
episode 1

(The episode opens with a brown building that has the name 'Harrison Middle school' on the top of the building)

(The screen switches to the guidance office, where an adult that has short red hair, wearing a white dress and heels named Ms. Aria handing a paper to Mystery: a girl with red hair with black highlights, white skin, wearing a black white t-shirt, blue pants, glasses, and black shoes)

Ms. Aria: By the way, mystery your mother called  and, she said, try to make some friends.

(The screen shows Mystery standing in front of the chalkboard with Mrs. Rose: a woman who has curly pink hair, white skin, wearing a white workdress and heels)

Mrs. Rose: Everybody, welcome Mystery.

(Some students clapped)

Mrs. Rose: Okay, Mystery, you can go sit in front of (points to Sally) Sally

(Sally: a twelve-year-old girl with raven-like hair, blue headband, white skin, blue dress with white swirls, and pink shoes waves at Mystery)

(So, Mystery sits in the desk that is front of Sally, the desk is facing Sally and there are two other doors facing each other by Sally and Mystery)

Sally: Is Mystery, your real name or a nickname?

Mystery: Real name, and i'm guessing you're a gossip girl.

Sally (curious): Am I that obvious?

Mystery: No, I'm just good at looking at people personalities.

Sally: Interesting (writes into her notebook) How did you get your name?

Mystery: My mom walked into the room one day and saw me watching a detective movie and then, the name Mystery was born.

 Sally: Wow! Well, I'm only into gossip to figure out the truth in case somebody  hiding a secret that causing trouble.

 Mystery: Sounds to me like you like mysteries too, but you do it in a different way.

 Sally: Maybe we could be partners , the private investigators.

Mystery: I like the name, let's do it.

(Mystery and Sally high fives)

(A shadow is shown, Sally and Mystery look up, and they see girl with red hair and orange highlights, that looks like a phoenix,white skin with braces and glasses, that has brown t-shirt, blue pants, and black shoes holding a book)

 Milly (looking shy): So, if you two are solving mysteries, can you help me, when are you available?

Mystery: Meet me at my house (gives a paper to Milly) this my address and also tell me anything that happened around this week everyday at lunch, ok.

 (The screen switches to an empty art room, where Mystery and Sally met up with Milly, Mystery looks through all of Milly's texts on her phone that contains lots of secrets)

 (The screen switches to Milly coming into Mystery's second room that looks like an office)

 Mystery: Come in milly.

 Milly (near the table): I came for some information.

Mystery: What kind information?

 Milly: About my family being accused of hanging out with aliens.

Mystery: Do you have any photos?

 (Milly showed mystery her family photo book, then they talk to each other, while observing the photos)

Mystery (while trying to make out some pictures) : wait a minute, stay there.

(Milly sees a message saying 'Bring 20 dollars  to the bridge and come alone, no funny business.')

Mystery: look what I found.

(Mystery gives a look of suspicion)

Milly: So, what did you find out.

 Mystery: ok, I found  that our messager is indeed correct about you.

 Milly (shocked) : I don't believe it.

(Mystery shows the pictures and explains what she found out)

Milly: If it's my messenger was one there friends why erase it.

 Mystery: Well it was to make sure nobody figured her out and so she erased, but left her fingerprints.

 Milly: I still don't get why does she or he text me and not anybody else in my family.

 Mystery: I think I know.

(The episode ends with Patricia: a girl who had long curly blonde hair, wearing a pink dress closing a book, as she looks on the phone. Then, she smiles evilly)