
Naive hero and I were Forced to Share the Same Body

In a fantastical world, Morsh, a sinister guy with the ability to absorb other's power by killing them and absorbing their souls, and Pete, an innocent hero, were forced to share the same body. By day, Pete, the hero, held control, using his strength and courage to protect the weak and downtrodden. But at night, Morsh, the villain, took over, relishing in the power he could gain by absorbing the life force of others. Morsh is the main character, villain mc, no harem This is my first novel so please be patient and read atleast until chapter 20 before you change your mind. Follow Instagram - https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5

Daoistyglf7O · Fantasi
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101 Chs

Chapter - 48

Morsh stood up wiping the tears from his face,

The alchemists were surprised to see Morsh standing up instead of losing consciousness,

The alchemist branch head said,

"How can you stand up after that heavy dose of the knockout drug "

Morsh said,

"My body is used to these drugs and made somewhat resistance from them "

The alchemists were further surprised by this,

One of them said,

"How is this possible "

Morsh said,

"Let's continue our journey... I am sure you are losing valuable time here "

The alchemist ignored Morsh's and said,

"I have not seen anyone immune to knockout drugs in my life "

The branch head said,

"What are you talking about... there are a lot of people in the world that are immune to poisons due to the regular consumption of it in small quantities"

One of the alchemists said,

"Yeah, that is true, but they get immune after years of consumption"

The branch head said,

"We will discuss it later, let's go now "

The alchemists nodded and they all continued their journey,

Morsh and priestess were walking together in the back,

The priestess asked Morsh,

"How are you feeling Pete"

Morsh looked at her and said,

"Shut up "

The priestess said,

"Why are you so rude... Is this also an side effect "

Morsh said,

"I don't like to repeat myself "

The priestess sighed and said,

"How do you feel about Iris? "

Morsh ignored her and just kept walking,

The priestess asked a couple more times but Morsh was ignoring her so she gave up,

After about an hour the alchemist branch head said,

"We have to enter the forest from here"

They nodded and entered the forest,

After couple of minutes they reached the place where the trolls have disappeared,

They were shocked to see the dark burned ground,

One of the alchemists pointed toward the center of the burned ground,

"Look something's there "

A sword covered in dark energy was half stabbed in the center of the dark burned ground,

The alchemist head said,

"Let's go and have a look"

They all walked toward the sword,

Their aura was getting unstable as they were getting closer to the sword,

Sky said,

"Something is wrong with my aura "

The alchemist head said,

"Something is ominous with that sword... It's making my aura unstable "

Morsh quickly decreased the power of the dark energy in the sword,

Sky said,

"My aura is stable now... "

They reached the sword and surrounded it,

The branch head mustard some courage and took out the sword from ground,

The sword easily got out of the ground,

The branch head said,

"I thought it would take some effort to take this sword from ground, but it came out easily "

Sky said,

"How unusual... usually the weapon with its own energy chooses it's owner "

A smile came up on the branch head's face when he heard this,

Sky said,

"Let me hold the sword "

The branch head nodded and gave the sword to Sky,

Sky was surprised by the quality of the sword and said,

"How can a mediocre sword have its own energy... usually these weapons are of high quality "

Sky swings the sword couple of times,

"I don't think this weapon chooses its owner, it just let the wielder use its power "

The branch head asked,

"What do you think it's power is? "

Sky said,

"I don't know but we can test it on a monster "

The branch head nodded and said,

"Let's head back and check it's power if we encounter any monster "

Sky said,

"We didn't encounter a single monster on our way here though "

Morsh said inwardly,

'It's because of the dark energy... the monsters are more sensitive to instinctual fear '

They got out of the forest and headed back to the city,

One of the alchemists said,

"The ground was definitely burned by magic "

The branch head said,

"We will report this to the city lord... but we should pace up for now "

Everyone nodded and they increased their speed,

As they got close to the place they were ambushed earlier Sky said,

"Stay alert, we are near the place we were ambushed earlier "

Morsh smiled,

'These idiots can't even hide their killing intent '

Morsh unsheathed his sword and a tiny glint of dark energy could be seen on it,

The priestess was confused and asked,

"What happened? "

Morsh smiled but didn't answer,

The priestess grinned her teeth with anger,

Iris said loudly,

"It's an ambush... protect the client "

They quickly surrounded the alchemists,

Around 50 men came running out of forest from all direction and surrounded them,

15 of them covered their weapons in aura,

A tall muscular bald guy with a long metal spear in his hand manifest aura spears around him,

Chris said,

"They have a first-rate warrior among them "

They felt the pressure from the first-rate bandit,

The traitor alchemist walked out from behind the bandits and said to the first-rate bandit,

"Those adventurers killed the others "

One of the second-rate bandits said,

"They are just kids boss... we can deal with them, you don't have to involve"

The bandit boss took back the aura spears and said,

"You have 5 minutes to kill them"

Sky said,

"We have to make an opening for the client to run away "

He then turned toward Morsh and saw him smiling,

Morsh said to the alchemist branch head,

"Do you want the traitor alive? "

The branch head said,

"We should focus on running away..."

