

The sun slowly comes down. They didn't realize that they already spend so much time there, It was comfortable. Nan decided to go home right after and Din offers to keep her company until she reaches her condo. Nan agreed because she didn't plan to go home late. Nan drives her car while Din is following her from behind. Nan feels comfortable and weird at the same time.

"I begin this day somewhat depressed, I try to spend time alone to calm down, I met Din, it turns out fun, and now rather than being nervous, I got comfortable near Din. What a crazy day... "

"I guess finding a new friend is also a way to put myself at ease."

That what goes around her head while she drives. Nan has arrived at the front of her condo, she pressed the hazard button, and Din approached.

"Is it here?" Asked Din.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. You can go, now" Said Nan.

"No, you go inside and tell me when you've arrived at your condo." Din still insist.

"Oh.. Okay, okay" Nan gave up and she goes to her condo.

Nan parked her car and went to her condo. She texted Din right after she goes in.

"I'm done." She said.

"Okay, I'll also tell you when I arrived" Din replied.

Nan felt weird looking at the message. She thinks, Din doesn't have to tell her because she knows he will reach his home sooner or later. Then, Nan decided to speak her mind.

"It's okay. You don't have to."

She takes a shower and used her pajamas. Her phone suddenly ringing. She's stunned, still can't believe that Din called her. She picked up the phone and spoke.

"Hello, Din?" Talked to Din ver the phone.

"Heyyy, I've arrived at home, now. Your last message was a bit cold, aren't we friends?" Asked Din playfully.

"Lol, that's how I was on chat. you said you're my friend, you should know that!" Throwing back at Din

"You know how to get back at me aren't you?" Asked Din as he know he can't win against her.

"I guess so. Anyway, is that all? if you're done, I'll hang up now." said Nan. Thinking this kind of report is enough.

"Wait! Wait!" Din stopped Nan from hanging up.

"What?" Asked Nan.

"Um... Actually, I want to talk about the script. Since it was my second series and my first role as the male lead, I'm pretty nervous."

"So, you want to discuss it with me?"

"yep. if you don't mind."

Din sound pretty troubled with his new script and Nan wants to help him. Nan thinks this would be great for her. She can find errors in her script while discussing or even try some lines on Din. 

"Alright.. but we need a proper place to do this." She said firmly.

"Okay, leave it to me! I'll send you the address and we'll meet up at 10. how about it?" Din sounds happy.

"Perfect" Nan agrees.

"Okay, see ya tomorrow, have a good rest." Said Din.

"Sure, thanks!"

Nan hung up. She set up an alarm and went to bed.

On the next morning, Nan is ready to go. She went to the address that Din sent to her and it turns out to be Tap's restaurant. No wonder she is a bit familiar with the track. Then, Nan comes inside and tells the appointment. It was in a private room. Nan thinks this is perfectly suitable for discussing the script. Din is already there. 


"Oh, you're here!"

"Yeah... So, what do you want to ask?"

"It was the character of the Artificial Boyfriend that you brought up. The title seems easy but it wasn't at all."

"Well, for that. I always imagine the first ML was a perfect figure. He has a cold, calm and powerful appearance. He also has a great visual, badass material."


"He's a bit pushy, but he is a good person"

"Hm... Two-faced?"

"Yes. Somehow you can imagine it, right?"

"I think I need something more."

"Hm... Alright, in this story you have a rival, the second ML. He is the exact opposite of you, extremely gentle. The first FL is a fangirl, first ML always teased her."

"What kind of a fangirl?"

"She mostly spends her time watching a drama, movies, and variety shows of her bias. You started to take an interest in her at your friend's cafe and watch her smiled while seeing her laptop. Then, you watched her, she becomes so much cuter." Nan explained.

Somehow she got several ideas about the turning point in the story after explaining to Din, and also conflicts that happen to character one another. Din being here was a big help for her. first, he helped her through a hard time yesterday then he helped to develop her script. Min would be surprised how much I progressed with the script.

Din still reading the script. Nan ordered food so they can work it off while having some meals. Nan already writes down a few points she will work on and she also discusses it with Din. They continued to work on the script.

Din seems serious to learn about the character so, Nan suggested Din to try some lines.

"It would be confusing if I were to try this alone."

"Then, I'll be your opponent."

We're about to try one scene. This scene is where 'Rum' (First ML) asked (or insist) 'Rin' (First FL) for a date. As Nan recommends that scene, Din closes his eyes first to get into his role as 'Rum'. Nan notices. And she thinks she should keep up with Din somehow. She read "Rin"'s line and memorized as much as she thinks she needs.

"So, are you saying you can't go with me?" Rum said.

"Yes." Rin said firmly.

Din stand in front of Nan, put his hand to the armrest of her chair, so she can't escape him. Then he look closely into her eyes. This is enough to make Nan surprised. She didn't expect the 'Rum' version of Din would be this good! Nan keep going as 'Rin'.

"Why?" Rum asked with a darkened face.

"I have some business." said Rin. 

Then Din move his face closely and spoke.

"You said you're a fan of mine, yet you abandoned me for some business?" He ask with a composed and a heavy voice, then Nan heard Din's breath as he move his face close to her left ear. "Are you sure I would let you go?"

"Wha- what do you mean by letting me go?" Rin asked stuttered.

"I'll be here. Right next to you." Rum said softly.

"Uh... would you please move? I mean we can talk normally." Asked Rin nervously.

"No, I'll be here. I said I won't let you go." Said Rum firmly

Nan blushed so hard because this is TOO SEXY. She can't believe she writes this down. She carries on.

"A-alright I'll go! I'll go with you!." Rin said.

She wants to stay like this forever but her heart can't take this.

"D-din It was amazing. I think it's enough." Nan said still in embarrassment because of Din's act

Din didn't move a muscle. Nan started to think "Is he still Rum?".

"Din?" Nan touches his chest and push him slowly. "You okay?"

Din stare into her eyes and so is Nan, confused about what happened to Din. A clacking voice of the door slides open was heard, it was Tap an Veo. They stunned. Nan and Din was shocked while they're still in the current position that would make anyone misunderstood. It was the most awkward and ridiculous moment in Nan's life.