
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · Komik
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15 Chs

Naruto’s strength

"Alright everyone, it's time for the second match of the preliminaries to begin," Hayate Gekko announced, his voice interrupted by occasional fits of coughs. "Will Shino Aburame and Zaku Abume step forward."

Hinata and Kiba glanced down at their teammate, concern etched on their faces. Hinata voiced her worry for Shino, hoping he was prepared for the upcoming battle. Kiba, however, reassured her, recognizing Shino's resilience. "He's pretty tough, Hinata. Out of all these people, he's the only one I wouldn't want to go up against."

Hayate positioned himself between Shino and Zaku, signalling the start of the match. "You may begin," he declared.

With his broken arms, Zaku knew that only one had a little strength left in it. Pulling one arm out of his sling, he launched an attack on Shino, releasing a powerful blast of air. A cloud of dust enveloped the area, obscuring their vision. When the dust settled, Shino was seen rolling on the ground, prompting a smirk from Zaku who revelled in his perceived advantage.

"On your feet, loser," Zaku jeered, commanding Shino to stand.

Struggling, Shino managed to regain his footing. As he looked up, bugs seemed to crawl all over his face, even emerging from his skin. Zaku shivered, sensing something ominous behind him. He quickly turned around and was met with the sight of hundreds of bugs swarming towards him. Fear gripped Zaku as he realised the gravity of the situation. In a fit of rage, he pulled his supposedly paralyzed arm loose, revealing that it was not immobilised. "Take this!" Zaku attempted to unleash his sound waves at Shino, but before he could, his arms exploded, torn apart by the bugs that had clogged up his hand cannons.

Seizing the opportunity, Shino swiftly charged at Zaku, delivering a powerful punch to his jaw that rendered him unconscious. Medical ninjas rushed onto the field, tending to Zaku's injuries and swiftly transporting him to the emergency room. Meanwhile, Hayate declared Shino as the winner. "The winner is Shino Aburame."

Naruto's gaze fixated on Shino as he turned to Sakura standing behind him. "I don't get it. Since when did Shino become so strong?" he wondered aloud.

Sakura simply nodded, sharing Naruto's perplexity. She had always found Shino peculiar, but she recognized that even seemingly eccentric individuals could possess great power.

"Nice job, Shino," Hinata spoke softly, a timid smile playing on her lips.

"That was awesome!" Kiba exclaimed, expressing his enthusiasm for Shino's victory.

Shino glanced up at his teammates, his sunglasses hiding his eyes. "Yep, so don't let the team down," he responded coolly.

Kiba's anger flared, and he retaliated by hurling insults at Shino, a testament to their unique dynamic within the team.

As the bickering continued among Team 8, the third match had already concluded. "The winner of the third match is Kankuro," Hayate announced, prompting Kankuro to make his way back to the stands. Gaara remained indifferent to his brother's victory, but Temari expressed her happiness that her sibling had emerged triumphant.

The attention swiftly shifted to the next match. "Ino Yamanaka versus Sakura Haruno," Hayate called out.

In Naruto's eyes, this fight held little significance. Aside from Ino's mind transfer jutsu, the battle appeared dull. Their taijutsu skills were far from extraordinary, and they seemed to engage in a needless dispute over Sasuke. Sakura relied on basic clone techniques, and the fight ultimately ended in a double knockout—a draw. The two kunoichi had decided to settle their differences through a brawl.

However, the fifth match intrigued Naruto. Despite Temari's victory over TenTen, he found himself captivated by TenTen's impressive weapon techniques. Naruto could sense that Temari would come out on top within moments of the match starting. TenTen's lacklustre speed suggested vulnerability, and her physical strength indicated she couldn't withstand many blows. But what truly caught Naruto's attention was the unwavering defence provided by the bushy-browed individual on TenTen's team. Naruto found his taijutsu prowess both admirable and awe-inspiring, recognizing that he operated on an entirely different level.

Walking back to the wall, Naruto decided to take a nap as the next match began. Shikamaru faced off against the sound ninja, Kin, and emerged victorious by utilising his shadow mimic jutsu. The battle unfolded over a decent amount of time, as Shikamaru took his time to formulate and execute his strategic approach.

The next match was announced, and Naruto opened his eyes after his brief nap. "Next up will be Naruto Uzumaki versus Kiba Inuzuka."

