
episode 2

(The episode opens with Mystery talking with Sally and Milly in the empty art room)

Sally: Brilliant, I'm in.

Milly (shyly): I'm not sure, If I could do that.

Mystery (puts her hand on Milly's shoulder): It'll be okay, we will be working as a team.

Milly: (sighs) Alright. But, before we get into that I found something very interesting, while trying to help

(Milly showed Mystery and Sally a moment when she was with patricia at age 7)

The video: I'm sending you message as a warning.

(The screen shows Patricia chase Milly while using her powers  and her grandfather: a man with white hair, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans taking her away.)

Patricia: Smile for the camera now, so your future self can what happens when you mess with grandpap you have 20 minutes to run faraway.

patricia's Grandfather: If your lucky you make it.

Mystery: Interesting , it seem that this grandfather of patricia's is very clever and smart he can't be tricked that easily.

Milly: Then how are we going to stop him from trying to get rid of me?

Mystery: I might have another idea, well put it into action at lunch, but now I've to to go to Mr. Brown's class.

Sally: And I need to go to mrs.becker's classroom.

Milly: Ok see you later.

(The screen shows Patricia's grandfather watching Sally, Milly, and Mystery through a computer screen)

Patricia's grandfather: Patricia I need you to watch that girl mystery she might be trouble, if things get out of hand capture her understand.

(Patricia is watching, while Mystery was working in the library for anything suspicious about milly's friends/family tree)

Mystery (searching through a big brown book with a star crest on the middle of the book): Interesting, it would seem, that somebody wanted to keep Milly's family, except the tale about her grandfather's sister, I got to find out, why.

Patricia (standing in the way): I don't think so.

Mystery: Patricia, thought somebody was watching me, which is why you should realize, your grandfather is the only clever one

(Mystery pushes a red button, from under a table, which makes the table into an robotic 12-year-old girl, that has short black hair, steel skin, and red/orange outfit)

Patricia (surprised): Oh, come on, what detective has that.

Mystery: This is my robot pal, Iris, I made her when I was 9, for the science fair, Iris ready.

Iris: Ready, mystery.

(Patricia tries dodge Iris moves, when a bunch of book all on her)

Patricia (moving the books off of her): Is that all you got?

(While Mystery is letting her robot fight, she reads more that It was actually very useful it said that his sister loved solving mysteries and helping the people anywhere in the world that in trouble.

That's not all his sister also found the legendary book about the secret library of Debra swan the library that can give every single information about the secrets of all the enchanted worlds and mystery found out something else to help her out with case it seems that patricia's grandfather found the book

.But couldn't open it with the blood of the a child in milly's family and since she the only teenager left in the family on he mother's side)

Mystery: So, that's why patricia's grandfather needs Milly,wait then that means he's apart of Milly's god family, oh boy and I sense something else.

(Patricia knocked her out with her special perfume )

Patricia: Sorry Mystery, but it seems that your not going to be solving this case .

(Sally and Milly get worried about mystery so they go looking for and figure she was in the library with some clues)

Sally: Look at this you clearly tell that Mystery was trying to figure out more of why Patricia's dad wants to get rid of you.

Have you ever heard of the legendary book about the secret library of debra swan? So it's simple Patricia took mystery and now she probably going to send a text that says you either come to the bridge or you will never see your friend again.

Milly: Oh no now I got mystery into trouble I have to save her.

Sally: Not without plan I have an idea

(Sally get past cameras,lasers,and robots that can absorb energy and let's Milly in)

Grandfather/fred(while he was getting a blood sample, Sally, and Mystery came in): You don't know how long I waited for this.

Mystery: Not so fast, fred you are not opening that book on my watch

(Mystery threw the boomerang and it knocked the book out of his hand toward her and she grabbed the the scissors and Fred Milly)

(The episode ends with Patricia and Fred taken by the police, Sally, Milly, and Mystery smiling as they walk home)