
Nameless Light Book 1

Solace is a young man who unexpactedly find himself in an unknown place. He doesn't know what is happening to him or where he is but people around him seem to be accepting of him. Can he tread his life in this unknown existence? What are the answers that await him? Find out in "The Nameless Light".

Abhay_Pandey_2065 · Fantasi
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5 Chs

The Rising Sun

After the unseething revelation that he is a mage, Solace enters the grounds of Global Institute For Magick. A majestic castle built on the shore of an island, surrounded by the vile of water on all side and covered by a hidden barrier to hide it from the eyes of common people. Solace was stunned to see the beauty that this school upheld. Even though it held a theme of castle from the medical era, the component that made it up were all modern and even magical, ones that Solace had never seen in his short life span. Flushed floors, Huge Rooms, and even more interesting classrooms. Each and every element of the castle had its own identity, each room was a world in itself. Solace took in the surrounding and *gulp*. He couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beauty of this place. He looked towards Katherine with a questionable look. She understood what his gaze meant and asked him to follow her. It was only natural, Solace was new to this reality and had no idea what should be done after arriving here, so he asked Katherine for help. Ryota, on the other hand went on his own without paying much mind to his surrounding as always with a cocky smile and his hands in his pocket. He was aware of the Marvel's that a world full of magick can provide, unlike someone. As much so that it wasn't even Marvel for him.

Following Katherine, Solace reached a dead end which had a door right in front of them. He looked up and saw words floating above them. ''First Year Cordinator'', he was perplexed seeing words floating in the air rather than being written on the surface. He had a good reason for that, the magick that everyone here is talking about is elemental so it shouldn't be able to make words float. "It's an enchantment. Those words have been enchanted so as to look like floating in the air like bubbles rather than written." Katherine explained, listening to her explanation, Solace was quite inpressed that magick can even be used on such small situations and got very curious as to what else would he encounter in this world. Both of them entered the room and saw a woman, seemingly in her mid 30's sitting on the desk. On realizing that she had visitors, the woman greeted them politely and asked them to sit down. Then as both of them sat, two packages and files came flying to the desk and set themselves in front of Solace and Katherine. The woman whose headname was Smith (Professor Smith) picked up their files and while writing somylthing down began speaking, "Good evening students, I hope you had a comfortable journey. I am Professor Smith as you must have noticed on my name plate and the packages in front of you are your uniforms. I am the first year Cordinator and you can come to me in case of any difficulty." The uniform, Solace ran his hand through the moist and silky fabric. It was a robe, black in colour with red embroidery. Solace's mind described it as beautiful. It will weared on any clothes that students wear like a blazer. Professor Smith opened one of the file and continued, "Miss Katherine Jade, you've been allotted Room no. 1803, the hostels are just across the quad in front of lake. Mr. Solace Sol, you've been allotted Room no. 203. Tommorow you'll have your affinity test first thing in the morning. The venue for each student will be posted in the auditorium. Be ready for that." Katherine and Solace stood up from their place, thanked Miss Smith and proceeded towards the hostel. On the way, Solace asked Katherine what Affinity test was? She begane explaining, "The affinity test is a process of determining that what element a person is most comfortable with. Although, anyone can perform all elemental magick but higher affinity means more powerful you are in that element." Solace grasped the contex quickly and as soon as Katherine finished explaining, they found themselves standing in front of the hostels. Katherine asked for leave and Solace thanked her for all the help she gave him today. She winked at him and went inside the hostel. Solace followed suit and went to his prescribed floor. There, on the way he bumped into someone and fell. Not looking, he apologized and gathered his stuff, just then he heard a familiar voice, "Be Carefull, Big Guy." It was indeed Ryota. Solace's face glow up and he asked him what he was doing here. Ryota, giving him a side glance said, "The same as you. I'll be living here." Solace, surprised asked him for his Room no. which was 213, just opposite of Solace's room. Solace was a little relieved and showed a little amount of happiness. Ryota bid him farewell and entered his room. Solace went on his way to his room but as he tried to push the door, he passed directly through the door without opening.

