

The person approaching is the waiter that cut in by asking whether they want something to order again or not. While she's asking, Nan's focus turned to a man that just entered the restaurant. Nan's eye widens, her breathing stopped for a second and stunned by seeing that person.

"it's Him"

Nan muttered.

"Ha? Who?"

Veo turned his head, checking.

"It's Tap!!"

Nan screamed with a low voice.

"Huh?! Ah, so that is Tap?"

Tap who is just come in to check on something recognizes their reaction. It's normal because there is not many costumers at that hour, thanks to the recent incident. He's walking toward our table. Then Tap greets.

"Hello, Good afternoon"

As he greets, Nan's came to realized that she just breathe. Everything went chaos in her head. Even when she remain calm she still shows her reaction. Red ears, trembling lips and a looooong pause. But, Veo knows whats going on in her head. so he decided to make a situation for Nan.

"Good Afternoon"

Veo answer. Nan is just giving a slight smile because she's still panicked. Veo thinks Nan is making a good choice by staying composed. If not, it would be awkward for Tap.

"Yes, let me introduce myself. I own this restaurant, please call me Tap."

"Okay, thank you, Sir. Is there something wrong? are we being too loud here?"

Veo is giving him an unimportant question in order to make him feel a bit guilty.

"No, of course not. Otherwise, you seem to bring a cheerful vibe to our restaurant. But, I just recognize that you seem a bit surprised in the middle of your meals. Is there something wrong with the food? I would like to offer compensation if anything is uncomfortable for you."

Nan heard Tap's explanation. As a fan, she can't accept Tap being too considerate or having this kind of misunderstanding. So she decided to speak.

"No, that is not the problem, sir. I'm sorry if I'm being rude but, It is my fault."

Nan explained.


"We stopped eating because I'm charmed by your charisma, I am a fan, please forgive me"

Nan answers calmly but somehow her line is not. Her line and expression don't seem to be in the same way. Veo burst into laughter. Tap seems a bit embarrassed (coz someone confesses as his fan) and he laughs after that.

"hahhahahha.... Miss this is hilarious"

Tap said.

"you agree huh? She's very amusing when her head cracks"

Veo said by mocking Nan.

"pffft... Yes, this is really made my day"

Tap seems pleased.

"Really? Why do you join us for a bit? I think it will be fun"

Veo asked forwardly.

"Um... I think that's a bit...."

Tap think carefully while taking a look at his watch.

"Are you busy?"

"No, actually I'm just checking the time, I have an appointment with my friends here but I've arrived earlier. While waiting for my friends may I join you?"

"Haha you're sure a gentleman! Why did you ask again when I already offered haha"

"I have to keep my dignity in front of my staff. Once I sit I would be myself completely ckck"

"Come here, Dude. You're cool! Ah, I think you can also consider it as a fan service lol. Aren't you happy naa? I've come to like Mr. Tap as well!"

Veo said happily.

Nan didn't expect they would be so clicked with each other like this. Tap is a bit shy with Veo last statement, but he keeps that to himself. It is a bit late for Tap, Nan is already recognized that as she staring at him all this time. Thanks to that Nan finally come to her sense.

"Nice for having you here with us! I am Nan. Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Veo"

"I should be the one who is grateful. I'm Tap, you can address me casually"

Then we continued our meal with Tap ordering a few snacks for him.


Several minutes have passed as we chatted comfortably with each other. Tap personality is easy to follow and somehow I forgot being his fan and just enjoyed the time. But, the time has come to Tap appointment with his friend. None of us or even Tap realized it. We totally out of it until another person approaches us because he sees us together with Tap at the table.

Nan recognized him. He is Wam. The most multitalented actor. Nan is also admired Wam, but rather than being a fan, Nan really wants to have a share of his experience in the industry.

Nan is a fan-girl, indeed. But, she's serious when it comes to something that concerns her career.


With Wam is approaching and called Tap. He's directly said.

"Oi, Tap" Wam waving his hand.

"Oi, phi! Sit here. Let me introduce you to these guys" Tap raised his hand.

"Oh okay. Do I bother you all? Hello." Wam said.

"No, not at all. We have plenty of time." Veo said.

"Yeah, we should be the one who apologized because we barge into your appointment." Veo says.

"No, it's okay you don't have to worry. We just having meals together in our day off" Wam said.

"Oh, really? I've been wondering. Do actors often had their day off too?"

Nan asked curiously.

"Not really. But, ..."

Nan and Wam conversation is just going very smoothly as if they were friends. Tap and Veo are having fun with their conversation as well.

Wam suddenly got a call and went to pick up his call. When he's back, he said.

"Oh the stupid couple is nearby"

"Oh I thought the will be as late as usual lol"

Veo and Nan didn't ask who is it. But, they arrived after that. Nan is back to her reaction like when she first sees Tap in person but, this time is much worse.

They are the most shipped couple this year. It is Charm and Din. Din is Nan's bias, but Charm's visual is incredible.

When they came, Nan is going to the washroom first to gain her sense. As a fan-girl this is a situation that is reaaaaaaallllly bad for her heart. There is too much happiness and she should hold her reflexes. They were so much pressure!

After she calmed down. She going back to her seat. Nan recognizes Veo and Tap's gaze as if they're holding their laugh.

"Stop it. I know what you guys thinking. I have gained my sense while I'm in the washroom."

Nan said, calmly.

Both of them laugh again by seeing Nan's reaction. Wam and Charm looked confused and they just smiled. Then, Din said something unintentionally.

"Ah I see. Nice to meet you naa"


Nan is surprised by Din's teased lines. It made her red then she replied.

"Nice to meet you too"

The others laugh and we continued to have a talk with Charm and Din being there is a bit tense for Nan. Well, it's quite fun, though.


It is about time for Nan and Veo left. Tomorrow they got morning class and it was also the day of the announcement, they should go and rest.

"Guys, it was really fun today. But, we should go we've got morning class tomorrow" Nan said.

"Oh yeah right and what time the result will come out?" Veo asked

"10 o'clock" Nan answered.

"Result of what?" Charm asked.

"Nan participate in a scriptwriting contest" Veo answered.

"Ah, I see. Su su na!"

{"Su su na" mean "Fighting!" in Thai}

Charm said and the others followed.

"Thanks! See you later guys~ thanks for todayy, byee !" Veo waved his hand.

"Veo, tell me if you guys want to come by another time!" Tap said.

"Sure! Thanks"

For one second, Veo felt something from Din, he thinks.

"I didn't know is it normal or not, but this guy seems weird when he saw me and Nan left. It's like he's realized something and he's in shock."

On their way back, Nan been talking non-stop about what happens between them and those BL actors that day. It was like a dream to meet and talk to the and Veo has also enjoyed it. She couldn't be happier.


On the next morning, Nan is back to her graceful self. It was all because she finished her preparation for the contest.

Nan got a different class with Veo this morning. So nothing bothered Nan when she's paying to the study. She finished her class and ....

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