
Chapter 5 Meet Raphael for the First Time

In response to Anna's kindness, Akasha tried to get rid of the messy thoughts in her mind. At this time, she saw a strange figure walk into the dining room and sit next to her.

Is this Raphael?

As soon as he sat down, he attracted everyone's attention in the restaurant.

Raphael was tall and thin. His skin was cold and white, but his lips were very red. His short hair was as black as the dark night. The distinct color difference made his appearance more attractive. Every part of his face was perfect.

When Akasha looked at him, Raphael also raised his eyes. After the two looked at each other for a short while, Raphael turned to look at Count Edward.

The moment the two looked at each other, Akasha felt that Raphael was like a demon from hell, with a faint coldness in his black eyes, as if he could absorb everything.

"A vampire in the castle," Akasha thought of Anna's description about Raphael. She had to say that it was really well described, Raphael looked more like a vampire than she was!

Count Edward raised his glass and signaled to Raphael.

"Raphael, here you are! The woman next to you is my fiancee."

Raphael replied to Count Edward.

"Thank you for your concern, uncle."

It seemed as if waves were surging under the ground.

It was rare for Anna to be quiet and eat in silence.

When Raphael turned to look at her again, Akasha picked up her glass and said politely.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Akasha!"

Raphael said indifferently, raising his chin.


Raphael's arrival seemed to have muted the entire restaurant, and everyone fell silent.

Akasha ate the food with a knife and a fork like them and tasted the wine in her glass. The grape-flavored wine was the only food that Akasha could taste at this table. She liked the sour and bitter taste, so she drank one after another.

It was not until she smelled the sweet smell of blood in the air that all vampires could not resist.

Raphael's finger was cut open by a knife, and fresh red and sweet blood gushed out from the wound.

Akasha fixed her eyes on the flowing blood.

Her stomach was eager for food. Her heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of her chest. She could hear the chewing sound of others, the clang of knives and forks when they touched the plate, and all of them disappeared.

Akasha hadn't eaten the real vampire food for a whole day. Only then did she feel a deep hunger. She slowly lowered her head as if she was bewitched. She was about to touch it.

Raphael removed his hands from the table and stared at Akasha suspiciously and thought. 'What does she want to do?'

Akasha licked her lips and looked at the red blood obsessively, her eyes following Raphael's movements.

Raphael watched Akasha raise her head slowly. Her blond curly hair cascaded back with her movements, revealing a flushing face and watery blue eyes. The tip of her tongue licked her lips unconsciously, pure and attractive.

"Ahem!" Raphael put his fist against his mouth and cleared his throat. "My hand is injured. I think I need to deal with it." Raphael reached out his injured hand.

All of a sudden, everyone in the restaurant focused their eyes on Raphael, to be more exact, on Raphael's injured hand.

"Jessie, call the doctor to deal with Raphael!" Count Edward put down the glass and calmly ordered a servant.

"I can't stay here any longer. Enjoy your meal!" After saying that, Raphael gave Akasha a meaningful glance, stood up, and left, leaving behind a group of people at the table with their thoughts.

Akasha gradually came to her senses when Raphael spoke. Raphael's meaningful gaze made Akasha want to hide in shame. "What did she do?"

"Father, I'm not feeling well. I'm leaving now!" All of a sudden, Anna stood up and left with an unusual look on her face.

Akasha looked at Anna in surprise. Anna walked away in hurry and didn't talk to Akasha.

Seeing Anna leave, Akasha politely left and caught up with Anna.

"Alas! What a pity! I didn't enjoy the dinner!" After Raphael left, the short man seemed to have restarted a switch and made a sound, but his tone was so serious that it didn't match his words. There was no regret in his tone.

The fat man shook his head and sighed while struggling with the meat on the plate.

"It's so hard for Count Edward to manage this big family alone!"

Count Edward drank the last mouthful of wine and wiped his mouth slowly with a silk handkerchief. He didn't pay much attention to the people at the table leaving one after another.

"Sir, what are you talking about? It's my duty to worry about the Raphael family. Let's enjoy the dinner as much as we can!"

Akasha caught up with Anna in front of her room. Anna looked strange. She clenched her fists and her body trembled slightly as if she was suppressing something. Her smiling face was replaced by a cold expression.

"Anna, what's wrong?" Noticing that Anna didn't look well, Akasha asked cautiously.

Anna cast a gloomy glance at her and shut the door without a word.

Akasha was confused. She widened her eyes and couldn't figure out what was wrong with Anna. Everything was fine before.

The maid who followed them shook her head gently to stop Akasha from knocking at the door.

"Miss Akasha, don't worry. Please follow me. I'll take you to your room." Noticing that Joan wanted to talk to her, Akasha left with her.

"Miss Akasha, Miss Anna is suffering from a strange disease. She will become very strange when she relapses. She will do all kinds of unusual actions, with emotional ups and downs. Sometimes, she will even be furious and hurt the people around her. The count has to send her to this remote manor. Miss Anna must have known that she was going to be sick, so let her be left alone! When she relapses, you'd better not get close to her. This may be the fate that the people of the Raphael family cannot escape! So does Raphael young master. He always sees something strange and gets hurt inexplicably. "

Joan told Akasha about the shame under the calm of the Raphael family

It was late at night, and the manor fell into silence. As a vampire, Akasha seldom slept. At night, she was the most active. The moonlight outside the window made her brain excited.

Lying on the bed in the room prepared for her, Akasha could clearly remember what had happened today. It was the first time she saw Anna, the moment she was bewitched by Raphael's blood, and the moment Joan talked to her.

Everything was so inconceivable now. As a vegetarian vampire, she had accidentally broken into the human world and began to have a strong desire for eating blood. In the past, when she smelled the blood, she only wanted to vomit. The charm of pure blood was enough to make all vampires crazy. Thinking of the strange disease of the Raphael family, Akasha had a faint guess that there was also a vampire in the world.

No vampire could refuse pure blood. Akasha had seen the introduction of pure blood in an ancient book. Pure blood could make the vampire reach the perfect level, and even make the vampire become a human!