
Naruto's Bender(dropped)

Disclaimer- I don’t own anything here everything is reserved to their own rights Left for dead, feeling betrayed and alone, he gets another chance, but in the end it’ll depend on him on how strong he’ll become in his own right, along with some luck and god's blessing on his side, when past demons appear, will it overwhelm him? Watch his journey, or read in this case, how far he’ll go. ————————————————————————————— So this is a rewrite, you’ll be able to find the original in my original works in my profile if u want to, but this will be a lot better in my opinion, but you can judge for yourself. Also I will happily accept criticism, but not bitching to those people they can just leave.

Alvinbrrrrrr · Komik
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14 Chs

Prologue 7

(1 Month Later)

"What is this?"I asked Ethan, right now it's my birthday but I'm still at school, what a sad life I lead, anyway, it's lunch and as a birthday gift, my friend Ethan, the one that's into anime, is handing me a book.

"It's called Manga."Ethan responded.

"Wait, isn't this related to Anime?"I questioned him since I know they're connected somehow.

"Yes, it's the source material of where Anime comes from, like how the Harry Potter movies are based off the books."Ethan explained.

"And I know you have your prejudice against Anime from what other people say, but just trust me, read it."Ethan said and in the end I sighed in defeat, this is a birthday gift after all, it would be rude if I didn't at least give it a try.

"Naruto, Volume one, huh."I mumbled to myself reading the name of it, opening to the front page, I can say I was jebaited.

"That isn't the front page, it starts from the back."Ethan said seeing me stare blankly at the page of which I thought was the front page.

"Shit's weird already."I mumbled to myself, but deciding to power through, I went to the back and opened the book, and I read the first page, then the second, then the third, and then I kept reading until the bell rang, completely disregarding my empty stomach.

"Soo, what you think?"Ethan asked me with a smile, even though he already knew my general response seeing how I completely was focused on the Manga for this time, he was happy to see he brought a new comrade.

"I have no words, I, how can something be so good? How can people call this weird! THIS IS A MASTER PEICE!"I declared standing up, completely forgetting where I am, but realizing I was in the lunch room yelling, I looked around to see everyone staring at me.

"Is it really that good?"Alyssa asked me, oh yeah, we all sit at the same lunch table, and with the addition of friends we made at school, it was normally very loud and fun at this table, can't believe I zoned everything out. Sitting back down, I respond to her.

"Yeah it is! You gotta try this out! And Ethan, you need to show me more! But for now we need to get class!"I said excitedly, and this is how I was introduced to the world of Anime, something that would stick even after death.

(1 Year 6 Month's Later, Justin POV, Morning)

'Today is the day we graduate, wow we've come a long way, but it's the perfect time to start my plan! Operation set-up is a go!'I thought to myself excitedly, I've grown tired of watching John and Alyssa dance around each other, it's time they get together! I'm the best best friend and brother, I know, no need to praise me.

Breaking outta my monologue, I walk over to Alyssa's room and knock on her door.

"Come in!"I hear her say, and opening the door I see her reading one her Mangas, ever since John first started reading Manga, Ethan got them both addicted to Anime, Alyssa's addictions being a by-product of Johns, and I'll admit there are a few good ones out there that I've read, but these guys are fanatics about it.

"What's up?"She asked me, and I walked in and sat on her bed in front of her.

"Don't you think it's time you confess to John?"I asked her straight-forwardly.

"E-Eh? What do you mean?! I don't like John! You like John! I-I mean--"Seeing her freak out like this because of that simple sentence made me laugh uncontrollably.

"Hahaha!... Aah, that was a good laugh, I needed that."I said while wiping an imaginary tear, but in response all I got was a smack in the arm.

"Ow! Alright, alright, calm down, but seriously, it's about time you told him how you feel."I finished with a serious tone.

"Your right, but what if he rejects me? We've been good friends all this time, and if he rejects it'll make things weird, and it'll ruin everything we've built up to this point, and... argh!"In the end she gave a grunt of frustration, by now she's put down the Manga and is just hugging her pillow.

"Look sis, you may not be able to see cause your in the middle of it, but from my perspective, you've both had a crush on each other for as long as I can remember, and in all this time you've just kept dancing around each other, neither of you having enough confidence to speak about how you actually feel in fear of ruining things between each other."

"But still..."I heard her say in a low voice.

"Look, if he rejects you then I'll force him to like you."I said while cracking my knuckles and smirk, and it had the desired response.

"You know you've never won in a fight against him."She said with an amused smile.

"Never lost either."I said with a smirk, and in response she giggled a bit.

"Thanks, I needed that."She said, and in response I just left with a smile.

'Hahaha! The ship has sailed!'

(That Night, John POV)

"It's crazy to think we graduated, how've we've been friends all these years."Alyssa said, right now me, Alyssa and Justin are sitting on a bench in Randall's Island and our parents are packing up the Barbecue we had, even though we wanted to help they insisted on us relaxing since we're the graduates, unknown to me and Alyssa it's all according to Justin's plan.

"Yeah, how you grew up into a beautiful girl from the kid I saved from the imaginary ghost."I said with a chuckle, not realizing what came out my mouth from how naturally I said it until a few seconds later.

"You don't look too bad yourself."Alyssa said with a blush.

"My soda ran out, I'ma go get myself more."Justin said quickly and disappeared just as quickly. Looking out towards the ocean between us and Manhattan, the lights from the city, shining and glistening against the water floor, faint stars in the sky, the full moon half covered by a cloud, though they are far and few...

"It's beautiful."I said, and glancing at Alyssa who was staring at me, those big blue beautiful eyes, her beautiful face... the view that was once beautiful, became perfect in my eyes...

Slowly, I noticed her inching towards my face, but specifically my lips, bit by bit, and I started to freak out, I mean, was this really happening? Sure, it may not seem like much to other people, but the girl I've been crushing over for years was about to kiss me, for all this time I've rejected the possibility that she may feel the same about me, was it really possible? because to me it was a pipe dream, I thought she only saw me as a friend, us, never meant to be, but if this is actually happening, shouldn't I just go for it?

'Come on John! This is your one shot! One opportunity! Just go for it!'Psyching myself up quickly, I start to inch towards her as well, and eventually, our lips met. The kiss, in all honesty was completely bad, on both sides, but that's what any other person would think, to me, it was the best thing ever, because of what it meant, the beginning of our relationship, and unknown to me, Alyssa felt the same. Separating, we stare into each other eyes.

"So does this mean?..."I said, not wanting to finish the question incase I was wrong.

"Yeah, you're mine, and I'm yours."She said with a soft smile.

"FINALLY!"I hear Justin yell suddenly, startling both of us, looking towards him, I saw My Mom with their parents there watching us.

"Were you watching us the whole time?!"I questioned, genuinely shocked at the thought these people were here this long without us noticing.

"Yeah, well when in your little lovey dovey atmosphere, I would guess you wouldn't notice us!"Justin said with a smirk, and in response I jumped over the bench and sprinted at him, tackling him to the ground as we started play fighting.

"Boys will be boys!"My Mom and Alyssa's Mom said seeing Alyssa's dumbfounded expression.

"WE HEARD THAT!"Me and Justin yell out in the middle of our fight.


Two chapters in one day, wow I'm feeling inspired! Honestly, this rewrite was probably for the best! Because now I feel so refreshed!

But anyway, I'll see you guys next chapter! Anime_Freac out!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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