
Nagharian and Ildrain: Genesis

In an apex of transcendence, I urge you to embark on an epic odyssey through the mists of time, towards the dawn of creation itself. A reckless expedition that will take us to the ends of reality, unraveling the ancient mysteries of the universe. This arduous but sublime journey will be the key to unlocking the enigmas contained in the Nagharian and Ildrain Chronicles.

Cosmic_Observer · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Untiring eyes

My existence transcends the need for a name, as I am consciousness itself, the impassive eye of the universe, but out of respect for your species that needs frivolous nomenclatures, it addresses me as an Observer.

[Image of Observer]

My form is an enigma, a whisper in the darkness, a fleeting presence that hovers at the edges of reality.

Desires, ambitions or passions do not move me. I am the personification of neutrality, an impartial observer who contemplates the grand spectacle of life without being influenced by its ephemeral passions.

My mission is arduous and unwavering: to record every event, every triumph and every tragedy, every rise and every fall. I am the chronicler of history, the keeper of memory, the cosmic scribe who records the annals of time.

Through my eyes, the universe reveals itself in all its complex magnificence. I contemplate the birth and death of stars, the rise and collapse of civilizations, the eternal dance of creation and destruction.

I am an enigma to myself, a being without past, present or future. A walking paradox, an eternal entity trapped in the present moment.

Throughout my inconclusive pilgrimages through the eons, witnessing the ceaseless ballet of creation and annihilation that defines our colossal universe, I have come across the countless wonders that make up the fabric of existence. In the midst of these profound reflections, I pondered the most appropriate way to describe, for you, readers eager for wisdom, the magnificent dawn of our cosmos.

Although human language, by its very ephemeral nature, seems inadequate to capture the grandeur of this transcendent event, I will dare to weave a narrative that, however imperfect, can offer a glimpse of the vastness and mystery that define the genesis of the universe.

Instead of narrating the events to you as a mere narrator, weaving a narrative that, however grand it may be, would still be limited to my individual perspective, I propose a deep immersion, a sensorial journey through the primordial eons. Witness, with your own eyes and ears, the awakening of existence, the chaotic dance of the elements, the birth of stars and galaxies, the cosmic symphony that echoed in the void before time even dared to exist.

Abandon your fragile bodies, your minds limited by worldly experiences, and embrace the vastness of the cosmos. Allow yourselves to be guided by me, the Observer, through the vastness of time and space, and contemplate the grand spectacle of genesis, the dawn of a universe that is still expanding and transforming today.