

One her way to the site, Shiro raised her hand into the air and several drones were created. Setting a command for them to spread out, she created a tablet so that she could see what the drones were seeing.

Unfortunately, after the drones reached a certain height, they were destroyed promptly due to a barrier of some sort. She tried to send up drones a few more times but the result was the same.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro had a serious expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Nan Tian asked curiously as it was not often that Shiro would have this kind of expression.

"The drones were destroyed by a barrier. Seems like there's something jamming the airspace in the area." Shiro replied with a sigh and dismantled her tablet.

"Seems like we'll need to do the scouting ourselves but I'm not sure how the barrier would react to us. It was quite hostile to the drones so I'm not keen on taking too many chances." She suggested with a frown.