Kiba's voice filled with joy as he shouted out, expressing his excitement. "Oh yes! Thank you! Thank you! We can take this guy, Akamaru!" His loyal canine companion barked in response, sharing in Kiba's enthusiasm.

Naruto let out a sigh. He had hoped to sleep a little longer, but as he stood up, he realised that it wasn't just a mere coincidence. Each day, whether through rigorous training or intense battles, he pushed himself to new limits. He felt his strength had elevated even higher than before, and his very being exuded an aura of heightened power. Naruto was flowing with energy, surpassing even the state he had been in when he fought against Orochimaru. A mischievous grin spread across Naruto's face as he prepared to leap down into the arena.

Kakashi had returned to observe the match and couldn't help but wonder what to expect from Naruto. He had anticipated a more boisterous and energetic demeanour, but seeing the expression on Naruto's face, he turned to Sakura and inquired about the change in him.

Sakura turned to Kakashi, her gaze filled with contemplation. "I'm not sure, Kakashi-sensei. Ever since Naruto fought against Orochimaru, he's been different. Stronger, yet calmer. He's still the same Naruto, but he's grown tremendously in both mind and body over these past five days."

Kakashi nodded, taking in Sakura's observations. Just before Naruto jumped down into the arena, Kakashi approached him and offered some advice. "Don't drag this out, Naruto. A ninja never underestimates their opponent, and it's a sign of respect to use your full strength."

Naruto nodded in response, taking Kakashi's words to heart as he leaped down into the arena. While Naruto didn't particularly respect Kiba, considering how the latter had only annoyed him and boasted about his own skills, he decided to heed Kakashi's advice and give the fight his all.

Kiba looked at Naruto with confidence, getting ready to fight as instructed by the proctor. He thought to himself, "Honestly, considering what he was like back in school, how much strength could he have gained?" Kiba chuckled lightly before addressing Naruto, "Don't worry, Naruto. I'll finish you off quickly instead of dragging it out."

Naruto looked up, and Kiba noticed a coldness in his eyes, but it wasn't enough to intimidate him. After all, Kiba believed he was the best. "You're not fooling anyone with that cool act, Naruto!" he exclaimed, determined to prove his superiority.

"Begin!" Hayate ordered, prompting the clash between Naruto and Kiba to commence.

Kiba prepared to unleash his jutsu, but in a blink of an eye, Naruto vanished from his sight, reappearing behind him with astonishing speed. The suddenness of Naruto's movement left Kiba bewildered, unable to process the fact that Naruto had moved so swiftly. Before Kiba could react, Naruto delivered a devastating chop to his neck, causing him to crumple to the ground, unconscious. The impact of Naruto's strike resonated throughout the arena, creating visible cracks on the surface, a testament to the immense power behind his seemingly simple attack.

The onlookers, including both the genin and the jounin, were left in awe at Naruto's display of speed and strength. Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, and Asuma stared at Naruto, their expressions a mix of surprise and contemplation.

Asuma's face tightened with seriousness as he tried to comprehend the extent of Naruto's abilities. The sheer speed and power exhibited by Naruto were far beyond what a typical genin could achieve.

Similarly, Guy couldn't help but marvel at Naruto's prowess. Inwardly, he acknowledged that Naruto's speed even surpassed that of his own student, Rock Lee, when he removed his training weights. Guy clenched his fists, feeling a twinge of competitiveness towards Kakashi, as if his rival had outdone him once again.

Kurenai, too, was taken aback by Naruto's performance. She couldn't help but question the training methods employed by Kakashi that had led to Naruto's remarkable growth. The mystery of how Kakashi had transformed Naruto, once considered an idiot by many, intrigued her, causing her to ponder the unconventional techniques utilised during their training sessions.

Among the spectators, Shikamaru, known for his nonchalant demeanour, couldn't hide his excitement. He marvelled at Naruto's victory over Kiba, acknowledging the incredible feat Naruto had accomplished. Ino and Choji nodded in agreement, their usual carefree attitudes momentarily replaced by genuine admiration for their fellow teammate.

While Hinata remained silent, her heart swelled with joy and surprise as she silently cheered Naruto on. Witnessing Naruto's newfound power left her astounded, her admiration for him growing even stronger. The realisation that Naruto had surpassed everyone's expectations filled her with a mix of pride and happiness.

