
New home New name , same game

well my name is JHada West and I work at 1stLady's beauty salon ,and I'm a week away from graduating high school at 18 . well almost 18 its a week before graduation that I become a mature adult in the pack . but out here I'm a young adult who is too smart for her own good and damn good when it comes to hair styles .

my Phone starts to ring , It's not like I don't know who it is ? Jaleel's been calling me since I left the pack . so has Clara . but thank Goodness they have different ringtones

Hello Jay , hows it going?

you didn't call when you were settled in and we still have to plan your party what is going on ?

Jaleel I was packed between work and school you got to give me some lee-way here. I tell him as i finish cleaning up shop for the night .

I'm sorry i cant help but worry, your family is freaking out that your gone and , your sister's gone hey wire trying to find you and bring you back she literally Intergrated Clara and me to see when the last time, we saw you before the rogue rave.

OMG how's Clara is she alright?

you know how she is, she always on to the next event and don't let anyone stress her out when it much more important things to worry about. I laugh a little because it's true Clara has always been that way since we were kids.

while Jaleel was starting to plan my birthday party, I began to dozes off into my own little world. Until Lalisa walks into the room. Are you seriously going to doze off on the person you are on the phone with that's just rude.

Lalisa shoved me on the floor after she came yelling and storming in. Geeze Liza why are you so harsh? you really didn't need to shove, and it's just Jaleel planning my birthday next week, not one of your boy toys that you try to sneak in here almost every other night. I say to her.

wait Hold up you mean that bestie boo that has been calling you day in and day out, she says trying to take the phone.

I jump pass her easily with this secret reflects, Ni no you are not ever to talk to Jaleel or go near him. He's not someone for you to play with and he takes Relationships seriously. You just can't flirt with hi just because you want to hit and quit. that's not how we are raised from my hometown. Damn Why? are you so protective of this man, he's not even your boyfriend, or as you put it Boy toy.

HEY, I'm still here you know! Hello ladies... Uh! yells Jaleel over the phone. Give me a min Jay ... I say as -I put the phone down.

Lalisa I told you before don't challenge me and you will live to breath another day. I'm not the girl you want to be trying to test. I say to her.

she looks at me like, I'm just talking spit.

Let her have it Says Mars. She won't quick until someone puts a foot up her butt Mars continues to say.

Jaleel plan the party without me, I'll call you later If I'm not in jail first. I told jay and hung up the phone.

Do you really want to do this Lisa ? I question her looking at her getting ready to charge at me.

a smirk came across her face. you know, I know you are all talk and no bark. she says. coming at me

I smirked, you have no Ideal who you are dealing with I state in the back of my mind. she comes at me with a right hook and i dodge and hit her with a two-piece combo. she looked at me like a deer in head lights.

Do you know that's going to leave a mark? she questioned me. looking at puzzle and annoyed. I really don't care I warned you too many times, now get ready for the worst kicking in your life. we went at it until the neighbor called the cops and I disappeared for at least two and a half hours. Until I knew that it was clear.

that's when the police found me.

Are you Ms. Jhada West? asked officer J Nelson.

yes, I am. and you are looking for me Because?

I questioned him. with no emotion or fear. what reason do I have to fear the police.

there was a fight at your apartment, with a roommate of yours and we wonder if you knew anything about it, he asked as if I was there? yeah I knew about it, I'm the one she had a fight with. I'd warned her and she came at me, and I have the video to prove it. I told the officer who looked at me like I grew three extra heads.

we went back to my place, and I showed him the videos about my warnings and today. Look I know what a battle to abandon, but when someone continues to challenge my patience, I take matters into my own hands knowing that I have the strength to pull through a lot of punches. plus, the police take forever, and the person keeps coming at you until they feel you are not going to do anything about it but cry or call the police.

Even if they get arrested, they still come back until the person fights and they are dead or beaten to death. I continue to explain to the police Office Nelson.

impressive, but it's reckless to do such things on your own. HE speaks.

I'm able to take care of myself. I may not look like it but, question do you see on mark or injuries on me?

he took a step back, and scan me up and down, TBH I kind of like him doing it. No not one mark or injury is on you, but that roommate of yours is injured.

Scuffs she deserves a few marks but most of them are from those foolish men of hers that she plays with from time to time. I told him.

thanks for coming but I have work to do and tell Lalisa to find a new place by the end of the yr. or I will leave her belongings for the garage man to pick up. I told officer nelson walking towards my car. he must have thought I was crazy, but I was so serious, I was tired of Lalisa and her Issues, and her mating style isn't reasonable to a young lady such as myself.

I drove off played BlackPink "shut down" then Jimin "Set free" part 2 them just let the playlist play out. I love BST and Black Pink because they are the best I've heard. I can't wait to go to one of their concerts as soon as I get over the crowd thing and having panic attacks.