

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


In the beginning of time, there was a god. A god so powerful and wise, strong and intelligent. The god created the universe, worlds and his children, the Magistrates. Each Magistrate rules over their own land. Although one Magistrate was unpleasant of what he's ruling, the underworld. He was furious, mad, angered. He asked his dad, the god, to why he was given the underworld, to that the god said that he has a lot of darkness inside him, he tried to take it away but it seems it was too powerful. Since birth this Magistrate is always a problem child, a black sheep, a spoiled one. But after all that he is still the favored child of the god. Upon hearing the statement from his own father, he got mad, he fought back against his own father. His siblings tried to stop him. And so they did stopped him. The god apologized as he sealed his favorite child on the underworld. Now known as the dark god or the god of darkness, he swore his revenge on Elysium. Civilization came in and 7 lands were ruled by the 7 Magistrates, Euruthia Kingdom, Geisenburg Empire, Limheim Domain, Asakumo Shogunate, Jinxiang Dynasty, Astradtnoya Federation, and Mer Cristallisée Republic. Each lands praise their own Magistrate, they fought in wars to know who has the strongest Magistrate, for resources, and many more. Some time later on modern technology has entered the world, magic and technology were applied to to items. Of course with this, Humanity, Beastmen and Elves has achieved even greater achievements. The year was 1939, another war has started, and this was called the 2nd Great War. This was started by a person on Limheim with their aid the Asakumo. Although after 6 years they were defeated. The dictator that started the war who killed over 1.3 million beastmen was executed. Asakumo closed it's borders due to shame although they still allow traders to come. Many years has passed and the year was 2018. It's a peaceful life now (not really) and people are having fun with even more advanced technology. Smartphones, Televisions, and many more. This world has indeed evolved into a new age.