
Mythical Tree

Some people might say that god exists and some might say that god is just playing games with us. “God is just a fairytale that our parents tells us.” -Kazuki. He is just a normal high school student, going through his nightmare of life and trying to stay on the peaceful side. One day a giant tree grew in the middle of City A. - 5/9/2097 “What? Isn’t this is the day that both of my parents died?” -Kazuki Ever since what happened that day, people started disappearing from City A. “I hope I won’t be the their next target.” -Kazuki. !!Warning don’t expect good grammar and experience or whatever!!

P3epot · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Creator’s note

If you were ever going to read this, it's going to take about 1-3 days for me to upload a chapter!

I am not very experienced on writing novels, so this is really new to me! I am quite slow at typing..

Thanks for reading!

- P3epot

About the "novel" storyline: Vol 1 is going to be about Kazuki's (Main character) life! This "novel" is going to be a short story. Which is like less then 20 chapters. (Unless I change my mind ^^) I am going to split the story in to 3 vol (beginning, middle, end)! It's easier for me to think it like that. Vol 1 is going to be shorter then Vol 2 and Vol 3, Vol 2 It's going to be the "main story line".

I hope you will enjoy my little story!