
Ch 1: Strange Situation

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Rythemic breathing and shouting sounded through the hall of a Japanese Edo period styled house a a single person was practicing martial and weapon arts in it's dojo. This person was Jack , the current hier to the Bronzewill family. The Bronzewill family have always been practitioners of the martial arts as well as weapon masters of the one-handed long swords and spear's.

The martial art that the Bronzewill family has used for the past 10 generations is called Teras Rusikus, which means 'steel fist' in Estonian, where the Bronzewill family bloodline originated, but then migrated to Japan in the pursuit of perfecting a style of martial arts unique to their family. They also Incorporated the Japanese style of spear martial arts into their style and changed it to suit the Teras Rusikus. Each member of the Bronzewill family practices this unique fighting art and the most prominent member is either elected the family head or chosen as the next family head.

The current family head is Jack's father, Arvius Bronzewill, and Jack is the next head. Jason was chosen as the next family head due to his extraordinary talent when it comes to the martial arts, school and managing the family business.

Thanks to his talent, most people would expect him to be arrogant, prideful, and bad-tempered if he is proven wrong or is insulted in any way. But the result is actually the opposite, when is confronted with any situation, good or bad, he always maintains a calm attitude that accepts everything around him. And while he does posses talent, he is never satisfied with the his results and always strives to do better. When he is corrected on anything he accepts the correction in stride and works to understand why he was wrong, when he is insulted by others, he simply ignores it because he has simple categorized those kinds of people as, 'ignorant idiots with too much time on their hands'. Finally, when he talks to other people, he never overestimates or underestimates them. He only see's the people around him for who they are, while paying no attention to what they are.

Due to this extraordinary way of living, the people around him have started to give the title of, 'The Perfect Human', but Jack has never liked the title. This piqued the interest of some people who heard about Jack's dislike for his title and curiousity got the better of them so they decided to ask him personally.

"Hey Jack, why don't you like the title of 'The Perfect Human', does it seem to grandiose to you or is it because you're pursuing an even higher title?"

Jason answered without any hesitation.

"It's obvious, it's because there is no such thing as perfection, everything in the world and beyond it has it's flaws. There aren't any exceptions."


"Then... Doesn't that mean that you also have your own flaws?"

"Of course, though I haven't been able to figure out what they are yet. Maybe someone with better insight than me will find them." After saying that to the curious citizens, he left saying he had to return home to practice his martial arts.


Jack was considered a prodigy not only because he has almost mastered his family's martial arts and weapon arts, he was striving to develop his own version where he dual wields two one-handed longswords along with his mastery of spear techniques. This constant drive to improve himself earned him the respect and admiration of many others from his generation and the former generation.


But then one day when Jack was walking home from school a a cloudy day...

"Looks like it might rain later today."

He picked up the pace to get home faster when at a crosswalk he say a little girl lose her balance at a the curb and fell in front of a car that was heading towards her.

Jack immediately struck his feet against the ground and launched himself at the girl.

Bad idea, maybe...

"He's definitely going to die!", that was the thought of many people around him, but...

"Like hell I'm going to throw my life away just to show off for a few seconds!!". This was Jack's thought as he raced to save the girl. He new himself well enough that pretending to be a hero didn't suit him the slightest. He wasn't trying to save the girl to boost his ego or get some kind of reward for doing a good deed later on.

Jack was simply taking action because his personal belief is that anyone who needs a special title or reason to save someone is an idiot.

He is simply doing 'something' instead of doing 'nothing' and live with a bad taste in his mouth.

As soon as he got within arms reach of the girl, he reached out and grabbed her by the scruff of her shirt and yanked her out if the path if the car and back onto the sidewalk.

The last thing Jack wants is to get himself killed when he still has many things he wants to accomplish.

He quickly set the girl down and checked her for any injuries. He nodded, satisfied that she wasn't hurt and told her to pay attention better on on the road, and went back to walking back home.

But on the way home he noticed something strange, he had walked this path home many times and he knew how long it took to do so. but it's been twice as long since he began walking and his house was nowhere in sight.

'Did I take a wrong turn somehow?'

This was his first thought, but then decided against it because he knew his neighborhood like the back of his hand. It was very unlikely that he took a wrong turn.

He tried moving forward again while this time observing all the minor details, and this time he realized that he had already passed the usual general store twice, and not only that but it was only the early afternoon and there was no one in side. Not the old clerk behind the register or any customers.

It was only now that Jack realized that there was something seriously weird going on now, and he seemed to be at the center of it. He then took out his phone and saw he had no reception, or internet connection.

"Alright, either I've been caught up in some kind of weird situation that can't be explained with science, or some God is playing a prank on me."

"I assure you young man, this isn't a prank."


Immediately after he heard that voice coming from his left, he stomped his left foot on the ground and darted away from the voice while at the same time pivoting on his right foot when he landed to see who spoke.

To his surprise, the owner of the voice looked like a middle aged woman with flowing silver hair, fair white skin, loose looking black robes with stream line gold embroidery, and her eyes were a pure blue color that almost... actually scratch that, they were definitely glowing a bright blue color.


Jack maintained his vigilance against her because even though she revealed herself and partially confirmed that she was the one who was behind this weird situation is a nice manner, she hasn't provided any proof that she doesn't have any malicious intentions or scheme's. There was also the fact that she responded to his joke of an observation that a God was playing a prank on him, this proves that she is either a nutcase who believes she is a God or is an actual deity. Jack doesn't have good opinions about gods because they always try to manipulate mortals behind the scenes for competition or for amusement. Jack understood this by reading lot's of ancient history and mythology, and he drew the conclusion that no God does something out of good will without some kind of strings attached.

Little did Jack know that the 'god' before him could read his mind and giggled at his thoughts. "You certainly have the right mindset when confronting a deity, but you could try to be more tact with your thoughts. Many other gods won't be as tolerant as me when confronted with on opinion like that."

Jack backed away even further from the goddess, (at least he knew now the figure before him was indeed a God), prepared to run away at the slightest sign of danger. But this notion only lasted for a few seconds before he decided not to.

This is many because of two reasons, the first is that the goddess before him took the time to create a situation to talk to him even at the expense of preventing him from running. This shows that she wants to discuss something with him peacefully. Although he doesn't know if he has a choice in the matter.

The second reason being that the person before him is a literal deity, not something a mortal like Jack can do anything about unless some god-slaying weapon comes falling out of the sky, which is unlikely. So he might as well hear her out and decide what to afterwards.