
episode 3/final

(The screen opens at recess, where the screen shows a quick glance of everybody with kooky phones, texting, taking pictures, and other various things)

Mystery: I don't get crazy phone days, it seems odd, but normal at the same time.

 Sally: It's not supposed to make sense, all you have to do is the craziest thing with your phone.

Mystery: I still don't see the point of this foolish day.

Milly: You can figure out any plan of any villain, but you can't handle a little fun.

Mystery: I just don't like playing on phones that much.

Sally: Sometimes, I don't get why we're friends, mmm.

Mystery: I know that sound that means you got anonymous text If I'm not mistaken.

Milly (showing Mystery and Sally): I got the same text message.

(Everybody showed the private investigators, the text they got on their phones)

Mystery: It seems that somebody doesn't want to investigate anymore, but who and why?

Mystery: I need a list of everybody in school, Sally can you handle that, and milly I would like you to find out anybody acting suspicious. While I figure out why somebody would send the whole school, let's go.

(The private investigators meet in the library) 

Mystery: So far I figured out why somebody would send it to everybody, so they could cause trouble and people would blame us,so Sally found something.

Sally: The only people that I found that would've had it out for us is Mrs. Briane, Regina, and Fren.


Milly: But, it couldn't have been Fren or Regina they told us about them getting the message.

Sally: So it's  perfectly clear who it is so let's go.

Mystery: Hang on milly was she acting suspicious yes now that I think about she always kept giving us the stink eye.

Mystery: It's official we need to stop her before something bad happens. 

(But it was too late Mrs. Briane had given everybody 9 passages for homework and two detentions for two weeks . Now everybody blaming the private investigators)

Mystery: We must stop Mrs.briane before we become the most hated investigators ever.

Sally: And our reputations are ruined.

Sally: I think I have a way of catching Mrs.briane.  I just need a voice recorder, a newspaper and an empty room.

(Sally, Milly, and Mystery revealed that they quit being investigators)

(The screen switches to Mrs. Briane drinking coffee)

(Sally reveals evidence to other teachers)

(The episode ends with the other teachers punishing Mrs. Briane by making her do all their assignments for the week)