Solace fell flat on his face. Feeling a minimul headache he rose to his feet and was greeted with a quite stare. After getting his mind straight Solace saw a beautiful girl looking at him. She gave him a once over. Solace experienced his heartbeat rise, it was unexplainable, he had never felt anything like this before. The girl had distinguishable facial features, one that made her stand out. Blond hairs and soul piercing eyes. Her beauty was nothing like Solace had seen before. On first glance, he was infatuated by her. No matter how you look at it, she was the most beautiful girl Solace had seen in his entire life. She snapped her finger twice which pulled Solace back to reality, just as he focused his attention back on her, she smiled, "You must be Solace Sol. I went to the RA to get some general information about you. By the way, I am Kaya Zeal, nice to meet you." Solace flushed under her gaze and reponded almost immediately, "Hi, It's nice to meet you." Kaya invited Solace to sit, in the common room of course and they had a long chat, about each other's lives, interests, friends and many more. Solace got to know that Kaya is a child of the Zeal Family as her headname suggests and just like Ryota's Takahashi Family, they are one of the strongest mage family. Not only that but they also have the largest investment in the markets and also had the largest production of Magical items. Now getting to know her better, Solace realized that she is a worthy ally to have and yes, unlike most of the students Kaya already knew that she had an affinity towards fire element. After this small talk with his new roommate, Solace decided that it was time for him to lie down and reture for the night. Just as he thought about that, he realized that he doesn't have any of his stuff with him. He was a bit worried as to what he would do because he doesn't have his daily necessities, clothes, or anything as of that matter. Worried he entered his room and was surprised to find the room properly arranged and some things already prepared. There were a few pair of clothes in his closet and even things of daily necessities. Looking at this, one thing was clear. Him being here in this school wasn't a coincidence. There is someone looking out for him. They are probably the one's who brought him here. There were many mysteries to be solved and many skeletons hidden but this wasn't the right time, so Solace decided to just sleep today and worry about the answers later. Thinking this, he went to sleep.








As he opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by complete darkness, in front of him his school and scream rising up from its ruins. His body was filled with dread and sorrow. At this, he felt a pair of dagger like eyes dwindling on him. It's sharpness enough to cut through reality itself. It swings it's sharp claws towards Solace as if casting him aside like a broken toy with no more fun in it. At that very moment.....


Solace's alarm went off and pulled him out of his dream. Solace rose with a jerk. His entire body sweating. He tried to compose himself and thought back to the dream he had, it was just a dream. He disregarded the matter entirely and left his bed to freshen up. After getting tidied he left his room and went to the common room. There, Kaya already fetched them some breakfast, she offered him some and Solace gladly ate it. After getting ready and wearing his amazing uniform, it was time to find out his affinity element.

Both Kaya and Solace went together to the auditorium and found out that both of their tests were taken by different proffesors. Kaya bid Solace farewell and went for her test. Solace re-read the name of his proffesor, it was Victor Nape, the weapon handler (Hmm, I wonder who he might be based on). Solace then went to the armoury for his test. When he reached there he found two people already waiting for their turn. He stood beside them nervously. He was only standing for a short amount of time when he heard the guy in front of him say, "Don't worry, This is the easiest part of your stay here. Difficulty will come later on." Solace just smiled and said nothing. The boy extended his hands and introduced himself, "Hi, I am David Gale. Judging from your breath you are quite nervous. Don't worry, I'll take care of you like a father (Hmm, now who might this be?). This time Solace introduced himself and thanked David for looking out for him. Then, after sometime, one by one both of the boys from before went for their test. Soon, it was Solace's turn. This was the time when he will find out which is his own element.

Solace entered the armoury and found an elderly man sitting on the desk smiling warmly at him. He gestured for Solace to sit. As he did, Professor Victor began speaking, "You have a bright aura young man. I am sure you'll do great. Now put your hand over that sphere and peer deep into you soul. Just think of yourself and nothing else." Solace did as he was instructed. He thought of various moments of his life. Time when he was shunned, hardships he faced, strength he obtained, joy he got and even the lesson he learned. All the moments were in front of his eyes. Solace's train of thought was brought to a stop by a gasp. He looked towards Proffesor Victor who had an amazed expression on his face. He smiled deeply and said, "Boy, You are a Sun Affinite."

Now I know this is quite late but due to college I didn't had much time to thing as well as write. But here I am now. The chapters from now on are going to be bigger so stay tuned and watch how Solace's journey will progress.

Abhay_Pandey_2065creators' thoughts