

The last thing Asana could remember was the car horn, twisting and screeching into her head, but all of that became nonsenses when she rolled her eyes on papyrus. The date was the second millenary of Sheed territory and the next notes that she had written: "Exhausted for chasing him". She tried to touch her, but her hand passed through her body, but unexpectedly the girl felt it, looked back, but no one was there.

The lantern offered a proper light to the small room to see what she is writing, memories! There was a full-length cupric mirror in a corner. Rapidly strode to check if it's real, she couldn't see herself inside it, even couldn't feel fear, but more felt strong like a goddess able to do everything she wishes for.

Instead of leaving the room straightly walked to the girl's handwriting, and whispered, "Why am I enjoying this? Couldn't feel more gleeful, being a ghost is like this, huh I like it, for the first time I'm satisfied, I would enjoy it". She sneered.

The girl suddenly jumped up her chair drew out a dagger looking around in razzle-dazzle. Still couldn't see anyone there!

"Show yourself, speak louder?" she cried out.

"Hey, can you hear me? I'm right here, who are you? Can you tell me where am I?" Asana was confused because this time she was walking without responding even though Asana was almost screaming.

The girl calmed down and had her seat again, brushed her face with her palms, and got back to her previous position.

"I'm getting mad soon, ahh, it was my illusions", the girl cursed her situation.

"Damn, while writing her soul was conscious". He ignored her and got back to the papers. Started reading loudly:

"History is in our hands because time belongs to us so let's build it up beautiful." She was amazed and thought this girl must be an author and that handwriting was flawless. She needed a friend here and this one could make up a proper one! So continued:

Heroes are not just some myths or legendary characters. They are all lessons narrated by myths to become a path for posterity, then I would like to make legends and narrate them to people.

Everyone thinks that my stories are just a bunch of entertaining imaginations and I have been retrieving from history or ancient legends, but this is only a small part of it.

Just a few people are going to believe, that most of these had happened to me during my voyages with my father through different lands or I had watched as a witness.

Somebody such as king Sheed who always loves to see actors who have been acting for him and expressing all their stories by their movements and amazing music indeed.

Sometimes people of different regions used to say their stories so brought excitement into it. Yes, maybe represented by pomposity, afterward, I would rather restate it in my taste and surely I had no idea of being or having fame. So after a while, people named me the Narrator! Not bad I like it since it doesn't bring me any harm!

This time everything changed. I went through unwanted voyages, if there is something in my life that I hate the most and it's when someone trying to force me to do things that I don't like by misuse.

These circumstances revolutionized my whole life or maybe even my future and recalling it aches my heart. It's been a long that I have been lost in darkness, the path is unclear and there is no light in the oppression of my existence. It has been long terms I'm spending to discover who they are to faced the bitter truth, the end of my trip till now was painful, the hardest moment of my life ever experienced, watching deaths and unable to make a move!

I'm following the signs, but they are like dark specters in black nights. From our nine companions, only seven of us remained alive, people have been calling us shadow hunters while one day I was the king of justice's narrator.

Now I'm just a girl who has been seeking the truth. I have only one goal to take back all of those things that cruelty had stolen from me. Yes, another definition of revenge, a burden of sorrow had turned my heart dark."

Asana got even more curious about her, if her spirit is dark why would she confess to that even through writings. She looked at her age about 22, but somehow more beautiful. Asana couldn't wait to turn the pages, but the girl's head fell on the table, tears rolled down her eyes. A familiar emotion performed on her face, love! Only having feelings like that can brings such a state to a girl and unease her. Asana leaned on her patted her cheeks smoothly, didn't expect to feel the warmth of her tears, but it happened.

"She needs help, her inner wounds got deep. Am I able to do her a favor? Prayers won't help, it didn't help me to confess Kevin about my feelings and now I'm here and it became impossible to bring time back the only regret that I have during that life, tell me who are you? What's your name? and why do I feel so close to you?" She and then added, "Are you, my twin? Your sadness breaks my heart."

"Paya where are you?" the girl whispered and Asana closed her ears to her mouth. "Say more, who's Paya? Your boyfriend?" she thought a little bit then smirked at what she popped out, "She doesn't know what boyfriend is, and he must be her beloved".

"To find you I would pass the oceans". She closed her eyes and remained quiet.

"Oh, girl there is no hope for you, at least I'm here you are not alone," Asana aimed to get out of the room and watch around as she tried to pass the door something pushed her back. She slowly touched again, but not able to pass. It was like an energy circle made waves with her touches bounded her to that room!

"Am a cured to be prisoned here?" but suddenly a thought sparked in her mind, flicked her fingers to her head, "No, no it can't be that, I'm not hooked up to her! Am I? Seriously this ain't a joke! I'm stuck here."