
Naruto | the Second coming of Uchiha Madara (HIATUS)

An abandoned child by his own village, clan, family.. Having no talent, born with useless eyes.. All the villages despise him because of his ugliness and cursed eyes.. In his early years, the boy got into the epicenter of the Second World War Shinobi, where the strongest ninjas survive, and the weak become cannon fodder.. The cursed child who has no place in this cruel world makes his name in the history of the Shinobi world.. _____________________________________________________ Some things may not correspond to the canon, you can take it as you want.

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15 Chs

The Shinobi Way

More than a month has passed since the move. Makira was able to adapt well to his new life. He had his own spare room where he could rest freely. Hiro cooks all the food for him, despite the fact that he is a ninja, the cooking skills were excellent.

The only thing that upset the boy was that Hiro did not live in this house. He knew that his brother was a ninja and that they had missions that he needed to complete. Visits took place three times a day, but despite all this, Makira decided not to dwell on it and just enjoy the quiet atmosphere of the house.

Sitting in his room, the boy drew drawings on his white sheets, but whatever he drew, he got scribbles that he himself could not make out, redrawing over and over again, until out of anger he knocked on the table scattering all his accessories.

Feeling the rage in his chest that burned with a strong burning sensation, causing the boy to feel suffocation in the neck area until he fell to his knees to catch his breath. Until someone behind him put his hand to his back completely suppressing this feeling.

Hiro, who had just come to his brother, seeing this situation rushed to his side, gently infusing the chakra allowing the boy to relax. Looking at Makira, he asked quietly, "Are you angry?"

"Why me?" The boy asked without raising his head, hoping to get an answer from Hiro.

- "What are you?" Hiro asked, not understanding what the boy was talking about, who showed his emotions for the first time.

"Why did I have to be born blind? Why does it have to be me?" Makira asked, allowing for the first time in his life to shed tears that he had been holding back all his life, for the first time he felt helpless from his own existence.

Hiro struggled to contain his emotions, looking at his brother who is struggling to fight his illness, he remembered his mother's promise, but not only that, but he himself wanted his little brother to grow up with an ordinary life, but all this makes him feel even worse, completely immersing The boy into the darkness, the only thing he could ask was: - "Would you like a Shinobi?"

Makira, who was immersed in his world, turned his head in surprise towards his brother and asked: "Can I become a Shinobi? I'm me..after all, blind.."

- "You decide your own fate, if you have the strength to overcome yourself no matter what, then you will become a wonderful ninja, maybe even a hero of the village of Konohagakure" - gently smiling at his brother, he slowly helped him to get up, looked at him again and flicked him on the forehead because of his stupid smile and he said: - "To become a good ninja, you need to train, train a lot"

Makira, who all this time felt excited about what would be waiting for him ahead, suddenly froze and looking in the direction of his brother asked: - "And when will we start training?", to which Hiro simply replied: - "From tomorrow, so get ready, but in the meantime let's go eat, it's already breakfast time."

The couple slowly went to the kitchen to eat, during all this time the boy felt excited, even after he went to bed, he could not close his eyes in any way.


The next morning, Makira, with large circles under his eyes, got out of bed, heading to the bathroom to wash and brush his teeth. Dressed in his black T-shirt with a high collar and black shorts, he headed to the kitchen where a pleasant smell of breakfast was waiting for him.

Standing behind the stove, Hiro, who met his brother with big circles under his eyes, almost dropped the shovel and trying to restrain his laughter, asked: - "Makira, did you sleep at all, you remind me more of a panda, and not a person who is ready to train, if you don't get enough sleep, you won't be able to train properly, I think we need...", but the boy interrupted him, quickly shaking his head to the left, then to the right, trying to justify himself: - "I... I... was asleep.. I just accidentally fell..Two eyes?"

Hiro found it funny that a smart boy, who is precocious, sometimes says stupid things that would not have occurred to even a small child. Deciding not to dwell on it, the brothers had breakfast together and went to the forest near the village.

Sitting on the ground Makira who was looking attentively at his brother, who was taking some things out of the bag, but what exactly he could not figure out.

Picking up the strange devices, Hiro looked at his brother's small body, then at things again and decided to sigh. Approaching the boy, he attached strange bracelets to his arms and legs, he said: "Try to run a circle around this field, if it seems too difficult to you, tell me"

Makira tried to get to his feet, but immediately felt a heavy weight pressing on his whole body, which caused him to stagger slightly, but taking all his strength, he began to move in a circle, but he did not have time to run one lap around the field as he fell to the ground completely wet.

Rubbing his chin, Hiro carefully watched the boy, who got back on his feet and continued to run in a circle. He knew that the boy was carrying almost his own weight, but still, despite all the difficulties, he did not stop a step, but stubbornly continues to run.

After five laps, Makira was already completely exhausted and fell face down into the ground: - "Well....Huh.. I did... ha..." the boy asked breathlessly, knowing that his brother was watching him from the side.

- "Great, from today you will need to run twenty laps a day with this weight, and with half you will do your daily things," Hiro said, making the boy tremble from the upcoming workouts, but in the boy's soul there was a fire burning that will burn even brighter from time to time than before.

After taking a break, Makira started running again, but not at such a fast pace as before, but still by the evening he was able to finish his twenty laps. Taking the tired body of his brother, he returned home together.

Having had enough, Makira, who was still carrying weights, plopped down on his bed and immediately plunged into the land of dreams, completely ignoring the presence of Hiro, who covered him with a blanket with a soft smile. Taking another look at his brother, he turned off the light and disappeared, closing the door behind him.

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