi, "Huh, Foolish Sarutobi!"

Ignoring the silent ANBU trailing him, Danzo inhaled deeply, lifting his head with a sense of authority. As if he had already ascended to the role of Hokage, he fervently swung his large hand, declaring with passion, "Attack! How dare these mere Grass Ninjas infiltrate Konoha to abduct someone? Really Absurd. This farce must come to an end now. Let these shinobi from a minor village comprehend the true might of the Five Great Ninja Villages!"

As his command reverberated, the ANBU ninjas charged forward without a moment's hesitation. The wind howled, and the confrontation unfolded exactly as he had anticipated. He felt the taste of success on his lips and he could even already see his statue on the Hokage Rock.

However, amid his calculated expectations, one unforeseen twist disrupted the scene. As the ANBU ninjas closed in, prepared to surround the Grass Ninjas, the space ahead distorted. In an instant, a figure materialized—a familiar eye and silhouette, unmistakably belonging to Uchiha Obito, the wielder of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Subsequently, the entire scenario underwent a drastic transformation. Uchiha Obito, harnessing the enigmatic power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, single-handedly halted the advance of all Konoha ninjas, rendering them immobile.

Yet, as the Jinchuriki continued to distance himself, Danzo, the silent guardian in Konoha's shadows, couldn't stand idly by while witnessing the Jinchuriki vanish before him.

Despite the formidable might of the Mangekyō Sharingan, a force rivaling even the Wood Release of the First Hokage, Danzo refused to retreat. The prospect of losing the Jinchuriki was unacceptable, especially with that eye still within reach. In the name of Konoha, he needed to reclaim it.

Without a moment's hesitation, Danzo charged forward, unleashing his most potent assault on Uchiha Obito. However, the overwhelming power of the Mangekyō Sharingan proved insurmountable. After a grueling three-hundred-round battle, he faltered at a crucial moment, allowing the Jinchuriki to slip away. Thus, Exhausted and defeated, Danzo found himself captured once again.

Danzo clenched his fist, casting an angry glare at Uchiha Obito beside him. Deep within, he sighed, placing the blame squarely on Sarutobi. 'It's all because of you,' he thought, convinced that if he hadn't surrendered that eye when he had the chance, he would have swiftly dealt with the Konoha traitor, reclaimed the Jinchuriki, and exacted a heavy toll from the Grass Village.

"Damn it!" Danzo muttered with frustration as he observed the Grass Village leader and Finance Minister flanking him. His lips twitched in irritation, and he snorted, "If it weren't for the unforeseen circumstances back then, I wouldn't have fallen into captivity again!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself!" Obito retorted, disdain evident in his tone. "I spotted your sneak attack from miles away. Rest assured, you didn't even graze my clothes. All it took was a single glance from me... and you crumbled the fastest."

At Obito's revelation, an awkward silence enveloped the scene. Everyone stood still, their gazes fixed on Danzo. His expression darkened, his chest heaving with anger as he glared at Obito.

Observing the tension in the air, Akihiko and Kakuzu grew anxious, worried about a potential escalation. They swiftly turned their attention to Obito. "Hey, can't you speak more courteously? We've been saying this is an honored guest, not a capture! It's an invitation, understand? Have you never read any books? You should know how to extend an invitation."

Kakuzu chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Exactly, your choice of words needs improvement."

'Do you call this an invitation? And What Do you mean I haven't read any books?' Obito's mouth twitched, contemplating whether or not to respond, when suddenly.

"Don't feign benevolence!" Danzo snorted, his expression no longer as dark as before. He cast a cold gaze around, especially when he caught sight of a familiar figure. "The Fourth Hokage's wife? I never expected the Jinchuriki to survive even after losing the Tailed Beast. Grass Village is truly cunning!"

It appeared that Konoha was facing imminent danger. However, in Danzo's eyes, the blame rested squarely on Hiruzen's shoulders. If only he hadn't been so indecisive, things might not have reached this point.

Facing Akihiko and Kakuzu, Danzo looked resolute as he spoke, "Now that I've been captured again, if you intend to kill or torture me, go ahead and do it."

This time, the unexpected recapture brought a sense of resignation. He understood that survival might not be an option this time. The Jinchuriki had been taken away by the Grass Ninjas, and war seemed inevitable.