Morsh said,

"I will take that as a no "

Morsh took a few steps forward,

One of the bandits said,

"Is he going to surrender "

Morsh disappeared and appeared back,

The bandits were surprised and confused,

One of them said,

"Am I seeing things... he vanished for a second there "

The bandit's boss took a few steps back as he saw what just happened,

The head of the bandit who have said about surrender fell on the ground,

Morsh noticed the bandits boss stepping back and said,

"You head will fall with your next step"

The bandit leader stopped and sweat started dripping from his forehead,

He asked polietly,

"Who are you? "

Morsh smiled and disappeared,

Bandits and the alchemists were all shocked by this,

While Sky and other are smiling as they have seen this a couple of times,

The alchemist branch head asked Sky,

"Is he a mage? how can he disappear like that? "

Sky said,

"He did not disappear, he is just so fast that our eyes can't see him "

The heads of the bandits were falling one by one,

The boss of the bandits could only see a blur and said,

"How can he be so fast that even a first-rate warrior like me can't keep track of his speed "

He turned back to run away but fell on the ground instead,

He tries to stand up but couldn't feel his legs,

He turned and saw his legs a few meters away from him,

His eyes widened as he started feeling the pain of the severed legs,

"Ahhhhhhhhh "

He screamed so loud that the birds nearby flew away,

Morsh had already killed all of the bandits,

Only the traitor alchemist and the bandit's boss were alive,

The traitor alchemist started crying and fell on his knees and said,

"Please spare me... I swear you will never see me again "

Morsh said,

"How can I spare you when you tried to kill me "

The alchemist said,

"I have a family "

Morsh walked up to him and said in his ear,

"I will send them to you in couple of days "

He then decapitated the alchemist and walked over to the boss of the bandits,

The boss has lost consciousness,

Morsh stabbed the sword on his head,

Morsh then absorbed all of the souls from the sword,

'Leaving some dark energy in the sword is always handy '

Others ran up to Morsh and Sky said,

"We are glad to have a warrior like you in our team Pete "

Morsh shrugged his shoulders and started walking toward the city,

Iris was blushing and thinking,

'He's handsome, arrogant and rude... but it's only after he take the drugs'

Sky asked the alchemist branch head,

"Is his personality also the effect of the knockout drug? "

The branch head said,

"Yes, it is possible... the drug affects mind after all "

Sky nodded and said,

"Let's head back to the city then "

They then started walking toward the city,

They reached the city in about 2 hours,

After they entered the city, the alchemist branch head said,

"Our journey together ends here... see you again sometimes "

Sky nodded and said,

"Yes we will see you again "

The alchemists then goes on their way with the sword in the hands of the branch head,

Sky said,

"What should we do now "

Rock said,

"Let's have a drink "

Morsh said,

"I have something to do, I will see you tomorrow "

Rock extended his hand to put on Morsh's shoulder but stopped midway due to Morsh's gaze,

So he mustured some courage and said,

"You can't go... we haven't had a day together "

Sky said,

"Yes, and it will also be troublesome if you had your trauma attack in the middle of street "

Morsh thought,

'Hmmm... I don't know when Pete will take over so it's not a bad idea '

Morsh said,

"Ok I will spend the day with you "

Everyone smiled and the Sky said,

"What should we do then "

Morsh saw everyone smiling and said,

"I changed my mind, I will see you tomorrow "

He then disappeared,

Sky and others were surprised while Iris has a disappointed look on her face,

Morsh reached the market,

There were a lot of soldiers patrolling on the market and the streets,

The soldiers were checking people randomly,

Morsh said inwardly,

'So, the city lord got the news of his right hand man being assasinated '

Morsh walked up to a soldier and asked,

"What happened? "

The soldier looked at Morsh and saw the adventurer's badge and said,

"Get lost bronze rank "

Morsh smiled and said,

"Ok if you say so "

Morsh then walked away from the soldier and entered a inn nearby,

He puts gold coin in the front desk and said,

"I want a room for a day "

An old man quickly grabbed the gold coin and escorted Morsh to his room,

Morsh sat down on the bed and summoned 10 dark knights,

He took our swords form the storage space and covered them with dark energy and them to the dark knights,

He then took out cloths and said,

"Cover yourselves with these cloths so that no part of your body could be seen"

The dark knights quickly wore the cloths,

Morsh then ordered them,

"Go out from the window and massacre the whole market "

Morsh then opened the window and the dark knights jumped down from the window,

Couple of soldiers saw the dark knights jumping from the window and one of them shouted,

"Put your weapons away and follow us for the checking"

The dark knights started killing the peoples and soldiers around them,

The soldiers were mostly third rate so they were no match for the dark soldiers,

The citizens started running away from the market,

Some of them were hiding inside the buildings,

Morsh was watching everything from the window,

Morsh ordered dark knights through the voice transmission,

"Don't follow them inside the buildings, it's a waste of time"

The dark knights have already killed most of the citizens in the market,

Soldiers were coming but they were no match for them,

Even Childrens were not spared,

The market which was filled with peoples is now filled with corpses,

Only those who have hid themselves inside the building were safe,

Morsh took back the dark energy on the swords and absorbed the souls,

He then ordered the dark knights,

"Go in an alley"

As the dark knights entered the alley, Morsh dismissed their summon,

From the citizens perspective, the dark knights just vanished leaving their swords and cloths behind,