As the tension reached its peak, the proctor's voice echoed throughout the arena, announcing the next match: "Neji Hyuga versus Hinata Hyuga."

The colour drained from Hinata's face, and her hands began to tremble uncontrollably. She was well aware of the animosity that existed between her and Neji. Her cousin harboured a deep-rooted hatred towards her, desiring nothing more than her demise.

As Neji and Hinata met in the centre of the arena, the air crackled with an intense energy. Neji, a prodigious member of the Hyuga clan known for his exceptional skills, seized the opportunity to mercilessly ridicule Hinata. He belittled her in front of the crowd, his words dripping with disdain, aiming to crush her spirit and expose what he perceived as her inadequacy.

Hinata, known for her gentle and introverted nature, felt the weight of Neji's contemptuous words bear down upon her. The onslaught of his derogatory remarks pierced through her fragile self-confidence, evoking a torrent of long-held fears and insecurities. Her hands trembled even more, and tears welled up in her eyes.

However, in that critical moment, Naruto stepped forward, his voice resounding through the stands as he vehemently countered Neji's verbal assault. His unwavering belief in Hinata's potential and his unyielding support filled the arena with a sense of defiance.

"You don't get to decide that," Naruto shouted, his voice carrying a blend of conviction and anger. "For someone with such powerful eyes, you're so blind. Your ego blinds you to the truth."

Naruto's words sliced through the tension, empowering Hinata and offering her a lifeline amidst the storm. They shattered the chains of self-doubt that had held her captive for so long.

Hinata, her teary gaze meeting Naruto's unwavering stare, found solace and strength in his words. She realised that her worth and her destiny were not to be dictated by Neji's scorn or her own self-perceived failures. Naruto's unwavering belief in her ignited a flicker of determination within her heart.

Summoning her inner resolve, Hinata wiped away her tears, her trembling hands steadying. She stood tall, a beacon of newfound determination, ready to prove herself in the face of Neji's taunts. With the strength of her Hyuga lineage coursing through her veins and the unwavering support of Naruto fueling her spirit, she vowed to defy expectations and show Neji the true extent of her capabilities.

As the battle between Hinata and Neji intensified, each strike they exchanged became more precise and devastating. The sound of their Gentle Fist-style attacks reverberated through the arena, as their strikes targeted and disrupted each other's chakra flow, inflicting internal injuries.

Hinata, fueled by her newfound determination and Naruto's unwavering support, displayed remarkable resilience. She managed to block some of Neji's strikes and even landed a few of her own, defying Neji's expectations and proving her worth as a fighter.

Unbeknownst to Hinata, Neji had been executing a hidden strategy from the beginning of the fight. With every strike, he skillfully targeted and severed her chakra points, systematically diminishing her ability to channel her chakra effectively.

Undeterred by the odds stacked against her, Hinata refused to back down. She persisted, fighting against Neji's relentless assaults with unwavering courage. Naruto's belief in her echoed within her, providing her with the strength to continue even when victory seemed unattainable.

Neji, perplexed by Hinata's unwavering determination, struggled to understand her motivations. He couldn't comprehend why she continued to fight in the face of certain defeat. The clash between their ideologies and the paths they had chosen within their clan intensified the animosity between them, fueling their intense confrontation.

Despite Hinata's unwavering resolve, her attacks gradually became more futile as Neji continued to inflict severe internal injuries upon her. However, she persisted, landing strikes upon Neji's defences, despite their lack of visible effect. It was no longer about winning the battle for Hinata, but about confronting Neji and making her voice heard, regardless of the outcome.

Just as the match reached a critical point, Naruto suddenly leaped into the arena, intercepting Neji's attack. Instead of directly blocking the attack, Naruto strategically grabbed Neji's wrists, avoiding any disruption to Hinata's chakra points. A surge of anger boiled within Naruto as he questioned Neji's intentions.

"What are you doing?" Naruto's voice seethed with anger, his grip tightening around Neji's wrists, causing him to flinch.

However, the proctor intervened, warning Naruto of the consequences of his interruption. "Naruto Uzumaki, if you interrupt the match again, you will be disqualified," the proctor stated firmly.

Naruto nodded in response, releasing his grip on Neji's wrists. Before he jumped back up to the stands, he directed a final message to Neji. "Neji, if we ever fight, I will crush you," he declared, his eyes flashing with a glimpse of red