
Luna's Journey

The Leo kingdom came to be by uniting the military forces of all 12 zodiac family's to fight off the demon beast created by the cat. King Leonidas was fair, and equal to all his subjects. He created a round table of 12 to give each family a voice on country affairs. This allowed everyone to set aside their difference, so that all of the demon beast could be killed or sealed away. This ushered the world into peace times, and a few generation went by. The war with the demons was a distant memory in the peoples mind. Leonidas the V has just had his coronation, and he declared that he will marry a woman from the Gemini family that is a prue blood. This declaration was the beginning of the down fall of the leo Kingdom.

The Geminis capital is surrounded by a forest of mist that makes one lose their sense of self and direction if entered uninvited, or without the natural blessing of the Geminis them self. In Gemini traditions woman are the head of the house hold being that men are less likely to have Geminis out side of their zodiac. The ability to access more than one zodiacs sign has led Gemini woman to be highly sought after by suitors of other households. However they're mainly wanted as mistress instead of wives, because they where raised in a matriarchy making it hard for them to concede to their male counterpart.

My name is luna and my sister name is Sun I believe when this all started we had just turned 18. We are what you call pure blood's being that we are actual twins. I have access to both the Gemini Zodiac and the lion; while my sister has access to the Cancer. We have both recently received a marriage request from King Leonidas. Neither of us had any intetions of accepting, but the town elders got together and decided that it is not an invitation that we could decline. As soon as I heard that I already knew that my time at my sister's side was coming to an end. My sister begged the elders to reconsider, but to no avail. I remember her telling me that'd it'll all be okay. You see pure blood's can not lie to one another, so my sister words where reassuring. The next day I was sent to Leonidas with the company of my sister. It took three days to make it there from the Gemini village. I have never been outside before, so the journey was nice. The first night we stopped in a town ruled by the pig. This was the first time I have ever seen so many people at once without out a fair or ceremony going on. I was so excited to explore the town, but I felt a little faint. My sister escorted me back to our motel room and I passed out immediately at the time I just thought it was exhaustion. By time I woke up we where already on the rode again. This was my last day of freedom, so I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. Although my sister had other plans she denied every request I made to stop while ignoring me the whole time. When we finally settled down and made camp she just up, and vanished taking one of the coach men with her. I waited up until she finally returned alone. She ignored all of my question once again not even making eye contact. This made me really angry to the point I told her I hated her and I'm glad that I will be getting married tommorow. Those words come back to haunt me every night since I learned what she was doing for me. The journey continued and we eventually made it to the gold Gates that cut off the castle from the rest of the world. As soon as we crossed that line time seemed to have slow down to the point I was abled to count every lion figured object in that court yard. When the carriage came to a stop there was an army of knights with swords drawn towards the sky. A long yellow carpet leading to a twin set of half spiral white stairs, and right in the middle was young man in ceremonial amor bearing a lions crest. He welcomed me with a poem that I Unfortunately can't forget.

*Luna your hair is a beautiful jet black that no black hole can mimic, your skin is tone that no chocolate not even milk could compare, Oh Luna let me be the sunlight that helps you shine at night*

Almost immediately after I made it inside his bright yellow place I felt as if I got stuffed directly into that white dress only after meeting the man once. I also have seen no sign of my sister since I made it inside. I was nothing but a princess locked in a tower. I demanded to speak to the King multiple times about my current treatment, but every night would just scoff at the idea of listening to me and just told me he was busy. So I prepared a carriage and forced one of the younger recruits to take me around town. The town's people where all excited to meet me and I received a bunch of offerings. Some of the neighborhood children where playing and ended up bumping into me. Once it happened the atmosphere immediately changed all the town's people where looking down or away except for one woman running in my detection. She kneel down immediately while pushing her child's head down begging for his life. I was completely shocked and confused at her reaction, so I guided her to her feet and used win magic to clean off her apron. I asked her why I would take her life, and apparently Leonidas the III allowed those with Noble status to execute civilians who go against them in order to maintain peace. When I heard that I was wondering what type of man I was about to marry until I saw my sister walking with some man into a Inn