While there was a tinge of regret in his heart, unfulfilled dreams, and a complex array of emotions, he couldn't deny the possibility that perhaps he shouldn't have ventured out at that particular moment. Nonetheless, he asserted, "Don't underestimate Konoha ninjas!"

As soon as Danzo finished speaking, Akihiko intervened, "Killing and torturing? Those are quite unpleasant words. We're merely inviting you as our esteemed guest. No need to be nervous. After all, Kusagakure and Konoha are close allies. Also Remember, our village values peace." Akihiko gestured for Kakuzu to take charge, adding, "Come, let's take our esteemed guest down to rest. Ensure that he is well taken care of."

Kakuzu responded confidently, "Rest assured, I'll personally 'take care' of him. If a single hair falls, I'll personally settle with Konoha."

Danzo, hearing these unexpected words, was once again taken aback. They weren't going to kill him or inflict harm? They were letting him go again? Was it out of fear for Konoha? But that couldn't be the case; if they feared Konoha, they wouldn't have taken the Jinchuriki. So why release him again?

As Danzo pondered the situation, fragments of the previous capture flashed in his mind. Recollections of the Grass Ninja's words about being respected by their leader. Additionally, the promise of a warm welcome from their leader echoed in his mind from the failed resource exploitation attempt in Konoha.

A realization struck Danzo. Could it be that they were trying to recruit him, much like how they persuaded defectors? Was Grass Village planning to settle the score with Konoha on his behalf?

Contemplating these thoughts, Danzo regarded Akihiko with a mix of complex emotions. After a moment of silence, he snorted dismissively and defiantly declared, "Just Dream, Your idea will only fail." He emphasized his loyalty to Konoha, asserting, "I will only be a ninja of Konoha!"

Guided by Kakuzu, Danzo left, leaving Akihiko bewildered by the response. What dream? What failure? Akihiko couldn't grasp the meaning behind Danzo's words. After a moment of thought, he shook his head and turned away, leaving the mysteries unanswered.

At this moment, Naruto found himself still cowering behind Elder Yoshinori, his most trusted person. The two red-haired women in front of him didn't seem afraid; one of them was smiling, while the younger red-haired woman kept looking at him with teary eyes. The little girl, even younger than him, was smiling and asking, "Are you Big Brother Naruto?"

Confused by the term 'Big Brother,' Naruto wondered what was happening. He had only wanted to sneak out to see the people Elder Yoshinori mentioned wouldn't dislike him. Little did he expect to cause such a stir.

After a moment of hesitation, he raised his head and looked at Elder Yoshinori, addressing him as "Grandpa!"

However, before Yoshinori could reply, a black-haired man walked up, rubbed Naruto's head, and smiled, "This is your mother, Naruto. Don't worry, we are all good people. And Welcome to the Grass Village." saying that he looked back at the red-haired woman, "It's been a while, and the kid must be hungry and tired. Whatever the matter is, let's talk after going back."

Apologizing, Kushina, still somewhat stunned, quickly nodded, "Sorry, I was too nervous. Yes, yes! Let's let Naruto eat and rest first." Glancing at Akihiko, she hesitated briefly before whispering, "Thank you!"

With a warm smile, she stood up. Without waiting for Naruto to comprehend what was happening, she took a deep breath and, with a cheerful expression, gently rubbed Naruto's face. "Hey, little guy, I'm your mom. Come on, let's go home with Mom. Mom will take you to eat delicious food."

Suddenly remembering something, she muttered, "Damn it! That old man, if there's a chance, I'll burn his beard directly!"

Naruto was left bewildered. What mom? His? Staring at the woman who looked at him with a smiling yet teary face, he blinked, as if his fragile heart had undergone a significant shock. Before he could utter a word, he found himself picked up and carried away, completely uncertain about what was happening.

The sudden turn of events left Naruto struggling to understand. He saw Elder Yoshinori smiling as they left, and the little girl who called him 'big brother' was hugging the uncle who had just touched his head, calling him 'Dad.'

Perplexed by the situation, Naruto lowered his head, looked at the woman holding him, and suddenly felt a familiar sensation. 'Mom? Could it be... my mom?'





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